How much should I charge? | Ep.22

Wazel Brothers Build Podkast
  • Focus on building new generators for Here Be Taverns Premium
  • Adam's process is design and build at the same time
  • Adam's approach to interlinking products together and how his projects drive traffic to each other
  • Emotion driven development
  • Heraldry generator
  • The potential for GPT-3 for Here Be Taverns
  • Can AI do visual design?
  • Decisions that needs to be made: When should I launch the premium pass?
  • Adam's rationale for his prices
  • Launching sooner so that you don't sit on value you've created
  • Using the D&D core books as a price anchor
  • Launch discount strategies
  • Think of your business goals and how your prices reflect them
  • Adam's wish to make Sword & Source a premiumish brand that differentiates on quality
  • Buying power in RPG industry
  • The Sandi Metz approach to giving away products
  • Software products can still learn a lot from retailers
  • The lameness of the gaming industry business models built around microtransactions
  • Brandon's advice to buy a trophy when you make your first sale
  • Quick update on Codex fundraise
  • Focusing on the most important type of risk when pitching
  • The chicken and egg problem of fundraising

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