Funnels Are For Phonies

Real Estatepreneurs Podkast

Many real estatepreneurs have been duped into believing they’re only one funnel away from an extravagant lifestyle. 

But the truth is that it requires a lot more work than that. 

In today’s episode, we’re showing you how to put in the necessary hard work while also slacking off too… 

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • Why you’re not “one funnel away” from living all your wildest dreams (2:09) 
  • The biggest mistake 99% of real estate investors make that’s keeping them broke (3:35) 
  • How to appear everywhere in a local marketplace without flushing millions of dollars down the drain (10:01) 
  • How to close deals –– especially when your prospect is not ready to buy (10:43) 
  • The lazy man’s secret for stretching a few minutes of content into months of marketing assets (12:04)
  • Why you don't need nearly as much content as you think to build successful marketing campaigns (13:55) 
  • How to get away with being lazy in your real estate business (14:48) 

If there was ONE THING that was helpful in this episode, share this show with someone it will help, and come back next week.

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