Didn't See It Coming with Marc Stoiber

Marc Stoiber
Didn't See It Coming with Marc Stoiber Podkast

Join Marc as he digs into the brand and marketing secrets of everyone from brash startup founders to sophisticated corporate marketers. An easy, conversational podcast with tips and hints guaranteed in every episode!

  1. 22.11.2020

    How to create a transformative personal brand

    'Personal brand' is an overused, increasingly meaningless term. What it should stand for is clarity in who you are, and what you stand for. But it has been co-opted by the get-rich-quick-self-help crowd, and devolved into little more than superficialities - what you wear and who you hang out with.  So it was with a cynical eye that I opened an email from my friend Mark Busse, asking me to take a look at his personal brand document. The document floored me. It was an intensely personal exploration into every facet of Mark's personality, both intimate and bold.  I jumped on the phone immediately with Mark, who revealed it was an exercise he had conducted with a personal coach. Not only had it helped him gain clarity into what really mattered to him, but it provided a compass for decisions - both personal and professional - he might make in the future.  In fact, Mark recounted that he had shown the document to a prospective employer. The employer was floored, and offered Busse a job on the spot. Tellingly, Busse refused the post, insisting the employer meet Busse's wife and, together, they should dig deeper into personal fit before proceeding.  That's when I knew I had to share Mark's story. Over the course of two recordings, Mark and I explored his journey with the personal brand exercise.  The first recording was done before Busse and his wife had met the prospective employer. The second, after. I'm not going to spoil the podcast by telling the outcome. Enjoy!

    1 t 11 min
  2. 25.05.2020

    Delivering brand disruption, one order at a time

    As COVID and the economic meltdown grind on, we're seeing yawning market chasms emerge that are ripe for brand disruption.  One of the most glaring is the massive gap between 'big' retail and, well, all other merchants.  The poster child for big retail is Amazon. Granted, the giant has delivered an excellent product for these strange times, enabling us to do our shopping from the hunkered-down safety of our homes. But when you contrast that with the crippling effect the shutdown has had on local merchants - 35% of whom are expected to never emerge from the enforced closure - you see that we're losing something important here. Local retail is what makes our cities dynamic and vibrant. They stitch our community together. What's more, they're a critical piece of our financial ecosystem: the dollars we give them are recycled back to the rest of us.  The last thing we need at moments like these are maudlin, overwrought commercials from big corporations reminding us how much they care about frontline workers. Spare me.  What we do need are new brands that take advantage of the disruption to deliver new business models, fill niches, and even give some of the most hard-hit businesses a leg up. That's the sort of stuff I cheer for. A few weeks back, I was introduced to the founder of one of those new brands. Gabriel Cornejo of Delovery.  I loved the business so much I immediately volunteered to help them with their brand positioning work. And I invited Gabriel on my podcast. His story definitely deserves to be told.  Over the course of our podcast, we covered the inspiration behind Delovery, Cornejo's philosophy of service and social sustainability, and even the brass tacks of how Delovery would deliver the goods.  Enjoy! If you enjoyed this podcast, you'll probably like these as well: Doing a successful pandemic brand pivot In disruptive times, you need outsider marketing Want to avoid big brand mistakes? Download my book Stop Busting Your Brand.  And please, don't forget to share this podcast on social media!

    44 min
  3. 30.04.2020

    Doing a successful pandemic brand pivot

    How do you do a successful pandemic brand pivot? COVID has spawned a cottage industry of advice on  shifting the tactics of your brand - amping up the education and free value to your followers, reaching out more often, focusing on empathy over persuasion, etc etc. But so much of it seems, well, timid and incremental. And - speaking as a focus group of one - most of it is absolute shite. If I log onto one more webinar that delivers lame advice taken from the back cover notes of a Seth Godin book, I swear I'll walk off a bridge. Where are the awesome pivots? Where are the titans forging brave new paths forward? Well, I found one. And as luck would have it, he was right in my backyard, here in Victoria, BC. Matthew Watson is the CEO of SendtoNews, the biggest sports video service you've never heard of (I can't take credit for that handle - it was the headline of a great Toronto Star story). The company provides engaging, up-to-the-moment official video clips from major sports leagues to publishers. They even attach advertising to the clips, sharing the ad revenues with the publisher and league. SendtoNews is a beast - outpacing even ESPN as a video sharing platform. They share over one billion video views a month. But when COVID hit, one of the first casualties was sporting events. No sports, no sports clips. How did SendtoNews pivot? Amazingly well, as it turns out. They started an entirely new video clip sharing service that actually made March 2020 the company's most successful month ever. What was the new offering? It's all in the interview I did with Matthew. Enjoy! Enjoyed this podcast? You'll probably love these ones, too: The innovation story every frustrated entrepreneur needs to hear.  Turning ugly constraints into beautiful innovation. Want my insights straight to your inbox? Subscribe to my newsletter.  And please, make sure you share this story with your friends!

    35 min


Join Marc as he digs into the brand and marketing secrets of everyone from brash startup founders to sophisticated corporate marketers. An easy, conversational podcast with tips and hints guaranteed in every episode!

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