Power To Be

Erin Anderson
Power To Be Podkast

One insight can change the course of your life. Erin Anderson is a coach committed to real deal transformational conversations that help people move past entrenched patterns of thought to access a true sense of personal power. The Power To Be podcast invites you to listen in on intimate one-on-one coaching sessions with people, from all over the world. Erin meets them exactly where they are in their lives without preparation or agenda. There are no expectations, and there’s nothing to fix. As you listen you’ll experience shifts and ah-ha moments for yourself. It’s through their story that your own personal transformation will happen. This is what rapid transformation looks like, feels like and sounds like. Erin gracefully weaves her background in design & brand, yoga, leadership and spirituality into her coaching as she guides her courageous guests toward their true path. Join Erin, and find out what this week's guest has the Power To Be.


  1. The Power To Be: Daniel McCall


    The Power To Be: Daniel McCall

    Meet Daniel McCall, a coach and consultant, entrepreneur, yogi and futurist. Daniel works and coaches at the intersection of ‍Creativity, Productivity and Spirit. He eloquently weaves his knowledge as a Lightyear Leadership Coach and Geotran, a numeric-geometrical dialect which speaks directly to the body's information fields (memory fields) into his work and life. He is an absolute joy to be around and a ton of fun to collaborate with on any project. As this week’s guest, Daniel shares what it was like to say goodbye to a 14-year career as a yoga studio manager. When the pandemic hit the large scale yoga company closed and he chose to adapt quickly forming a new path for himself. Rather than linger in the void he got productive! He shares the vital role that good communication, both internally and externally, plays in setting the stage for creativity and productivity. Internally, it is about knowing your own voice. He shares that how you communicate in your inner world has a huge impact on your outer world. For instance, if you are speaking from a place of doubt, it will not breed creativity or productivity. Externally, it is sharing your true and authentic voice and feelings. Whether it be at work or with friends and family, Daniel explains how good listening creates the space for a deeper level of sharing and connection. People need to feel seen and heard deeply before creativity or productivity can happen. In the realm of productivity, Daniel explains that many think systems and tools are needed but rather, productivity starts with knowing what you love doing and what you want to spend your time doing. One of his tips is to journal and commit to self-study to understand what creates flow. Daniel shares how many solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small businesses come so close to the finish line and collapse because they get lost in the details and forget their bigger WHY. Coaching them to a place of clarity around their WHY helps them charge past the finish line with ease, flow and enthusiasm. During this cheerful and informative conversation, Daniel reminds us of how knowing your inner voice helps you understand what you love to do and WHY versus what you are doing out of obligation. He reminds us to check in with our energy daily and not let the small daily tasks (like the dishes) bring us down. He urges us to welcome and embrace change, challenging the status quo and opening ourselves up to new possibilities. Today, you’ll find Daniel coaching and consulting through his business www.danielmccall.co as well as leading courses through Lightyear Leadership. To learn more about what he’s up to, catch him on Twitter or sign-up for his Tuesday take-off newsletter on his website. Enjoy a weekly dose of energy and inspiration right in your inbox! Join me this week, and learn more about Daniel’s Power to Lead.

