Learn Songs At Super Speeds, 7 Day Charting Challenge, and Penguin Shunts

Emily Is Live! Podkast

Take my 7 Day Charting Challenge

Imagine hearing a song just once and then playing it to absolute perfection! Mastering this skill will easily put you in the top 1% of all professional musicians. What’s the quickest way you learn songs?

We’ve all been there, either on an audition, before a rehearsal or even a gig - a new song is thrown our way, we’ve never heard it before, and we don’t know if it’s even possible to learn it in the time frame! Learning quickly can easily be the difference between getting a gig and not, and no-one wants to be the weakest link in the band saying ‘no I can’t do that’.

Over the last 15 years or so, I’ve used one technique to take hold of more opportunities than anything else, and it’s so simple. It’s not easy at first, but with practice, will be second nature, and you can impress people with something that may seem like a magical skill!

Join me on Emily Is Live as I share how I learnt to play whole sets of songs to huge audiences on multiple occasions, with multiple artists after hearing each song just once.

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