
Dusha Podkast

Hello! It's Mark and Artyom. We make a podcast about purpose and values in business We want to help companies build corporate culture in another way: where purpose is more than making money, and values live in actions and not just a piece of paper


  1. 07. How to make a living doing what you love with the cofounders of The Happy Startup School


    07. How to make a living doing what you love with the cofounders of The Happy Startup School

    Laurence McCahill and Carlos Saba have founded The Happy Startup School — a community of entrepreneurs that put happiness and impact before profits. In this episode they told us how to turn a company into a happy startup and whether it is the best way to become successful. Оne of the most difficult issues we discussed was finding a passion that drives you. Other points were also meaningful: — how people can make a living by doing creative things; — why we should think twice before turning our hobbies into a career; — why it is crucially important to stop and consider your ways, even if there is a rat race all around; — what you need to do first before launching a new business: test the idea or test yourself; — how communities can boost your business growth. Moreover, Laurence and Carlos talked about the tool they have created for early-stage startups — The Happy Startup Canvas. This framework helps to create the DNA of organizations: define the main purpose and core values ​​of companies which are necessary for their future growth. If you want to find your passion and build a happy startup, turn on this episode and let it be a source of inspiration to you. Dusha website: https://soul.bz/ The Happy Startup School: https://www.thehappystartupschool.com/ The Happy Startup Canvas: https://www.thehappystartupschool.com/building-a-startup-that-matters Contact Artem: https://www.facebook.com/yourstorytel Contact Mark: https://www.facebook.com/mkhlynov

    1 t 0 min
  2. 06. From “Thank you” to results: how to build a culture of gratitude with Chester Elton, Сofounder The Culture Works


    06. From “Thank you” to results: how to build a culture of gratitude with Chester Elton, Сofounder The Culture Works

    Our today's’ guest is often presented as the “Apostle of appreciation” and very rightly so! Chester Elton, cofounder of consulting company The Culture Works, focuses on creating the culture of gratitude in organizations. “Oh come on, again some stuff about gratitude?!” someone might think. And yes, this topic is really well-known and regarded as something ground level. But shockingly it is not only still in play but thriving and needed by people and companies alike! To prove that Chester quotes his engagement research conducted with over a 1’000’000 respondents all over the world. The research showed that 84% of employees are ready and willing to work harder, if their manager gave them more appreciation and expressed more gratitude. Chester shared his practices and insights on how to build a culture of gratitude and make appreciation effective. One of the insights I really liked was the answer to my question: “Can you become fed up with appreciation?”. Chester said: “Artem, you are married as I can see. Do you get tired of sincere words “I love you” from your wife? No. And that’s why you don;t get tired of sincere and on-point appreciation, because “Thank you” in the workplace is the synonym to “I love you” in your personal life”. Go grab your insights from the interview :-) The Culture Works website: https://www.thecultureworks.com/ Chester’s contacts: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chesterelton