    1 t 8 min
  2. The Power To Be: Kelly Boudreaux


    The Power To Be: Kelly Boudreaux

    Meet Kelly Boudreaux, a highly-skilled and experienced entrepreneur and the co-owner of three yoga studios, health and well-being coach, facilitator, yogi, and philanthropist. She is also the co-owner of a third generation grocery business. Alongside her loving husband, Kelly has her hands full with their three young boys in their home of Morgan City, Louisiana. What a powerful woman!  As this week’s guest, Kelly shares what it takes to leap into the unknown at full speed.  She and her business partner Janae Holmes opened their first yoga studio and in quick succession, their second, third and fourth. Their business thrived from the outset and Kelly attributes much of that to their focus on their vision and mission.  The studio name, Free To Be Power Yoga, is a nod to what Kelly and her partner envision for their clients. Their belief is that you can bring freedom into your life through yoga. They ensure that the studio embodies aspects of the deep, rich culture and history of New Orleans, including the food! Their focus on bringing people together, the same way you do around a big dinner table, has created an incredibly beautiful community at Free To Be.  Kelly shares how her deep thinking, trust and grateful approach is all part of what led her to success not only in her yoga studios, but all aspects of her vocation and life. She continues that the arrival of the pandemic drove her to pivot and operate in new ways. Being able to collaborate and lean on her mentors and community helped her continue to move her business forward even in such challenging times. Her ability to adapt and show compassion helped her support her team as they moved through these disruptive times. Above all, she explains that continuously returning to her mission helped her stay grounded and keep going. During this gentle and insightful conversation, Kelly reminds us of the importance of adaptability and how feeding the possibility and not the problem paves a pathway. She shows us that serving the people right in front of you is the best thing you can do. Through love and respect for one another, together we can move mountains. Today, you’ll find Kelly at Free To Be Power Yoga in New Orleans, a heated power yoga and wellness brand that has three physical locations and an online studio. Outside the studio, you’ll find Kelly writing and blogging and enjoying outdoor adventures with her three boys and husband. Wherever you catch her, you’ll feel the energy and enthusiasm she puts into her personal mission to support people in being advocates of their whole health. Join me this week, and learn more about Kelly’s Power to Lead.

    44 min
  3. The Power To Be: Nicolette Richer


    The Power To Be: Nicolette Richer

    Meet Nicolette Richer, an author, speaker and serial entrepreneur. She is a health educator and advocate on a mission to reverse 22 million cases of chronic disease by the year 2030. Residing in the mountain ranges of Whistler, British Columbia, Nicolette spends her free time hiking with her three daughters and husband, all while running three businesses and a charity amongst other BIG endeavours. As this week’s guest, Nicolette shares how her work in fighting chronic diseases was inspired by her friend in college’s father’s battle with cancer. The prognosis he was given was bleak, but as a fighter himself, he looked for alternative treatment options and was able to reverse his cancer with food and lived for another 22 years. This inspired Nicolette's path to learn more about how food is medicine. With an affinity for research, she dove right in and soon found over 100 years of research on how to reverse disease by changing your diet. Chronic “lifestyle” diseases are what Nicolette refers to as diseases that are created based on what you eat. She continues that 100% organic, plant-based, unrefined and whole-foods are the key to optimizing your body for health. By health, she means a disease free body. Nicolette shares the importance of us all working together to bring these types of food into restaurants, schools, grocery stores, hospitals and more so that people have easier access. She created The Green Moustache restaurants in response to the lack of options for 100% organic, plant-based, unrefined and whole-foods in the Sea to Sky region and now the restaurant is expanding across the province and will soon be in places like New York. Making these changes to your diet sounds simple, but Nicolette shares that many people struggle with it not only because of access and education, but also because they are addicted to the foods they are eating. During this fascinating conversation, Nicolette reminds us that if we focus on the eating food as medicine, we’ll soon feel energized and full of life, our cravings will shift and we’ll naturally start reaching for the foods that are 100% organic, plant-based, unrefined and whole. Today, you’ll find Nicolette training as she prepares to run and cycle across Canada covering 7,120 kms in 75 days as part of her mission to reverse 22 million cases of chronic disease by the year 2030. Tune in to find out why she chose 22 million cases and learn more about her training regime. You can also pick up a copy of Nicolette’s book Eat Real To Heal to learn more or stop by The Green Moustache for a delicious lunch. In addition, you can connect with her through Richer Health Consulting, Richer Health Nutrition and Detox Wellness Centre or her charity - Sea to Sky Thrivers Society. Join me this week, and learn more about Nicolette’s Power to Lead.

