The Nida Leard Show

The Nida Leard Show Podkast

The Nida Leard Show is a powerful podcast that combines personal development, insightful interviews, and strategies to help you differentiate yourself and make a lasting impact in life and business. Join host Nida Leard, renowned for her expertise in helping clients stand out through differentiation strategies and reinventing their self-identity, as she uncovers the success stories and strategies of exceptional entrepreneurs and experts. Through deep conversations and practical advice, Nida delves into topics such as mental toughness, resilience, self-actualization, and cultivating a champion mindset. Gain invaluable insights and learn how to unleash your full potential, leaving an indelible mark in your personal and professional endeavors. This podcast is your guide to becoming unrivaled, unstoppable, and unforgettable.


  1. 17.11.2021

    How Your Facebook Ad Strategy Changes When You Hit the 7/8 Figure Mark with Jody Milward

    Episode Highlights The story behind how Jody became an accidental entrepreneur Some mistakes that Jody has seen 7-figure business owners make when running Facebook ads How has Apple’s new privacy policy impacted running Facebook ads Would you hire someone inside, an agency or a freelancer to run your Facebook ads? Jody’s recommendation What to look for in a media buyer Jody’s final thoughts on advertising Resources and links mentioned: Facebook Ads: Google Ads:   Connect with Jody Milward Facebook: Website:   Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    26 min
  2. 10.11.2021

    Know your Brand’s Foundation and Uncover the Right Strategy for your Business with Chrystal Clifton

    Know your Brand’s Foundation and Uncover the Right Strategy for your Business with Chrystal Clifton Episode highlights Chrystal shares how she started her entrepreneurial journey at a young age. The difficulties and the lessons learned behind the successes of Chrystal From working in their family winery business to becoming a business growth strategist That one strategy from Chrystal to grow your business Parting words from Chrystal Resources and links mentioned: Brewer-Clifton: John Maxwell: Patrick Lencioni:   Connect with Chrystal Clifton Website and resources: Instagram:   Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    36 min
  3. 11.08.2021

    Building Your Power Circle as a 7-8 Figure Entrepreneur

    Welcome to another episode of the One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast. Today, I wanted to talk about building your power circle. Having your own power circle is important for building a successful business for many personal and professional reasons. We need the support of people who are like-minded, that understand us, and will be there to support each other on this challenging journey of entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, most people in your personal life won’t be on the same mission as you are. You need to be a part of a powerful network and join forces. You will help each other magnify your impact and your business. Just like the Avengers and the superheroes, don’t do it alone! Building a power circle doesn’t mean getting connected with as many people as possible. It means building authentic relationships consistently throughout time. You need to be intentional about who you want to build a relationship with and how you are going to nurture those relationships. If you’re an introvert, the challenge can be twice as hard if you don’t have the right strategy.  Tune in to this episode if you want to start building your power circle. I discussed some practical action steps that have worked well for me, even as a huge introvert! Topics discussed... The importance of building your power circle as an entrepreneur Introverts vs extroverts Searching for like-minded people How to start building your power circle Quotes from Nida…   “You're not going to feel great if you have to build your power circle and you're not associated or you’re not in an environment where you're hanging out with like-minded people. You want to be with like-minded people.” - Nida Leard “It doesn't matter how many people you know, what really matters is the quality of those relationships.” - Nida Leard “When you arrive at that place where you truly love who you are, that means your present self is aligned with who you want to be. That's when you can truly be authentic because you are showing the world who you truly are.” - Nida Leard     Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    21 min
  4. 04.08.2021

