Hey Uncle Tuck, Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle!

Hey Uncle Tuck, Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle! Podcast

Step into the world of Hey Uncle Tuck, Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle podcast, where laughter meets insight. I’m Uncle Tuck, a Wilmington-based photographer and podcaster, bringing you a fresh take on current events, pop culture, and life’s memorable moments. Each episode is a mix of humor, sarcasm, and heartfelt chats with loved ones that promise to lift your spirits. Ready for a podcast that entertains and uplifts? Dive in and let’s enjoy this ride together! For video episodes and merch, visit heyuncletuck.com.


  1. 26/06/2023

    Holding Back.

    Hey everyone, it’s your uncle’s favorite uncle, HeyUncleTuck! And I bet you’re wondering about the title “To be honest, I’ve been holding back”. So let me explain that for you. For those who know me and really know me, see that I’ve been kind of refraining from totally opening up on this podcast. And part of the reason I have been is because I was experiencing some self doubt. My personality isn’t the easiest, and I can be rough around the edges. But one thing is I’m always genuine. And once my friends started checking out the podcast, many asked, Why am I holding back? Not Mr. Straight no Chaser, LOL. So yeah, it definitely made me think, Why not? Share my thoughts, views, and sense of humor, along with my knack for storytelling, with the masses. Another thing I believed was holding me back was my need for perfection. I needed everything to be perfect Like I needed everything to be perfect, and yes, I’m guilty of not practicing what I preach, as I always stated it’s best to get started instead of waiting for the right moment. Because waiting for the right moment will have you doing just that—waiting. So here we are recording a new episode with my new train of thought of just getting it done. And as my buddy Jurel has told me many times, “bro, you’re starting off with gear that many didn’t have access to till they made it, and many are doing more with less.” That’s when it hit me That right there hit me, and it hit me hard. See, I’ve always had some really good equipment, as I’ve been a streamer, blogger, and dabble in some music making and video editing for quite some time now. But I always felt like I needed this, as it lacked the polished look I wanted. Or at least the look I thought I wanted or needed. Jurel was right. I was way ahead of the game with not just the gear but also the skillset, talent, and moxie (not the word he used, but it was the one that came to mind). So welcome to HEYUNCLETUCK 2.0. What you can expect to hear What you can expect to hear on this podcast are my views on a variety of subjects, including pop culture, music, love, and relationships. One could say I’m very well versed in a variety of subjects, but this is what you’re going to hear me talking about.

