Richer Soul

Rocky Lalvani
Richer Soul Podkast

Life beyond money! You got rich, now what? Welcome to Richer Soul. Your journey to a more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let's figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. Freedom!!! Living Baby Step 7 to the max!

  1. Ep 407 Your Grass is Greener with Jason Silver

    -1 D.

    Ep 407 Your Grass is Greener with Jason Silver

    Your Grass is Greener with Jason Silver   Take away: The power of small, intentional changes in how we work and communicate to significantly improve productivity, decision-making, and overall job satisfaction. Focus on changing "how" you work rather than "what" you work on and recognize that outcomes are not fully in your control.   Money Learnings: Jason's parents were intentional about teaching him about money from a young age. They taught him to think about how much he needed to save for things he wanted. They discussed the consequences of spending money and how to think about saving. They instilled the idea that it's not good to spend all your money at once. Both of Jason's parents had backgrounds in accounting, which may have influenced their approach to teaching him about money. Overall, Jason received structured and intentional financial education from his parents, which he considers himself fortunate to have experienced, as this level of financial education at home is relatively uncommon.     Bio: Jason Silver is a multi-time founder of kids and a multi-time founder of companies. He gets his biggest thrill helping modern employees and their teams unlock a better way to work—surfing is a close second. He was an early employee at Airbnb and helped build an AI company from the ground up back before AI was the cool thing to do. Today, he advises a startup portfolio valued in the billions on how to build great, lasting companies that people actually enjoy working for. He’s a sought-after public speaker, instructor, and advisor on how to transform work into one of the biggest drivers of positivity in your life. When he’s not busy helping people solve their hardest workplace challenges, Jason’s kids are busy reminding him just how much of a work in progress he still is too.     Highlights from this episode: Intentional parenting around money and finances can have a lasting positive impact on children's financial habits and understanding. Small changes in how we communicate and make decisions at work can lead to major productivity gains and improved outcomes. Using "briefbacks" to confirm understanding can dramatically reduce costly miscommunications in the workplace. Focusing on alignment rather than full agreement can accelerate decision-making in organizations. Clarity on who the decision-maker is for any given issue is critical for efficient decision processes. Changing how we work, rather than what we work on, can often have the biggest impact on job satisfaction and effectiveness. Prioritizing intentionality and being present in the moment is key to living an abundant life, rather than always deferring to the future.   Links: Book: Business: Better Work Newsletter: Linkedin:       Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    1 t 6 min
  2. Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress with Mark Jordan

    17. SEP.

    Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress with Mark Jordan

    Embracing the Journey: Shifting from the Pursuit of Perfection to Celebrating Progress   Take away: The importance of taking action and making progress, even if it's not perfect. Perfection should not be the enemy of good. Taking imperfect action and continuing to iterate is the key to meaningful personal growth and development. The willingness to be vulnerable and embrace a process-oriented mindset is what allows people to truly transform their lives.   Money Learnings: Mark Jordan's parents instilled core money values like hard work and saving. Jordan also had early entrepreneurial experience running a lawn care business as a teenager, which taught him practical lessons about managing clients, getting paid, and dealing with financial setbacks like client bankruptcies. He had more extensive financial education and skills development through his own business ventures and graduate studies, rather than formal training at home or school.   Bio: Mark Jordan, founder of Unravel Groups, is a veteran entrepreneur and mentor with a background in investment banking, real estate acquisitions, and financial services. Mark, who holds both a BSBA and an MBA, has authored multiple books, established three companies, and been a part of starting two churches. He leverages his extensive experience in corporate and non-profit sectors to lead men toward transformational growth in their spiritual, relational, and vocational lives through Unravel Groups. Designed to support men from diverse backgrounds, Unravel offers both individual and group programs that emphasize personal development rooted in progress, not perfection. Mark is passionate about exploring the world with his family and has visited six of the seven continents. This zest for life and discovery enhances his mentorship, reinforcing his dedication to the pursuit of excellence and values such as integrity, leadership, and service.   Highlights from this episode: The value of an MBA program focused on entrepreneurship in providing problem-solving skills and a framework for navigating personal finances. The distinction between work-life "balance" and work-life "harmony", and why the latter is a more realistic and beneficial approach. The role of vulnerability and having crucial conversations in building meaningful relationships and personal growth. The significance of reading and ongoing self-improvement, and how a supportive group environment can help sustain positive habits. Strategies for making self-development programs accessible, such as scholarships and flexible pricing models. The importance of surrounding oneself with wise and intentional individuals, and the skill of discernment in identifying such mentors.   Links: Linkedin: Company/Unravel-Groups X: @UnravelGroups Facebook: /UnravelGroups Instagram: @UnravelGroups YouTube: /@UnravelGroups8842 Tiktok: @UnravelGroups Blog   Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    59 min
  3. Living in Alignment With Who You Are with Alane Boyd

