The Importance of an ADA Compliant Website

Elevate Your Business Podkast

If you want to obtain new clients, serve your existing clients, and increase the productivity of your team and business, it all begins with your website. Having an efficiently designed website will enable you to more effectively interact with existing and potential clients and help you streamline your business processes. Is your current website ADA compliant? If not, it’s a good idea to take a proactive, customer-friendly approach to make the necessary changes to communicate with all visitors to your site. Additionally, an ADA compliant website also has SEO benefits for your website. What you do to help people with disabilities read and understand the content on your website also helps search engines like Google read, cache, understand, and index the content on your website to rank better. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more. Joe LeMire Elyk Innovation Website: Phone: 904.998.1935 At Elevate Business Law, we provide legal advice to small businesses and technology companies. Part of our mission is to provide businesses with good business practices and helpful information; therefore our “Elevate Your Business” podcasts will feature interviews with top business advisors from various industries. HOW TO CONTACT ELEVATE BUSINESS LAW: Laurie Lee, Esq. Email: Website: Office Phone: 904-860-3111

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