Hear Why Email Modules Improve Quality & Reduce Effort Long Term

OneSignal Podcast Podkast

Episode 59 of the OneSignal podcast welcomes guest Dmytro Kudrenko.  Dmytro joins the podcast to discuss email design and how email modules enable marketer email flexibility and improves performance.  Dmytro has been working on customer communications, messaging, and user retention for over two decades.  He co-founded Stripo in 2017 to address the need for improved email templates and empower marketers to do more with fewer developer requirements. 

OneSignal is the world’s leading, most popular, and widely used customer engagement platform. Over a million businesses use OneSignal to build omnichannel (email, push, SMS & in-app) customer messaging journeys to drive deeper user engagement, loyalty, and business growth.  

Sign up for free to use OneSignal to save resources and increase customer retention and loyalty today.  If you enjoy the episode, please subscribe to the OneSignal Podcast and write us a review.  

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