    Stop dimming your ambition and start owning it! with Naketa R. Thigpen

    Title: Stop Dimming your Ambition and Start Owning it with Naketa Thigpen In today’s episode of the One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast, I invited Naketa Thigpen to talk about balance, boundaries, and exceptionality. She is a balance and relationship expert, a transformational empowerment speaker, and an author. She is the CEO of ThigPro Balance and Relationship Management Institute. Her company works with power couples who want to have that same success they have in their businesses apply to their home life. People who are successful in their businesses also have their challenges. Almost always, they feel out of alignment in their relationships. Sometimes this might happen without even noticing it. Naketa says that the best way to recognize this is to pause for a few minutes and have a deep sensory experience. Feel where your pains are, where they are coming from, and what they represent. Naketa defined balance as accepting the truth of what you want over the boundaries that you create so you can achieve it. We can do lots of things. But it is important to be clear with what we really want to do versus what we need to do because of an expectation. We also have the responsibility to make something right. Sometimes we do this in an unkind way. But that is not being selfish. We just have to give ourselves the opportunity to heal, to forgive, and let go of the things that no longer make us happy. I love how Naketa mentioned that being exceptional starts with being balanced. It also means that you must be brave enough to keep distractions out. The choices between what you need to do and what you want to do should be clear even if it is a difficult decision to make.   Topics discussed... The relationship challenges that power couples face Achieving balance over the boundaries that you create Being exceptional and unapologetic about it About Naketa’s latest book, Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy What makes someone exceptional at their game Everybody has to learn about boundaries   Quotes from Naketa... “Normal isn't necessary unless you choose to be normal. If you are exceptional at what you do, that's the playground that you choose to play in. You don't have to go to any other playground if you don't want to.” - Naketa Thigpen “You don't have to make other people feel better because they are intimidated by your pursuit of excellence.” - Naketa Thigpen “Be scared and be right. They both can happen.” - Naketa Thigpen “Being an investor in your own self-development and personal growth is hugely important for you to be exceptional.” - Naketa Thigpen   Resources and links mentioned... Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy by Naketa Ren Thigpen MBTI online: Official Myers Briggs Test & Personality Assessment Feel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers Interview Connections   Connect with Naketa Website: Balance Boldly for Ambitious Women in Business Podcast: Facebook Group:   Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    55 min
  5. 04.08.2021

    Using Your Ultra Genius to Pivot in Business

    In today’s episode of the One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast, I want to talk about pivoting. A lot of us have been forced to do this mostly because of the pandemic. But I wanted to talk about proactively pivoting as part of a business strategy in order to grow and make more impact, rather than pivoting to react to circumstantial changes.  A lot of businesses are successful and they aren’t struggling with problems. But they have a positive reason to pivot. They want to pivot as part of the strategy for their business to make more impact and bring more joy to them. They have the desire to create a bigger impact on their clients, the industry that they’re in, and the world. They want to pivot in order to get into their zone of ultra genius. Pivoting doesn’t have to be a strategy used just to react to market changes. It could simply be because they are looking for change and perhaps wanting to serve higher level clients, different industries, or provide a better offer. They might pivot because they just realized that their sweet spot is different from what they are currently doing. Pivoting gives us a chance to be creative because there are just so many possibilities. We just have to let go of the fears and the uncertainties so we can see the boundless opportunities for the growth of our business. If you’re thinking you are already successful and there’s no reason to pivot, think again. I’d like to invite you to consider new ideas and problems that are still currently unsolved in various industries. Does your offer reflect your ultra genius? Is it unique enough that only you can provide this service and expertise in your industry? If not, then you are not in your zone of ultra genius quite yet. There’s still something to improve in your business to better serve your clients and give them the unique experience that they are hoping for.   Topics discussed… Pivoting as part of your business strategy Getting into your zone of ultra genius Reinventing your offer to provide your clients incomparable results Pivoting and redefining yourself to create more impact for the world Quotes from Nida…   “The fact that you can be anything just makes entrepreneurship much more fun.” - Nida Leard “A lot of people actually pivot in order to get into their zone of ultra genius. And when I say zone of ultra genius, it's that zone where there’s only you who could be providing that service or expertise out of the 8 billion people in the world.” - Nida Leard “If all the entrepreneurs can improve, innovate, and reinvent their businesses, and really think about what they're offering for their clients and start improving it, that's when the clients get served.” - Nida Leard “We don't change the world with normal ideas. We don't change the world by following the status quo. We don't change the world by doing what everybody else is doing. We changed the world by being different.” - Nida Leard   Resources and links mentioned… Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates on Netflix Modernist Bread by Nathan Myhrvold, Francisco Migoya   Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    17 min
  6. 04.08.2021

