In this episode:
•Gina has the same thumbs as Megan Fox. We're going to start a Clubbed Thumb Club.
•Beth has big hands and excels at Thanksgiving hand turkeys.
•Crows and rats have infiltrated the neighborhood. A murder of them. Send help.
•Beth went on a yoga trip and got farty in the mountains. Yes, it was a case of the altitoots. Totally a thing.
•We cry in yoga. Maybe a lot. Deal with it.
•Beth is throwing a yoga retreat with her lady friend Vyana. They're called Wild Spirit Retreats, and you should totally go. You can cry in class. It's a safe space.
•Talking on the phone makes us weird because texting has ruined everything. Great. Great. Ok, LOVE YOU! Bye. *awkward face emoji*
•Gina wrote A Few Words On Body Shaming and posted a photo of her body in a bikini on the internet. People had things to say, and so do we.
•Kathryn Budig makes us super happy in this video. We're all real women, my friends. #AllTheBodyLove
•In this week's Gluten Free Gossip, we're chatting about being a great gluten-free house guest as well as an awesome host to guests who have food allergies. You can get a ton of this info from this awesome post.
Have a questions for us? Write to us here, and we'll try to answer your questions on the air! xox
- Show
- Published6 August 2015 at 08:31 UTC
- Length1h 39m
- RatingClean