    27 min
  3. 30.07.2020

    05. National vs Organizational: how to match cultures across countries with Annette Dahl, Founder C3 Consulting

    Today’s guest on Dusha podcast reminds me a story. At 5:46 A.M. on January 17, 1995, a massive earthquake shook the city of Kobe, Japan, killing over 5,000 people, and leaving 300,000 injured or homeless. Measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale, it was the worst earthquake Japan had experienced in over 70 years. One of the hardest hit parts of the city was Rokko Island, a manmade island about two miles square that sits 500 yards off the southern coastline, in the Port of Kobe. It’s connected to the mainland by only two bridges. Both were heavily damaged by the quake, and closed for traffic and people. For several days, people were unable to leave the island, and food and supplies were slow to get in. P&G’s Northeast Asia headquarters is located on Rokko Island, as are the homes of many of the employees who work there. During the days after the earthquake, some of the only accessible food was in vending machines. When a machine was found still working, a line would quickly form in front of it until its contents were gone. At one such machine on the P&G grounds, one of the men lined up was an expat manager from the United States on a temporary assignment in Kobe. When he finally reached the front of the line, he purchased four beverages— one for each member of his family—and then left. If he had been more observant, he would have noticed that everyone else in line purchased only one beverage and then went to the back of the line to wait for an opportunity to buy a second or third. Fairness is an important part of the Japanese culture. Everyone in line surely would have preferred to purchase several items at once. But out of respect and fairness to the others, they waited in line for each purchase. And while the expat from the United States didn’t notice what the local Japanese employees did at the vending machine, they certainly noticed what he did. Even in this most extreme situation — when a man could surely be forgiven for thinking of his family first — his behavior was viewed as dishonorable. Long before the office was repaired and ready to resume operations, word had spread of his misdeed. His reputation was damaged to the point that he could no longer function as a leader. You can’t lead a group of people that doesn’t respect you. He was quickly reassigned back to the United States. Knowing how your national culture influences the behaviour and the local and international organizational culture is crucial to success in international organizations. Today’s guest, Annette Dahl, the CEO and Chief Trainer of C3 Consulting is the go-to expert when it comes to mixing and matching national cultures. In this podcast Annette shared practical tips to establish a functional organizational culture, including the Two Icebergs model and 3E principle. C3consulting website: https://c3consulting.dk/en/home Annette’s contact: https://dk.linkedin.com/in/annettedahl

    43 min
  4. 04. If you want a culture that works, invite people to join the campfire — with Jitske Kramer (Human Dimensions)


    04. If you want a culture that works, invite people to join the campfire — with Jitske Kramer (Human Dimensions)

    Sit down, relax. Do you hear the wind blowing up the fire? No, that’s not a deadline closing by, that’s an amazing campfire conversation we have for you. In this episode we are joined by Jitske Kramer, corporate anthropologist and the founder of Human Dimensions. Jitske travels all over the world to learn from traditional healers, leaders, surprising innovators and random passers-by. She looks at the world and at organizations through the eyes of an anthropologist. Cultural anthropology is the discipline that asks what it means to be a human among humans in organisations and beyond. In this episode we explore how this wisdom can help us lead companies in modern age by the laws that are still working for all human beings. And to get the context to Russia, we are also joined by Arsenty Anikeev from “Training Boutique” that are official partners of Jitske in Russia. In this paradoxical episode you will not find all the answers, rather you will obtain questions to seek the answers for yourself. Get ready to explore what it is to be human. Company’s website: https://humandimensions.com/ Jitske’s contact: https://jitskekramer.com/ Books: The Corporate Tribe , Managing Cultural Dynamics and more -- Как посидеть у костра, а не поседеть на совещании — о корпоративной антропологии с Итске Крамер, основательницей Human Dimensions Присаживайтесь поудобнее, расслабьтесь. Слышите, как ветер раздувает огонь? Это не очередной горящий дедлайн, это удивительно тёплый диалог у костра, который мы подготовили для вас. В этом выпуске к нам присоединилась Итске Крамер, корпоративный антрополог, основатель компании Human Dimensions и автор книг-бестселлеров в теме корпоративной культуры. Итске путешествует по всему миру, чтобы учиться у традиционных целителей, новаторов, лидеров и шаманов. Она видит мир (и показывает его другим) через призму культурной антропологии — дисциплины, ключевой вопрос которой: «Что значит быть человеком среди людей в организациях и за их пределами?» В этом эпизоде мы погрузимся в знания из прошлого, которые помогают компаниям сегодня создавать работающие культуры и достигать удивительных результатов. А чтобы прочувствовать российский контекст, к нам также присоединился Арсентий Аникеев, консультант Тренинг-Бутика — компании-партнёра Итске в России. В этом парадоксальном эпизоде вы не найдёте всех ответов, но получите вопросы, которые помогут обнаружить свои ответы. Приготовьтесь к исследованию того, что значит быть человеком. Сайт компании: humandimensions.com Контакты Итске: jitskekramer.com Книги: Корпоративное племя , Как управлять корпоративным племенем

    56 min
  5. 03. I said “Three!”: how to narrow down values to actionable top-3 with John Waid, Founder of Corporate Culture Consulting


