Ibrahim Abdul-Matin: In Memoriam

Farming in Color Podkast

Peace and Blessings Family,

In this *episode of Farming In Color I sit down with Ibrahim-Abdul Matin who was a bright, playful spirit who authentically reflected and acted on bold questions. His artful blending of idealism and spiritual commitment with pragmatic application led him into government, public administration, parenthood, and media. His unique voice helped elevate the environmental vision of Islam, the spiritual opportunity of parenting, and the cultural and political side of sports and the possibility when people of all faiths work together to solve our shared problems (Source: https://www.ibrahimabdul-matin.com/).

*This interview was recorded over 2 years ago in April 2021. 

I want to apologize publicly for not releasing this episode when Ibrahim was still alive. I pray that the benefits for listeners will outweigh any pain/hurt that may be caused by releasing this after his passing. I am doing this having thought deeply of what Ibrahim would have wanted me to do and especially because I was beating myself up for not getting this published for over 2 years I feel very strongly that because of the person Ibrahim was that he would have wanted me to do this. However, if I offend anyone in doing this please accept my sincerest apologies - I mean no disrespect and quite the opposite - I truly hope that by putting this out into the world Ibrahim's words, perspectives and both personal and prophetic stories on such critical issues that we as human beings currently face will continue to ripple out even more and even further. I have so much gratitude for Ibrahim and what he represented and all I want to do here is share more of his bright light with the world. 

A meal train has been set up for Ibrahim's family, and anyone who has the means can give here: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/o95vg4 Ibrahim's family is asking us all to continue his legacy by supporting NuLeadership, an organization dedicated to advancing human justice. www.LaunchGood.com/Ibrahim Please remember Ibrahim Abdul-Matin in your prayers, asking Allah to forgive his sins and grant him Jannat-ul-Firdaus. To Ibrahim's entire family and all of his relations I pray for healing and togetherness and please join me in sending love and light to all those of us who he touched during his journey, Ameen.

Peace Be Unto You All

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