EP 80: How to Flow and Flourish

Capacity Conversations Podkast

Welcome to the Flow and Flourish Podcast. This is what I like to call a “sister-friend” community, which is the safe space to talk openly and honestly about the challenges we face while managing the competing priorities between our personal and professional lives. Many of us are either in corporate, an entrepreneur of a combination of the two, on top of being moms, wives, caregivers, big sister’s or just the go-to person in our circles of friends and families. Having all that responsibility can leave you overwhelmed and depleted if you don’t take inventory of where you’re at on a regular basis.

In today’s episode, I go deeper into sharing what it actually means to flow and flourish. I’m talking definitions and all! Then, I share with you the “how” which is the most valuable part, so you can do what you need to do. Here’s what you get in this episode:

3 Ways to Flow and Flourish:

  • Check your capacity regularly
      • What are you giving your time/energy to?
      • Is it aligned to your  values/goals
      • What needs to shift in this season?
  • Prioritize
      • Determine essential vs important
      • Make a ‘To Don’t List”
      • Setome some time boundaries
  • Plan ahead
    • Productivity power hour (brain dump)
    • Map out your week and weekend
    • Put it on your calencar

After you’ve listened, I invite you to connect with us me social media. Ilove to hear how this is helping you, so make sure you tag me on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn with your favorite takeaway from the episode.

As a Capacity Coach, my philosophy is that when you flow effortlessly, you flourish tremendously. And when you do, it allows you to show up in excellence in all the areas of your life. Because I’ve been in your shoes, I am excited to be your guide on this journey. My promise is to help you increase your capacity by creating balance between your personal and professional life, without ever having to sacrifice yourself, your family, and what matters most to you!

Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast, it makes a big difference! And of course, make sure you share this with at least 3 women you know need to hear this!

Nicole’s Contact Info:

Website                Complimentary Capacity Check-in          Capacity Calculator   

Instagram             Flow and Flourish Community              LinkedIn

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