Revenue for Change

Adam Bastock
Revenue for Change Podkast

Discover the stories of successful companies who are growing because of their work, not in spite of. On Revenue for Change we speak to business owners who are leading the way and growing because of their net zero commitments. Small99 have teamed up with Ecologi for a Podcast series like no other. It all formed from a few conversations with Dennis from Ecologi. Adam and Dennis shared a single idea: Net Zero is an opportunity! Net zero isn’t a technology problem. It’s a marketing problem. People don’t understand the benefits to be gained from this massive change that’s coming our way.


Discover the stories of successful companies who are growing because of their work, not in spite of. On Revenue for Change we speak to business owners who are leading the way and growing because of their net zero commitments. Small99 have teamed up with Ecologi for a Podcast series like no other. It all formed from a few conversations with Dennis from Ecologi. Adam and Dennis shared a single idea: Net Zero is an opportunity! Net zero isn’t a technology problem. It’s a marketing problem. People don’t understand the benefits to be gained from this massive change that’s coming our way.

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