Is a Podcast Award Nomination a Sign of Success?

Just One Tip from Your Podcast Performance Coach Podkast


You've been nominated for a podcast award (←that was me last month!). Would you consider yourself a podcasting success? Seems like an easy answer, but it's not.

Success in podcasting - especially if you're an entrepreneur - isn't just about accolades or download numbers; it's about leveraging your platform to achieve your business goals.

In this episode, we'll explore why chasing big download numbers might not be the best approach for every podcaster. I'll share insights from my own journey and real-life success stories from entrepreneurs who have redefined podcasting success on their terms.

Just like preparing a nutritious meal, your podcast should provide value and nourishment to your audience, rather than just focusing on superficial metrics.

I also highlight the various ways podcasting can benefit entrepreneurs, from building authority and attracting quality leads to driving sales and boosting search rankings - even with small numbers. It's about creating meaningful connections and making a lasting impact in your niche.

This is all especially true if you are podcasting for your business (instead of as a business — if you don't know the difference, I explain it all in episode 75)

Now, about that Ambie award nomination for the show I produce and edit, (Big Lash Energy)... it was a stark reminder that while it's nice to be nominated, it is not the end-all-be-all in podcasting success. It was a very nice feather in podcaster Jayna Marie's hat but her picture of success is oh so much bigger than this award! She is on her own path and by the way... she's the real deal!

Need some help determining what success looks like for your podcast? 

Maybe you need some help getting to that success. Let's connect and discuss how we can turn your podcasting dreams into reality. Book a free coaching call.

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