    1 t 2 min
  4. The Power To Be: Angelena Brocato


    The Power To Be: Angelena Brocato

    Meet Angelena Brocato, an entrepreneur, world renowned photographer, actress, podcast host and genuinely beautiful soul on the inside and out. Angelena is a mother to four children alongside her husband Lyle who happens to be her business partner and a fellow actor. As this week’s guest, Angelena shares what it takes to live a big life, even in a small town. She explains that commitment plays a vital role in achieving and maintaining the life she wants and that giving herself grace through the process is what supports her in moving forward. Angelena speaks about the beauty of enjoying the process and that things don’t happen when she wants them to, but rather to trust the divine timing. Angelena shares what it took to pivot her business and adapt to the curveballs life throws - like COVID-19. Open, honest and regular communication, coupled with a deep focus and dedication to relationships are what has brought Angelena and her husband much of their success in their business, careers, family and lives. Angelena regularly asks herself the question “does this seem like fun” when deciding her “yes’s” and “no’s” and shares that this has been a major momentum driver for her. During this delightful conversation, Angelena reminds us to be kind and contribute. She believes that magical moments are in front of us daily and that we can always reach for possibility. Angelena lives with her family in Louisiana where she and her husband run their wedding photography business, Brocato Photography Collective. Tune in to find out how the messiness of their own wedding helped them create an outstanding service for their clients. The stability of their business has also provided them with a fulfilling acting career - currently, you’ll find Angelena on NCIS: New Orleans. And if that isn’t enough for you, catch Angelena on her podcast Changing the Lens where she talks all things wedding planning and marriage. Join me this week, and learn more about Angelena’s Power to Lead.

    1 t 1 min
  5. The Power To Be: Jody Edgar


    The Power To Be: Jody Edgar

    Meet Jody Edgar, an empowerer, educator, technician, strategist and extraordinary human.  “I’ve got a guy”, I’ll say whenever someone has an e-commerce platform or website they want to build. Jody has been “my guy” for over 10 years. We met when I was a freelance graphic designer and he was a web building and hosting expert. He opened up the first Internet Café in Whistler, BC as a teenager so I knew he had hutzpah! Together we teamed up to help entrepreneurs get out there looking sharp. We’ve worked on many brands and businesses and I’m forever grateful for his way of showing up. As this week’s guest, Jody shares what it’s been like to start and grow a thriving business during a recession and then a pandemic and what his key factors to success have been. He is clear that people and customers are his number one priority and should be for any business. He believes that developing and maintaining open and supportive relationships is of the utmost importance.  Jody is passionate about creating a culture that gives people the permission to make mistakes in order to promote growth and innovation. He notes there is a sweet spot for trial and error, and that it’s all part of starting any business.  Divulging some of his tips and tricks, Jody explains that starting small, knowing your budget, getting clear on your why and sharing your idea with people are the key ingredients to a winning formula. You’ll see that injecting storytelling, passion and fun into the mix also plays a vital role in his business ethos.  Today, through his company Sunbowl Systems, Jody and his team support business owners through the journey of “I have an idea” to “how do I take it online?”. They help fill gaps on their existing teams, allowing their customers to choose their area of focus, whether it be graphics and content or full scale website development and launch. With a steadfast focus on his people, his customers and his relationships, coupled with a commitment to innovation and fun within e-commerce, Jody is the guy you want to know.  Join me this week, and learn more about Jody’s Power to Lead.

    55 min
  6. The Power To Be: Lucca Petrucci


    The Power To Be: Lucca Petrucci

    Meet Lucca Petrucci, a goal coach, possibility and marketing strategist, podcaster, indoor cycling instructor and genuine lover of life.  He also happens to be dipping his toes in film and TV in an acting and hosting capacity - we can’t wait to see what he does! Naturally optimistic and a joy to be around, Lucca is a friend to anyone and everyone that crosses his path.  As this week’s guest, Lucca shares what is guiding him in his work and life and how he is supporting others in living their best life possible. He stays curious and asks himself and others three key questions - What are you passionate about? What does the soul of the world need right now? What can I do in this life?  Infusing fun into the process, Lucca guides people to see what is possible for them. Often called a momentum driver, he pushes them to open up and do the things they really want to in this precious lifetime.  He speaks about leading by example, savouring the small moments of each day and how maintaining your childlike wonderment and bliss is the recipe for a happy life. Lucca also touches on the importance of rest, explaining that all of the great leaders in his life take time out to reflect and recharge to ensure they are best serving the people around them - this is a principle Lucca lives by.  During this jovial conversation, Lucca reminds us that there aren’t one or two directions in life, but many. He believes there is great abundance out there and plenty to go around, and most importantly that possibilities are endless as you turn your dreams into reality.  Today, Lucca lives in Playa Vista, California where he runs his own business as a Possibility and Marketing Strategist. He helps people turn their big goals, dreams and desires into their reality!  You can catch him on his podcast, Living in your Passion Place, and in his free time, you might find him at DisneyLand writing in his journal and singing along to a song. We guarantee if you run into him, you’ll be delighted by his infectious joy.  Join me this week, and learn more about Lucca’s Power to Lead.