    4 min
  2. 27/07/2022

    The Villain

    We are all villains in someone’s story Hey Uncle Tuck, here, your uncle’s favorite uncle. And welcome to Life According to Uncle Tuck. Every day is a new story. And with that, we tend to believe that the universe revolves around us throughout our lives. We would continue to live as if everything is connected to us in some manner, attempting to make the most of our life in the process of obtaining something. We live in the shape of stories that we want to tell the people we care about. All our travels and tribulations typically add up to an incredible story to tell future generations. Adventures in which we are the heroes, overcoming all odds to make our stories matter. I’d always had this wild notion about myself. In my kind of journey, I believe I am a good guy. I couldn’t possibly be a horrible character in my own story since I’m me, right? I’m the protagonist/actor in my story. Everyone else comes and goes, some engage with me, and some even play a part in my life journey. The majority of people are unwitting spectators. They’re just there for a few blinks of an eye. I do not think I’ll ever see them again. Others will be around to converse with me and to assist me in some way. They provide filler roles and assist with plot development, allowing tensions to rise or fall. They are the supporting characters who do everything they can to make my adventure a success. This group includes the bartender at my local watering hole, neighbors, and even a homeless person I gave change to on the street. Then there are the primary characters, who play minor or larger parts in various sub-stories of my life. Sometimes these storylines are linked, requiring the same person to play many roles, and in other circumstances, the person is immersed in a separate, smaller story. I’d list here all of the people who are close to me and with whom I have a relationship, such as coworkers, friends, relatives, and significant others. Finally, in my personal story, I have a small but sufficient number of villains. Devious characters attempting to tarnish my gleaming skin. I would only put a few people in this class, and I could even list them by name. They are my arch-nemesis and symbolize the polar opposite of me. As individuals live on, everyone is immersed in their own story, and the world appears to revolve around them. We are all living on the same planet, and while we may be physically close, our perceptions of the world are vastly different. The remainder of my journey plays out like a conventional tale. I must address or prevent the evildoers from damaging my inner circle. And each sub-story ends or begins with the ascension or fall of the villain. Understandably, I imagine myself to be existing in a personal adventure and tale. Most people, I assume, do. To make sense of the daily pandemonium, we must all create the correct story in our thoughts. However, viewing myself as the solitary brave warrior can lead to misconceptions about who the bad guy is in my stories. Because I believe everyone considers themselves to be a nice person. In addition, everyone admires the brave warrior. Let alone the fact that everyone believes their interests and values are correct. And knowing that means that even my villains are the good guys in their own stories. And perhaps I’m the villain in theirs. Worse, I could unintentionally become the bad guy in someone else’s adventure. Because there are no good guys and bad ones at the end of the day. It was just us versus. them. And confrontations that are either deliberate or unnecessarily created. So perhaps I should try to dismount my high horse. It’s not as though the entire world revolves around me. I don’t have to justify my behavior as divine or heroic all of the time. We should never pass judgment on another person’s story based on our own experiences. We don’t see the big picture most of the time because we’re blind to it. People may be going through things that are consu

    12 min
  3. 26/07/2022

    Renaissance Man

    I’m good! Where to begin? I’ll start by saying this isn’t my normal blog post. I would go as far as saying this is a return to my blogging roots. Honestly, I thought I wouldn’t see 50, but here I am. And it has been one heck of an adventure. Let’s see I’ve done so many things, on both sides of the morality scale. For example, I’ve done/ or been: DJ (1984-1994) Beat Maker/Producer (1986-2004; 2019-Present) Escort transportation/bodyguard & Brothel manager (1995-2006) Photographer (1983-Present) Web Designer (1997-Present) Graphic Designer/Photo editor/manipulator (2005-Present) Blogger (1999-Present) Vlogger (2012-Present) Audio & Video Editor (1992-Present) Podcaster (2017-Present) SEO / Analytics (2009-Present) As you see I kind of went in on a few things. But for the longest, I always felt that I never saw my full potential as I moved on to the next. But not totally abandoning any skills I acquired I just simply got vested into other things and moved on. Now here we are in 2021 and all these skills and talents I acquired I’m relying on them all for my current work, both professional and personal. Yet there was one thing I was lacking that I didn’t even realize. The belief that I was as good as people said I was. Often my friends brag on me about the things I know, have done, and are doing. But I just took it as friends just pumping me up. Then the BOREDinDE Podcast took off and is still growing. Getting feedback about that has really helped me see that I’m just that good. And now with Uncle Tuck, and the DJ Big Rush live stream. I’m really seeing that it wasn’t all for nothing. All the while having a great time. When I left my corporate job back in June 2021, I really wasn’t sure of my next move. But I found not one but two companies that saw my strengths and potential and brought me abroad. Who knew learning Google Analytics for my own would allow me to find employment utilizing those very same skills? I really owe this to my dad, who always instilled a thirst for learning. So doing a deep dive in books, taking classes, attending seminars trying to learn all about SEO management and Analytics really paid off. I’m able to utilize those talents and make money and keep growing and learning. Just the other day one of my homies, I can’t recall if it was G’Jurel, Mush, or Snook… called me a renaissance man. At first thought I was like Nah I don’t see it, but when I really sit down and think about it. I will be I guess I am, although I will still say I’m constantly learning and evolving. But I’ll take it. Sharing this with you all on this blog entry has got me in the zone. And I can’t wait to share this journey with you all on the Uncle Tuck Podcast. So be sure to subscribe and check out not just that podcast but BOREDinDE as well. Come take a ride with me on this fulfilling journey.

