Mailbag Series: Emergency Preparedness for your Finances

Watching Trees Grow Podkast

What is Emergency preparedness? Maybe you’re prepared for an environmental emergency, but what about a health emergency or job loss? Gene and Jeff were inspired by the student questions while teaching a course at Grove City College. Gene answers some of those questions in this episode and how YOU can be prepared for anything!

0:26 Welcome

0:40 What is emergency preparedness?

1:05 – What inspired this episode

2:05 – Two most common emergency situations

2:32 – Two categories

2:45 – Financial capital and human capital

3:10 – Question to students: How do I even know where to start?

3:23 – Nine categories for the financial capital portion

4:46 – 401k

5:29 – Roth IRA

5:47 – Asset Allocation

6:17 – Sources of income

6:59 – Reducing and prioritizing debt

7:37 – Mandatory bills and expenses

8:17 – Recap of 9 Catagories for Financial Capital

9:00 – Human Capital

9:06 – What is human capital?

9:17 – Why human capital maters

10:53 – Certifications, job training, higher education

11:43 – Recap human capital

12:39 – End

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