    10. SEP.

    Living in Alignment With Who You Are with Alane Boyd

    Living in Alignment With Who You Are   Take away: Prioritizing work-life balance and setting boundaries is crucial for long-term success and well-being as an entrepreneur. Success in business doesn't have to come at the cost of personal health and happiness. By implementing proper systems, delegating effectively, and maintaining clear boundaries, entrepreneurs can achieve their goals while also enjoying a fulfilling personal life.   Money Learnings: Alane's father is an entrepreneur who owned an insurance agency and was her main source of financial education. Her father emphasized the importance of not spending everything she earned. Her father demonstrated how to run a successful business without experiencing the typical roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship. He maintained a good work-life balance, was rarely stressed, and was always available for family activities. Her mother worked full-time at a bank once the children were in school, providing additional financial stability and benefits for the family.   Bio: Alane Boyd, Co-Founder of Workday Ninja, is an operations and growth strategy expert specializing in AI and automation to enhance client efficiency. Her entrepreneurial success includes scaling her first business, a hybrid agency and software company, to 8 figures and successfully selling it in 2018. She has been featured in Entrepreneur, HuffPost, and SXSW and is a three-time published author of the health and wellness series BurgerFit.   Highlights from this episode: The importance of setting boundaries and maintaining work-life balance as an entrepreneur. How chronic stress can lead to serious health issues, and the need to recognize early warning signs. The value of resting and prioritizing health after experiencing burnout Strategies for hiring the right people and building efficient systems in a business. The benefits of joining entrepreneur groups for support, learning, and networking. The importance of effective communication and understanding different personality types in the workplace. Advice for young people to gain real-world experience before pursuing higher education.   Links: Twitter:     Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    59 min
  4. The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon with Steve Anderson

    3. SEP.

    The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon with Steve Anderson

    The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon   Take away: Maintaining a "Day One" mentality in business encourages constant innovation, customer focus, and willingness to take calculated risks, which are crucial for long-term success and prevent a company from becoming irrelevant.   Money Learnings: From an early age, Steve started doing typical things to earn extra money, like mowing lawns. He learned that if he wanted to do something or buy something, he needed to earn the money for it himself. In high school, he developed an interest in photography and turned it into a money-making venture by taking pictures at school plays and selling them to students. This business allowed him to pay for a summer camp for a couple of years. These experiences made him learned that money is helpful and important and that you can make money through your own efforts.   Bio: Steve is the Co-Founder and CEO of Catalyit®, The Insurance Agency Technology Resource Company. Backed by 24 Big I state associations, Catalyit® helps busy insurance agency owners maximize their existing tech and discover, evaluate, select, and implement new tools they need to continue to thrive. Steve is a trusted authority on risk, technology, productivity, and invention and has over thirty-five years of experience in the insurance industry. He holds a master’s degree in insurance law and is a Top Voice on LinkedIn with over 340,000 followers. Steve is the author of the international bestselling book The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon. In this very readable and practical book, he takes a unique perspective on business growth by analyzing and demystifying how Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has grown Amazon, arguably one of the most successful companies in the world. He appeared in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, Forbes, CEO Magazine, and FOX News Extra. Steve and his wife, Karen, have two married daughters, but more importantly, seven amazing young grandchildren. They live in historic Franklin, Tennessee.   Highlights from this episode: Early entrepreneurial experiences can shape future business mindsets. The biggest risk for businesses is often not taking enough risks, especially with new technologies. Successful companies find ways to pivot and reinvent themselves as markets change. It’s always Day 1. Long-term thinking and willingness to experiment are crucial for sustained business growth. Customer obsession and reducing friction in purchasing processes can lead to significant success. Gratitude and persistence are key components of living an abundant life and achieving business success.   Links:   Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    1 t 2 min
  5. It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To with Richard Walker

