Episode 30: How to clone yourself using communication frameworks with Josh McKitterick


Rockstar Trainer Josh McKitterick shares how to “alchemise” ideas into tangible dollars.

Show Notes:
Josh hangouts with the smartest kid in class to learn how to pass the exam. [2:21]
Josh shares his highest value. [2:59]
Building a different way of learning. [7:58]
Josh’s explanation on how he absorbs information and be able to teach that information [9:12]
Recipe on how to clone yourself. [12:54]
The importance of being in context. [15:29]
Building rapport. [16:59]
9 box principle [24:37]
Josh in trusting real estate agents. [29:02]
High Trust selling in sales process. [29:30]
The biggest struggle of trainers. [33:09]
A wise word from a smart motivational speaker [36:10]
The best way on how to make the framework works best. [38:01]
Tips on how to manage your or to keep going on the things that you’ve been doing [40:31]

Follow Josh McKitterick:
Website – https://www.rockstartrainers.com
Email address – josh@rockstartrainers.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/rockstartrainers
Twitter – @swingjoshi
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-mckiterick-26a8777b/


Episode 30: How to clone yourself using communication frameworks with Josh McKitterick

Josh McKiterick 0:00
What some students come up and learn how to do hospitality, right. And what I found was my trainers were walking behind the bar and teaching them to make a mixed drink and they would start by saying, what we’re gonna do is we’re going to make a vodka and orange juice. So just jump behind the bar and do that. And the kids would freak out because they had no idea what vodka is. They knew what Bundy was and rum water and Jack Daniels. But you know, they might not know what tequila was or they didn’t know that rum was also white.

Narrator 0:33
Welcome to the Unfair Advantage Project. Unique perspectives, practical insights and unexpected discoveries directly focused on giving you the unfair advantage. Introducing your hosts, Nadia Hughes and Terence Toh.

Terence Toh 0:52
Welcome to the Unfair Advantage Project. I’m Terence Toh one of your co host today I’m joined by Nadia. Good morning, Nadia.

Nadia Hughes 0:58
I’m, Nadia Hughes from Unfair Advantage Accounting, and I’m very happy to be here.

Terence Toh 1:03
The rebrand Unfair Advantage Accounting. I love it.

Nadia Hughes 1:06

Terence Toh 1:08
And today, very special guest someone, a friend of mine, I called him my friend I reckon. Josh McKiterick, who works with experts and helps them to produce world class training. And today, he’s gonna have a chat with us about how to clone yourself using communication framework. So good morning, Josh. How are you?

Josh McKiterick 1:27
Terence, Nadia. How are you this morning? I’m well.

Terence Toh 1:30
We’re amazing.

Josh McKiterick 1:31
That’s good.

Terence Toh 1:33
Especially Nadia.

Nadia Hughes 1:33
Yes. So you said you helping experts? How did you come to this point, when you can help experts. I can’t see myself approaching experts and go, Okay, I can help you.

Josh McKiterick 1:48
For me, it started in high school. It’s funny when I think back to this, so I get an amazing score in high school and high school was amazing, very easy for me. And I remember walking in the door with

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