Episode #28 Why your marketing should focus on one compelling message to one niche

Perry Mardon's Evolve Show Podkast

Most businesses offer a range of products or services. But the mistake many business owners make is to market their whole range of offerings to customers, thinking that offering more will bring more clients and success. 

They couldn’t be more wrong! In fact what they’re doing is positioning themselves as a generalist, not an expert. This will attract the wrong type of client who is only interested in price and not likely to be a long term client who the business owner can have a long and profitable relationship with. 

In my second show with Steve, a Qigong expert, I discuss how defining a high need, high value avatar or niche with one main problem that needs solving doesn’t restrict what you do but helps you position yourself as an expert who can solve that problem. Once you’ve done that and gained their trust, you can introduce your other services. 

You will learn:

  • That by centring your marketing around one key message creates clarity that your clients will love - something that most businesses don’t offer
  • That your message will need to address a big problem that your target market suffers from
  • That all of your communications should show the benefits of solving this problem
  • That focusing only on one thing in your marketing isn’t restrictive, it allows you to position yourself as an expert who people will trust
  • That once clients trust you, they are happy to purchase your other products and services!

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