    27. AUG.

    It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To with Richard Walker

    It's My Life and I Can Change if I Want To   Take away: The power of mindset and belief in shaping one's financial and personal success. Success isn't just about external circumstances, but about how we perceive and respond to challenges, and our willingness to continually learn, adapt, and push beyond our perceived limitations. Take charge of their beliefs and attitudes, recognizing that these internal factors play a crucial role in achieving abundance and fulfillment in life.   Money Learnings: Richard Walker's mother demonstrated how to make the most of limited resources, such as salvaging food from grocery store dumpsters and eating beans to survive. At a young age, Walker started selling water toys to other kids, demonstrating how to identify and fulfill market demands. He learned to earn money through various means like raking leaves, selling candy, and making bracelets.   He learned to spot opportunities, like buying tubing from a neighbor to make and sell water toys. Walker developed the belief that money is a tool to get what you want, not an emotional entity. Despite financial hardships, he learned not to let circumstances dictate his emotional state or limit his ambitions.   Bio: Richard Walker is the CEO and co-founder of Quik!. Having started over 10 companies since age 12, host of The Customer Wins podcast, author of two books, and father to three boys, Richard empowers people to do their best work. Prior to starting Quik!, Richard was a financial advisor with Financial Network (currently known as Cetera) and a business consultant with Arthur Andersen. He started Quik! in 2002 to help people spend less time processing paperwork and more time on what they do best.   Highlights from this episode: Childhood experiences of poverty and frequent moves can shape one's perspective on money and resilience. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset from a young age can lead to creative problem-solving and financial success. Believing in your ability to change is the first step towards personal growth and transformation. Having a strong motivational desire is crucial for overcoming inertia and taking action towards your goals. Examining and changing limiting beliefs can have a profound impact on behavior and overall outlook. Optimism is a key trait shared by successful people, allowing them to set and pursue ambitious goals. Personal development through reading or listening to books correlates strongly with professional and personal success.   Links: Book: LinkedIn - Podcast - Website – Email –   Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    1 t 3 min
  6. Sublime Knowledge with Alia Yasmin Khan

    20. AUG.

    Sublime Knowledge with Alia Yasmin Khan

    Sublime Knowledge   Take away: The power of understanding and aligning our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with our goals to create positive change in our lives. The importance of moving beyond limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, often formed in childhood, to embrace a more expansive view of personal potential and abundance. By practicing self-reflection, asking mentally enabling questions, and tapping into intuition, individuals can rewire their subconscious minds and break free from cycles of fear, doubt, and stagnation. By understanding how our mental faculties work and aligning them with our aspirations, we can lead more fulfilled, purposeful, and abundant lives.   Money Learnings: Alia grew up in New York City with a mother who worked extremely hard to support them after Alia's father passed away when she was 11. She observed her mother working 12 hours a day, seven days a week to pay the bills and support their life in expensive New York City. Her mother's constant work led to medical challenges and a poor quality of life. This experience motivated Alia to seek a different path. In her early 20s, she took control of her life and financial destiny, moving herself and her mother out of New York. Alia's childhood experiences shaped her to be stronger and more resilient against challenges. However, it wasn't until 2018 that she truly began to evolve her understanding of money. She realized that she was not the sole creator of money in her life and that it came from a divine source. This shift in perspective led her to explore multiple income streams and alternative ways of creating wealth that didn't rely solely on trading time for money.   Bio: In March 2022 Alia Yasmin Khan founded Sublime Knowledge, a mindset coaching company in Phoenix, Arizona. She has transformed thousands of lives using methods that she has applied successfully to her own life. With a profound desire to help others be the best version of themselves, Alia knows the importance of learning and serving. She has 20+ years of experience managing, growing, and expanding successful businesses and seeks to share her knowledge about mental strength, discipline and endurance with everyone willing to learn.   Highlights from this episode: Understanding the power of thoughts, feelings, and emotions in shaping our reality and experiences. The importance of setting clear goals and aligning our thoughts and actions with those goals. How meditation and self-reflection can help rewire the subconscious mind for positive change. Shifting from a "trading time for money" mindset to creating multiple income streams. Recognizing that love, compassion, and being of service to others leads to greater fulfillment. Using mentally enabling questions to tap into intuition and find creative solutions. The value of intentionality and feeling fulfilled each day in living an abundant life.   Links:     Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    58 min
  7. The Energy of Success with Rebecca Ahmed