    03. I said “Three!”: how to narrow down values to actionable top-3 with John Waid, Founder of Corporate Culture Consulting

    How many values should a company have? 3? 5? 20? Each company finds the right answer for itself (well, 20 is clearly too much, but you got my point). But our today’s guest has a clear answer for each company. John Waid, founder and CEO of Corporate Culture Consulting, states it clear — there should be 3 values, no more, no less. Moreover, John says that each of these three values has its own role and purpose (more on that in the podcast). John shared how his approach helps people, companies and even countries stay connected and increase their results with corporate culture. We discussed cases of Delta, SouthWest Airlines, Boeing, KFC and many more companies, explored the influence of values on the numbers and wrapped up with a really great discussion of the role of a leader in the culture work. The key insight for us was the decision to focus on 3 values connected to their single purpose. You may find this decision not practical for your company, but that’s not important — the real gold here is that each value should be questioned  “Why do we need it as a group and what does it help us to achieve?”. That way your values will really drive your results and behaviors of employees. Have a great time listening to this episode! Corporate Culture Consulting website: https://www.corporatecultureconsulting.com John’s contacts: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnwaid -- Я сказал «Три!»: как сузить ценности до трёх формулировок, влияющих на поведение, с Джоном Уэйдом, основателем Corporate Culture Consulting Сколько должно быть ценностей? 3? 5? 20? У каждой компании свой ответ на этот вопрос (и да, ответ «20» очевидно не самый удачный). Но у нашего сегодняшнего гостя, Джона Уэйда, основателя и генерального директора компании Corporate Culture Consulting есть четкий ответ на этот вопрос: ценностей должно быть три. Мало того, в своём подходе Джон определил функционал для каждой ценности, и c радостью делится примерами того, как этот подход работает для людей, компаний и даже стран. Мы рассмотрели кейсы компаний Delta, Southwest Airlines, Boeing, KFC и многих других, вместе исследовали влияние ценностей и культуры на результаты бизнеса и завершили ценным разговором о роли лидера в построении культуры. Для нас главной находкой стало функциональное распределение ценностей — может быть, вы сочтёте его неверным для своей компании, но задать себе вопрос: “А для чего нам как команде эта ценность, в чем её роль?” обязан каждый, кто хочет добиться результатов от работы с культурой. Приятного прослушивания!

    41 min
  6. 02. Lie down to get results: how to create the horizontal culture of the future with Samantha Slade, Founder of Percolab


    02. Lie down to get results: how to create the horizontal culture of the future with Samantha Slade, Founder of Percolab

    Self-determined salary. Collective decision making. AI that tells stories. Two of those three things are actually not a myth, and luckily for us, robots haven’t made it this far (yet). Our today’s guest, Samantha Slade is the co-founder of Percolab, an international co-creation and co-design firm. She pioneers culture-driven practices and operational tools for the future of work and helps companies shift from traditional structures to non-hierarchical organizations of the future. Not only has Samantha shared the numbers and research proving the efficiency of non-hierarchical organizations, she also gave really practical advice on how to introduce practices like self-determined salary and collective decision making in the workplace. To be honest, we were sceptical even though I saw Sam’s TEDx talk, but she’s crushed our doubts in an instant with real cases, examples and numbers based results. In terms of culture we have discussed the values needed for the shift to a horizontal culture, how these values and practices should be introduced and what’s the key driver for success (spoiler alert: it’s something starting with “leader” and ending in “ship”). Listen and don’t forget to check out Sam’s new book, “Going Horizontal”: https://www.amazon.com/Going-Horizontal-Creating-Non-Hierarchical-Organization/dp/1523095261 Percolab website: http://www.percolab.com/ Samantha’s contact: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/samanthaslade -- Примите горизонтальное положение для новых результатов: как создать в своей компании не-иерархическую культуру организаций будущего с Самантой Слэйд, основательницей Percolab Самоопределяемые зарплаты. Коллективное принятие решений. Искусственный интеллект, который рассказывает истории. Две из этих вещей уже стали явью, и к счастью для нас роботы-сторителлеры не входят в их число (пока что). Сегодняшний гость, Саманта Слэйд, основатель компании Percolab — настоящий пионер развития рабочего места будущего. Саманта вместе с командой помогает компаниям перейти от традиционных структур бизнеса к не-иерархическим организациям будущего. Саманта не только поделилась результатами такого изменения культуры, но и подробно рассказала, как внедрить в коллективе практики будущего — самоопределяемую зарплату и коллективное принятие решений. Честно говоря, мы были настроены скептически и всячески пытались задавать каверзные вопросы, даже несмотря на то, что ранее видели выступление Сэм на TED. Но она разрушила наш скептицизм точными примерами, кейсами и реальными результатами внедрения практик в ее компании и в компаниях ее клиентов. Что касается культуры, мы поговорили о том, какие ценности необходимы на пути к горизонтальной организации, как эти ценности внедрять через ежедневные практики не-иерархичности, и в чем состоит ключевой драйвер изменения культуры (спо

