Culture Attracts Clients

Visionary CEO Podcast Podkast

About This Episode

When your business’ culture is operating from a place of transparency, integrity and in alignment with your values, you will attract the type of clients you want to work with. Breanne and Jill explore what it means to show up for your clients as it aligns to your values on this episode of the Visionary CEO Podcast.   

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Key Takeaways

  • [2:06] Extending the concept of culture and values by making better decisions about the clients that you're attracting.
  • [5:20] Transparency and integrity with your values: working towards living, implementing and acting in alignment with those values day in and day out.
  • [10:51] When you and your client’s values are in alignment.  
  • [16:01] Performative values versus true values.
  • [22:49] Communications rhythm - how you ask your team members to act in alignment with the values of the business.
  • [23:35] Purpose, vision, mission, and values. 
  • [28:13] Next time, Breanne and Jill will explore how you can build a more culture and values-aligned team. Let us know how you’re attracting clients with your culture on Instagram or Facebook, use #VisionaryCEOPodcast!

Mentioned in This Episode


Production for Visionary CEO Academy Podcast is provided by Podcast Taxi.

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