Ideas for the sustainable city

Hyllands verden

On 25–26 October 2019, the EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Applied Anthropology network organises the conference “Why the world needs anthropologists” in Oslo, and this year’s topic is “Sustaining cities”. The programme includes not just anthropologists, but also architects and urbanists with a strong engagement for social and ecological sustainability. In this episode of Hyllands Verden, Thomas speaks with three contributors to the conference. The widely recognised barista Tim Wendelboe speaks of changes to the value chain from the coffee plantation in Colombia to his Oslo cafe; Magnus Humle from the company “Gro grønt” (Grow green) talks about locally sourced food and growing vegetables in urban containers; and Martin Demant Frederiksen, one of the main organisers of the WWNA conference, reflects on potentials for greening the city. Thomas certainly learned a lot from this conversation, and so will you, he hopes.

Tim Wendelboe’s website

Gro Grønt’s website

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