    4 min
  4. 25/07/2022


    Hey Uncle Tuck here, and this episode of Life according to Uncle Tuck is about doing the legwork, especially when it comes to web designers. Far too often I see posts where people ask for help but they’re not clear with their needs. Those looking to have a website created. Please do yourself a major favor. Take a moment and write down (yes write down) what it is you want in a website… ecommerce, subscriptions, calendar bookings, email lists etc. When you start your search. With your web designer bring all of this up and be sure that they (the designer) takes the time to address each and every need and how they will address those needs in the creation of your website. I see all too often People searching for web designers but not being clear in what they need, and only being concerned about who’s cheapest. And cheap and affordable ARE NOT the same thing. Please know not all web designers are equal. Find a designer that can explain the plus and minuses of the variety of web hosting services out here as well as define how your needs for your site will be met. I have a client who is paying WAAAAY too much money for hosting services compared to her true needs. But her ‘web designer’ came recommended from a circle of friends and that is the platform they ‘create’ on. Which is why I say you need to be absolutely clear in what it is you want your website to be and have the designer take the time to go over how they will address your needs while discussing the cost. Somethings may need to be trimmed in order to meet YOUR BUDGET. You got to have a realistic view of what you can afford and what you want. Being thorough will save you in the long run and will clear the lane of those who can build a site through raw coding, and those who only know WYSIWYG builders. Bottom line have plenty of questions and expect plenty of answers from qualified designers. So check out the episode and until next time Peace and Love folks.

    11 min
  5. 18/07/2022

    Working with Friends

    We’re cool, but I can’t work with you. Hey Uncle Tuck, here, let me share a story with you about working with people you’re cool with. I’ve been self-employed in one way or another for the better part of 2 decades. And when it comes to working on projects or assignments with friends, it isn’t always so simple. In most cases cool, and it works because you know one another. But on the other hand, it can be difficult because you KNOW one another. Recently I was working with a friend who has a fairly new company. And needed some web work and analytical work done. Cool, that’s up my alley. Things started off smooth and all. But with each passing week I felt that because the bulk of my work is really behind the scenes. It may appear that I wasn’t doing. And trust when it comes to analytics more so than web design. You don’t really see a change immediately. Like there’s rules to this. And quite honestly this company wasn’t following the rules. I offered suggestions to help increase their audience. But my head strong friend only sees value on an immediate level. So, I knew that this assignment wasn’t going to go on for much longer. And look I was right, there was an impromptu meeting and a pause of services. Which hey I get it; they didn’t see the value in what I was doing or really had no clear understanding to what I was doing. So, we parted ways. Shortly after I was picked up by another local company to do the exact same thing. But this time it was different. They listened, they adapted and now we see the fruits of my behind-the-scenes labor. I mean they were totally receptive and that made life so much easier to implement the necessary changes and really focus on growing their digital brand. So you need me after all. A week or two went by and I get a call from a worker from the other company. They said I may be receiving a call from leadership about some things not working with the website. I say to him, well it’s built on a CMS system and sometimes when the framework is updated it may cause issues with other interactions until those are also updated. Basically, is breaking, and they need it updated like asap. I just pretty much told him that I’ll pick up when they call. But to quote Fat Joe “yesterday’s price is not today’s price”. So, if or should I say when they call, I’ll pick up and hear them out. And shortly after I’ll ask where to send the invoice and that it needs to be paid prior to services rendered. The ball will be in their court but I’m groovy regardless of what happens. Live and Learn If they had be transparent with me, I could have really shown they what it is I was doing and how important it was to assist their site with both growth and stability. But like I said this particular friend is kind of head strong. And only sees value via physical labor. It also doesn’t help that no one on their team is even remotely technical. Nonetheless I wish them and their team the best. No beef on this end, they’re still cool with me. I just know I won’t be working with them after this. We’ll still be cool, but not when it comes to business. Now on the other hand I have a friend who hired me to design and build their ecommerce site. They were able to provide me with a wealth of information for what they wanted. And it was clear that they did their homework. After reviewing their traffic and working with them on their blog posts and tightening their ecommerce store. We’ve seen a steady rise in both visits and sales. They unlike the other company, allowed me to integrate their store, social media, and website into a tight cohesive. That has driven sales up, and increased exposure. And things are still getting better. Heck I’m about to assist them with launching a podcast about their brand and services. I will also be photographing both their old and new products as they used a camera phone (which wasn’t bad) for their store images. We’re also in negotiation about creating

