Crossing the chasm as a tech scaleup in 2024 - Paul Wiefels

Tech Marketing Trends Podkast

Are you planning to launch a new, cutting-edge tech product? How will you bring it to the larger market? How do you avoid getting stuck in the marketing chasm: the adoption gap between early adopters and mainstream users?

Paul Wiefels, co-founding partner and managing director of Chasm Group, counsels dozens of tech companies from startups to Fortune 500s in corporate, business, and market development strategy.

As a guest in this week’s podcast episode, Paul - who did a seven-year marketing stint at Apple during their fledgling years - shares how he and Jeffrey Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm (and one of our former podcast guests!) founded the Chasm Group, a consulting company that is built around the models explained in Crossing the Chasm.

Paul also elaborates on marketing strategies for tech companies today as apposed to 30 years back and speaks about common pitfalls that companies face during the innovation adoption phase.

Get in touch with David on LinkedIn:

Visit the Chasm Group website:

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