Leading with Grace Part 3: Authority with Nurturing

Publishing Secrets Podkast

In this episode, you’ll also hear:

  • The essential balance a true leader must strike — and how to do it
  • How one member of our community leads with authority while nurturing others
  • One practical step you can take to improve your servant leadership

The True Essence of Leadership

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” 

-Ronald Reagan

As Christian thought leaders and authors, we have been entrusted with a unique platform by which to influence and guide others. And, as highlighted by the above words from Ronald Reagan, we understand that the true essence of leadership is the ability to inspire and empower others to reach their highest potential. 

But to exhibit this kind of leadership, we must continually ask ourselves: 

  • How can we best uplift and nurture those we lead?
  • How can we strike the delicate balance between providing direction and fostering an environment where others can thrive and grow? 

Finding that balance can create a powerful ripple effect, not just within our immediate circles, but in the lives and communities we impact through our work. 

See, leadership is not just about guiding others — it’s about empowering them to guide themselves with wisdom and truth. Our authority as Christian leaders should be rooted in our faith and wisdom, while nurturing those we lead so they can grow and flourish under our guidance.

An Example of Balanced Leadership

For an example of a Christian leader who strikes that vital balance, look no further than a member of our own Christian Authors Network: JR Spear. 

JR is the author of The Success Guide To Building Your Coaching Empire, a strategic battle plan for motivated coaches and entrepreneurs. His journey from serving in Iraq to becoming a successful entrepreneur and consultant exemplifies the balance of authority and nurturing in leadership. 

In his book, JR provides a step-by-step guide to building a coaching business, emphasizing the importance of discovering your true purpose, creating an irresistible offer, and building a powerful team. These elements require a leader to exercise authority in setting the vision and direction, while nurturing team members to reach their full potential. 

JR’s leadership style is further evident in the Business Leaders Network, a community he founded for emotionally intelligent servant leaders. By creating a platform for entrepreneurs to educate, connect, and collaborate, JR demonstrates the nurturing aspect of leadership. He provides the resources and guidance necessary for members to grow and succeed, while also fostering an environment of mutual support and empowerment.

Thank you, JR, for setting such an inspirational example of leading with strength and compassion!

The First Step 

JR’s approach to leadership as seen in his book and the Business Leaders Network showcases the delicate balance between authority and nurturing. As established leaders, we must set clear goals and expectations, and doing so requires us to exercise authority. However, we must also invest in the growth and well-being of those we lead, which demonstrates a nurturing spirit. 

One practical way to achieve this balance is by regularly checking in with your team members as JR does with his network. Ask about their aspirations, challenges, and how you can support them. By providing guidance, resources, and opportunities for development, you can show how your authority is rooted in a genuine desire to see others succeed.

Remember, your authority should be grounded in wisdom and exercised with compassion, a

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