    10 min
  6. 12/07/2022

    Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle, Hey Uncle Tuck

    Hey Uncle Tuck, here “Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle” and thanks for checking out the Life According to Uncle Tuck podcast. Now depending on how you found this podcast, you may be wondering who is Uncle Tuck???? Well, I’m Uncle Tuck… And besides being a podcaster, I’m a web and graphic designer, Photographer, and occasion I make music and edit videos. I been around a while, and I do get around a lot (not like that LOL) I recently retired from my day gig and finally branched out into the world of entrepreneurship And I’m really enjoying the freedom and learning how to be a master of my own time and schedule As well as utilizing my resources and networking capabilities For the most part it will be just me sharing some stories or chatting it up about pop culture or current events. On occasion I’ll have a few friends over on the podcast to join me in discussion. I’ll also have an email that you can ask questions or share your thoughts about the show. Personally, I’m excited to be launching this new podcast. It will allow me to be me totally unfiltered. I will add that any stories from my past that I decide to share I will be omitting names of those involved as many may not be totally interested in rehashing up memories (whether good or bad). And if I do drop a name, it’s under either one of these conditions: I advised them of what I’m talking about and they’re good with it. Or I just don’t give two flies smashed and I’m dropping the names anyway LOL Hey since you’re listening Let me tell you about a show that my lady and I attended at the City Winery in Philly. This was the 2nd show we attended but imma share this one because I was so into the performance I near forgot she was with me. And she was quick to let me know she was RIGHT there. KeKe Wyatt was performing and let me tell you she looks freaking fabulous for a mother of 10, she just looks fabulous. So in between songs she did a lil twerk to show the audience she got that fatty (and do) She turns around and the audience is clapping and all, and here go my thirsty yelling out…. Oooh I wanna see that twerk again. No sooner than I finished saying what I had to say I felt a sharp but not overly hard slap on the back of my head. Yup it was my lady letting me know I should have been using my inside voice. No matter it was worth the slap as she did another quick twerk again, so I was good for the remainder of the evening LOL Now if you haven’t see Keke live, do yourself a favor and follow her on IG and make it your life’s mission to catch her next show. Especially if she has her band with her. As this wasn’t our first time seeing her We saw her a while back in NJ she was the opening act and she didn’t have a band with her Just some backing tracks, which didn’t matter because she killed it then too But at the City Winery it was more of a intimate setting and was a much better experience We had a great time there but let me share this with you. The seating at City Winery is kiddie table tight Meaning that the tables they have for groups of 4 really should be for 2 I literally felt like I was sitting at the kids table during dinner Luckily enough the ladies that sat with us were mad cool and we all enjoyed the show I kinda think they enjoyed my slap on the back of the head too but its all good LOL https://youtu.be/xvqUKPbqp0s https://youtu.be/QhQGx7Dn7gM

    5 min


Step into the world of Hey Uncle Tuck, Your Uncle’s Favorite Uncle podcast, where laughter meets insight. I’m Uncle Tuck, a Wilmington-based photographer and podcaster, bringing you a fresh take on current events, pop culture, and life’s memorable moments. Each episode is a mix of humor, sarcasm, and heartfelt chats with loved ones that promise to lift your spirits. Ready for a podcast that entertains and uplifts? Dive in and let’s enjoy this ride together! For video episodes and merch, visit heyuncletuck.com.

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