    13. AUG.

    The Energy of Success with Rebecca Ahmed

    The Energy of Success    Take away: The importance of aligning your energy with your core values, both personally and professionally. Understanding and managing your energy is crucial for success and fulfillment. By identifying your values, leading with curiosity instead of assumptions, and making conscious choices about how you expend your energy, you can create a more productive and satisfying life. This applies not only to individuals but also to organizations, where aligning company values with employee values can lead to better engagement, retention, and overall success.   Money Learnings: At age 7, during a trip to Pakistan, Rebecca encountered poverty for the first time. Seeing a man without legs begging for money, she asked her father how much prosthetic legs would cost. When told $100, she wanted to help the man buy legs so he could support his family. This experience sparked her curiosity about helping others and finding solutions to problems. At age 11, when her parents went through a tumultuous divorce, Rebecca took initiative to support her family financially. She approached her tennis instructor and asked to coach instead of attending tennis academy, earning $6.50 per hour. She also started tutoring to earn money. Rebecca's early exposure to financial challenges and her proactive approach to earning money shaped her understanding of financial responsibility and work ethic from a young age.   Bio: Rebecca Ahmed is an award-winning speaker, a business consultant, and an Energy Leadership IndexTM Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). She is also a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Rebecca advises companies of all sizes on how to create a motivational workplace culture by transforming the energy and enthusiasm of their teams. Her new book is, The Energy of Success: Power Up Your Productivity, Transform Your Habits, and Maximize Workplace Motivation (Wiley, April 23, 2024). Learn more at   Highlights from this episode: Energy is a modern-day currency that impacts personal and professional success. Core values should guide hiring decisions and company culture to ensure alignment. Taking energetic breaks and managing your schedule is crucial for maintaining high performance. The future workplace will need to adapt to Gen Z values like flexibility, transparency, and mental health focus. Leading with curiosity rather than assumptions creates more constructive energy. Recognizing your power of choice in changing perspective can shift your energy positively. Discovering and aligning decisions with your core values leads to accomplishing goals with excitement and ease.   Links:       Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:   If you like the show please leave a review on iTunes:   Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast   Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.

    1 t 6 min
  8. Creating Personalized Health Plan for You with Marc Isaacson

    6. AUG.

    Creating Personalized Health Plan for You with Marc Isaacson

    Creating Personalized Health Plan for You   Take away: The importance of personalized, root-cause approaches to health and wellness. Each person's biochemistry is unique, and therefore, health solutions should be tailored accordingly. By understanding one's specific nutritional needs and addressing them through customized supplements and lifestyle changes, many chronic conditions can be significantly improved or even resolved, potentially offering a more effective alternative to conventional medication-based treatments.   Money Learnings: Marc grew up in a family with a "country club lifestyle" and didn't lack for needs. His father ran a business, which embedded an entrepreneurial mindset in Marc. He sold snacks at little league games and later had a bagel delivery route on Sundays. As a teenager, he and his brother bought and sold baseball cards at shows. His family faced significant financial difficulties when Marc was in his late teens due to his father's business sale and subsequent health issues. He witnessed a dramatic shift from a high-spending lifestyle to financial struggles over 4-5 years. This experience taught Marc important lessons about living within one's means, saving, investing, and managing a budget. Unlike his parents, who didn't share much about investments or financial planning, Marc later adopted an open approach with his own children about money matters.   Bio: Marc has led successful entrepreneurial ventures for over 25 years, highlighted by his acquisition and expansion of Village Green Apothecary, an industry-leading integrative and custom compounding pharmacy in Bethesda, MD. Since 2002, under Marc's leadership, Village Green has grown to offer an expansive suite of personalized health offerings, including a vast selection of high-quality nutritional supplements, tailored lab testing with a focus on customized precision nutrient formulations, and nutritional consultations. Marc’s passion for functional nutrition and wellness, coupled with Village Green’s focus on personalized health, has led to the launch of Humanized Health, an educational resource aimed at helping people get to the root causes of their health conditions. Earlier in his career, Marc founded Glacier Ridge, an all-natural beverage company that was ahead of its time in recognizing the trends toward natural and organic products. After successfully growing and selling the venture, he spearheaded the U.S. expansion of Melitta Coffee. Marc earned a BS in Business Management from Ithaca College and completed a three-year Executive Education Program at MIT. He has been an active member of the Entrepreneurs Organization for 30 years.   Highlights from this episode: Personal experience with a daughter's seizures led to exploring personalized nutrition and brain chemistry testing. Traditional healthcare often focuses on symptom management rather than addressing root causes. Customized vitamin/mineral/amino acid formulas can help balance brain chemistry for many mental health issues. Gut health and microbiome play a critical role in overall wellness. Genetic and lifestyle factors create unique nutritional needs for each individual. Early intervention is key for conditions like autism, but improvements can be made at any age. Experimenting and exploring different interests is valuable for young people to find meaningful work.   Links:     Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!   Thanks for listening!   Show Sponsor:   Schedule your free no obligation call:

    1 t 10 min


Life beyond money! You got rich, now what? Welcome to Richer Soul. Your journey to a more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let's figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. Freedom!!! Living Baby Step 7 to the max!

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