Episode 170: Retirement Wellness: Financial Checkup & Tips

Our 2 Cents Podkast

We are back this week with another great episode of Our 2 Cents with Steve and Gabriel. They are excited to share some quick hits with you before diving into their main topic for the remainder of the episode: Retirement Wellness. Listen in now using a link below!

  1. Monday's Moon Shadow:
    • Those in a 115 mile path stretching across Mexico, the U.S., and Canada will get a brief glimpse at a "hole in the sky" moment on Monday. 
    • Be sure to wear your Solar Eclipse protective eyewear, and we hope you enjoy the sight!
  2. Retirement Wellness: Financial Checkup & Tips:
    • Where to start: Checking your vital signs (a.k.a. your cash flow).
    • Goals check-in: The progress made towards your goals.
    • A strong immune system: Maintaining healthy saving and spending habits.
    • Debt evaluation: Any extra debt dragging you down?
    • Portfolio screening: Investment alignment with your risk tolerance and goals.
    • Prescriptions: Your homework for maximizing your financial health for your next check-in.
    • The follow-up: Regularly re-visit your retirement plan, your investment goals, and your overall financial health.

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