    54 min
  7. The Power To Be: Daniela Marquez


    The Power To Be: Daniela Marquez

    Meet Daniela Marquez, engineer and charismatic VP who happens to also be an incredibly talented musician and artist. She was a classical pianist by the age of four! And did you know, she composed the music for this podcast? Connection and possibility are her natural passion and purpose and it shows in all of her relationships, but in particular with her wife and two beautiful children. As this week’s guest, Daniela shares about her passion. She explains that the intersection of two people, or two products from completely different worlds lights her up. In fact, while attending University in Michigan she married her love of technology and music into an engineering degree. In high school, after a challenging experience in middle school trying to find her place, Daniela let her guard down and stopped trying to fit in. She turned her focus instead to leaning into her strengths. Daniela shares that music is the thing that allowed her to be herself in the most true and authentic way. She naturally invites those around her to find that place for themselves and share it far and wide. Today, Daniela serves as the Vice President of Product & Growth at Lovingly, helping bring the "in shop" flower buying experience into the online world. She is continually inspired by connecting one person to another through gift giving. But whether it’s at work or in her daily life, Daniela believes connection and possibility can come down to one simple thing: two people sharing or celebrating a moment - and she is honoured to play a role in that. Join me this week, and learn more about Daniela’s Power to Lead.

    53 min
  8. The Power To Be: Nicole Tsong


    The Power To Be: Nicole Tsong

    Meet Nicole Tsong, work/life balance coach, fitness expert and yogi. She is also an incredibly talented and award-winning writer having written for The Seattle Times and the Anchorage Daily News and authored three books. As this week’s guest, Nicole shares what it was like to try 300+ movement classes over the span of six years while writing the popular Fit for Life column in The Seattle Times. She tried everything from tap dancing and zumba to martial arts. When it comes to movement, you name it and chances are Nicole’s tried it. She shares the benefits of not only finding the movement that works for you, but how trying something new, and being a beginner, prepares you for handling life’s bigger challenges and changes. One of her missions in life is to help people understand themselves better through how they move. She urges people to break free from the “box” society has put fitness into explaining that it’s not about finding time for a sweaty, one-hour workout at the gym, but rather finding a way to move daily that is fun and brings joy into your life. Nicole says “if it’s not fun, go try something else”. Her belief is that our bodies are meant to move and there is some form of movement out there for everyone. She expands on all of this and more in her newest book, 24 Ways to Move More which launched this past October. Today, Nicole lives in Seattle, where she runs a work/life balance coaching business, helping high-achieving women of color find their calling and know their why so they can own their voice and share it with the world. Join me this week, and learn more about Nicole’s Power to Lead.

    54 min


One insight can change the course of your life. Erin Anderson is a coach committed to real deal transformational conversations that help people move past entrenched patterns of thought to access a true sense of personal power. The Power To Be podcast invites you to listen in on intimate one-on-one coaching sessions with people, from all over the world. Erin meets them exactly where they are in their lives without preparation or agenda. There are no expectations, and there’s nothing to fix. As you listen you’ll experience shifts and ah-ha moments for yourself. It’s through their story that your own personal transformation will happen. This is what rapid transformation looks like, feels like and sounds like. Erin gracefully weaves her background in design & brand, yoga, leadership and spirituality into her coaching as she guides her courageous guests toward their true path. Join Erin, and find out what this week's guest has the Power To Be.

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