#RealtorHabits Podcast

Andy Rosas & Michael Manrique
#RealtorHabits Podcast Podkast

Creating Better Habits for Realtors! We teach frustrated and struggling Real Estate Agents the right habits, so they prospect consistently and become top producers. www.habitguys.com Mission Statement: We know most real estate agents aren't prospecting as much as they should be doing. Most agents have the wrong habits, which leads to almost 90% of agents quitting the industry altogether in 5 years. Because agents have the wrong habits, they're not able to accomplish their aspirations and dreams, not only that but aren't able to leave the 9 - 5 job that they're exhausted doing. To the point where it impacts their marriage, relationship with their kids and friends. We've created a process that can teach all agents the right habits, so they can put prospecting on autopilot, become a top producer, and most importantly finally live life on their terms.


Creating Better Habits for Realtors! We teach frustrated and struggling Real Estate Agents the right habits, so they prospect consistently and become top producers. www.habitguys.com Mission Statement: We know most real estate agents aren't prospecting as much as they should be doing. Most agents have the wrong habits, which leads to almost 90% of agents quitting the industry altogether in 5 years. Because agents have the wrong habits, they're not able to accomplish their aspirations and dreams, not only that but aren't able to leave the 9 - 5 job that they're exhausted doing. To the point where it impacts their marriage, relationship with their kids and friends. We've created a process that can teach all agents the right habits, so they can put prospecting on autopilot, become a top producer, and most importantly finally live life on their terms.

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