    Scaling Your Business to 7 and 8 figures with my Genius Offers Secrets

    In this episode of the One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast, I talk about the characteristics of a genius offer and how you can create them for your clients. After two decades of working with all sorts of businesses, I learned that the one key thing stopping them from growing is having the wrong offer. An offer is what you provide your clients. It is not just about your website, your tagline, or the messages in your ads. It is the solution you provide for your clients to solve their problems. It is the experience they get when they do business with you. An offer is what separates an average business from an exceptional business. Exceptional businesses have an exceptional offer. Their clients get results that are not provided by any other businesses in the market. If you’re a business owner, I encourage you to ask yourself these questions. What are you currently offering for your clients? What is the solution that you are providing? Is your offer truly exceptional? It’s not just about crafting that offer. It’s also about how you provide that offer. Stop copying what everybody else is doing and start delivering that exceptional experience for your clients.   Topics discussed… The one important thing that stops businesses from growing Why offering the best is so vital for your business Problems with asking for real feedback The seven characteristics of a genius offer     Quotes from Nida...   “You, as the business owner, are responsible for the service and expertise that you provide for your clients.” - Nida Leard “If you fall in love with your clients, if you treat your clients like your family members or your loving friends, you would really want to take those hundreds of extra miles to deliver the best exceptional results for your clients.” - Nida Leard “When we know the real problem, we can start to come up with creative solutions that will actually solve it.” - Nida Leard “You need to be genuinely passionate about the service and the expertise that you are providing for your clients.” - Nida Leard     Resources and links mentioned… Tony Robbins   Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    30 min
  7. Trailer



    One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast is the show where you can get innovative marketing and business ideas, strategies, and mindset hacks. Hosted by Nida Leardprasopsuk, it is the platform where she discusses how to reinvent, innovate, and scale your business to 7 and 8 figures. She specializes in helping purpose driven high achieving coaches, consultants, thought leaders, and service providers become a category of one with no competition. She gives practical solutions to your problems and challenges as an entrepreneur. She also shares stories of her success, frustrations and difficulties she had to go through to build her empire.  Nida Leardprasopsuk is a top-tier business consultant, mindset coach, author, and a former Fortune 500 executive. She was chosen by Brainz magazine to be on the Brainz 500 Global list of Companies, Entrepreneurs, Influential leaders, and business owners recognized for their entrepreneurial success, achievements and dedication to help others. She has more than 2 decades of experience in marketing, business, and human psychology. Her consulting and coaching business centers around exceptionality, a key factor in her own success. She helps high achieving and purpose driven coaches, consultants, experts, thought leaders, and service-providers become a category of one by doing 3 things: 1.) Discovering and utilizing their ultra-geniuses 2.) Creating groundbreaking offers that solve clients’ problems in an innovative way and 3.) Using a short and long-term strategy that magnifies their thought leadership overtime.  One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast features guests who are leaders in different industries. You will hear them share their business success stories and obstacles they had to overcome. This show will be full of resources and insightful conversations. We will talk about business, innovation, marketing, sales, branding, leadership, and mindset topics — everything that will help you become a category of ONE. Nida offers 1:1 consulting and coaching services that help entrepreneurs become a category of one, build a world-class legacy brand, and hyper-grow their business through innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. Learn more about her services at Connect with Nida Instagram: Email: Linkedin: Clubhouse: Facebook: Find out how valuable your business is and what key drivers you need to work on to increase the value and impact of your business by completing the assessment here: Ready to become the ambitious business owner of your dreams? Take this 2-minute quiz to discover what sets you up for entrepreneurial success: Get a copy of my book “One to Millions Entrepreneur” on Amazon:

    4 min



The Nida Leard Show is a powerful podcast that combines personal development, insightful interviews, and strategies to help you differentiate yourself and make a lasting impact in life and business. Join host Nida Leard, renowned for her expertise in helping clients stand out through differentiation strategies and reinventing their self-identity, as she uncovers the success stories and strategies of exceptional entrepreneurs and experts. Through deep conversations and practical advice, Nida delves into topics such as mental toughness, resilience, self-actualization, and cultivating a champion mindset. Gain invaluable insights and learn how to unleash your full potential, leaving an indelible mark in your personal and professional endeavors. This podcast is your guide to becoming unrivaled, unstoppable, and unforgettable.

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