    36 min
  7. 01. How to find the Purpose of business and put it into words to lead your team — with Joey Reiman, Founder BrightHouse


    01. How to find the Purpose of business and put it into words to lead your team — with Joey Reiman, Founder BrightHouse

    How do you boil down the purpose in one phrase, especially a company purpose? How do you make that phrase catchy, so that employees, partners and clients are all energized by that phrase? A smart word play is not enough, you also need meaning, a touch of history and a representation of company’s future. Luckily, there is a company that does just that – and for quite a while! BrightHouse company founded by Joey Reiman has been helping companies articulate their purpose for more than 20 years – and the companies are real giants like как Mercedes-Benz, Bank Of Montreal, Daimler Trucks & Buses, BCG Digital Ventures etc. Here’s a Purpose crafted by Joey we want to share with you as an example – Mercedes Benz “First Lead The Way”. It’s absolutely beautiful in so many ways: — You can understand it as “Those who came first will determine how things are” and that represents the history on Mercedes as the pioneer in their field. — Or you can understand it as “Those who go ahead of everybody show the right way” and that clarifies the ambition and the future of the company since Mercedes are aiming to radically lower pollution and move towards the cars and engines of the future. —  Or if you are an employee you can understand it as a clear call to action – whatever you do your main priority is showing others around you the right way to do things. — And there are more meanings hidden in that purpose. On our podcast Joey has shared what a purpose is, how it is different from mission and vision and how to get new results with purpose. Enjoy the interview! BrightHouse website: https://www.thinkbrighthouse.com Joey’s contacts: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeyreiman -- Как можно в одной фразе передать свое предназначение, особенно если ты не один человек, а целая компания? Как сделать так, чтобы эту фразу понесли на флаге и сотрудники, и партнёры, и клиенты? Тут нужна не просто красивая игра слов, но и смысл, отражающий амбиции компании, её происхождение и видение будущего. К нашему приятному удивлению, в мире есть люди, которые занимаются этим уже давно! Компания BrightHouse и её основатель, Джоуи Райман, за 20+ лет на рынке помогли сформулировать призвание таким компаниям, как Mercedes-Benz, Bank Of Montreal, Daimler Trucks & Buses, BCG Digital Ventures и многим другим. Хотим поделиться с вами своей любимой формулировкой, вышедшей из под пера Джоуи. Призвание компании Mercedes – “First Lead The Way”. И прелесть формулировки многогранна: — Во-первых, её можно понять как «Те, кто пришли первыми, покажут остальным, как надо», и это отражает историю компании, ведь Mercedes — пионеры автомобильной отрасли. — Во-вторых, можно перевести это как «Те, кто идут первыми (лидеры), показывают остальным верный путь», и это отражает будущие амбиции и стремление компании радикально снизить загрязнения среды из-за автомобилей благодаря инновациям. — В-третьих, перевод «В начале покажите направление» заряжает сотрудников компании на действия – в приоритете д

    45 min


Hello! It's Mark and Artyom. We make a podcast about purpose and values in business We want to help companies build corporate culture in another way: where purpose is more than making money, and values live in actions and not just a piece of paper

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