436 episodes

Today’s healthcare system is flawed. Break free from the limitations of “sick-care” and discover what it means to live life FULLY optimized.

A former champion men’s physique competitor and current 4x international best selling author in the optimized health care space, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on hormones, biohacking and higher consciousness.

Since returning from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru, he's experienced a profound awareness of the importance of #RaisingTheVibration of humanity to reach planetary consciousness aka unconditional love.

On the Jay Campbell Podcast, Jay interviews empowered servant leaders helping to propel humanity towards full spectrum optimization of the body-mind, heart and soul.

Are you the best version of yourself?

Claim: I AM Giving, Receiving and BE-ing Love!

Raise Your Vibration To Optimize Your Love Creation!

The Jay Campbell Podcast Jay Campbell

    • Helse og trening

Today’s healthcare system is flawed. Break free from the limitations of “sick-care” and discover what it means to live life FULLY optimized.

A former champion men’s physique competitor and current 4x international best selling author in the optimized health care space, Jay Campbell is a global thought leader on hormones, biohacking and higher consciousness.

Since returning from 12 days in The Sacred Valley of Peru, he's experienced a profound awareness of the importance of #RaisingTheVibration of humanity to reach planetary consciousness aka unconditional love.

On the Jay Campbell Podcast, Jay interviews empowered servant leaders helping to propel humanity towards full spectrum optimization of the body-mind, heart and soul.

Are you the best version of yourself?

Claim: I AM Giving, Receiving and BE-ing Love!

Raise Your Vibration To Optimize Your Love Creation!

    Behind The Curtain: How Hyperdimensional Beings Secretly Shape Our Perception Of Reality with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    Behind The Curtain: How Hyperdimensional Beings Secretly Shape Our Perception Of Reality with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    This episode is the fifth of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment.
    Throughout the conversation, the trio covers a variety of fascinating topics related to the hyperdimensional beings (Ex: Undergrounders) that live among us. 
    They discuss several methods these entities use to stifle our spiritual growth and manipulate our perception of reality, including toxic food sources, disruptive frequencies, societal programming, and controlling appointed agents who are placed in numerous positions of global influence.
    Tune in if you're eager to explore the mysteries of hyperdimensional realities, reveal the hidden hands controlling our most powerful political players, and learn about the energy management practices that are essential for successfully traversing the realm border crossing.

    "There is truth. There is forensic truth. There is mathematical truth. 
    But when you say ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth,’ one person's truth could be in alignment with how the universe sees itself and the other person's truth could be completely orthogonal."
    – Laura Knight-Jadczyk​​
    What You'll Learn From This Episode
    Hyperdimensional Beings and Undergrounders – Learn about a specific set of hyperdimensional or ultra-terrestrial beings often referred to as "undergrounders," which may exist in a different density altogether, while still retaining the ability to interact with our reality, influence world events, and possibly even harvest humans for their nefarious agendas.
    Mind Control and Societal Manipulation – Explore the various mechanisms of mind control used to influence public perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors to create a more passive, ignorant, and compliant population. These include everything from synthetic chemicals in our food products to vaccines with hidden genetic modification capabilities to neuroprogramming scripts that are installed through cultural channels like movies, music, and religion.
    Geopolitical War Games – Examine how fourth density beings use appointed human agents to influence our geopolitical landscape by creating global events that promote chaos, disorder, and instability. Hitler and Pol Pot may serve as historical examples of leaders who were unknowingly serving in this capacity, tasked with carrying out the agendas of higher density beings designed to engineer a societal collapse.
    The Potential For A Global Cleansing Event – Hear about how current trends put us on a path toward ever-increasing global tension, which could lead to a “rebalancing event” that includes significant violence, upheaval, and loss of life. Even first world countries like the U.S. would not be spared from civil wars, cataclysmic natural disasters, or nuclear attacks.
    Toxic Views On Health & Nutrition –  Understand how toxic substances in our food sources, such as glyphosate and other additives, impair both our physical and spiritual well-being. Hear about the dangers of movements like fat acceptance, which can normalize unhealthy body conditions that lower our vibrational frequency.
    Unlocking Your Full Spiritual Potential – Learn why effective management of your personal energy is the most important objective for third density beings. Gain knowledge that will help you think more clearly, perceive higher levels of reality, and protect yourself against a constant onslaught of negative influences.
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 – Introduction 00:02:13 – The Undergrounders Who Live Among Us 00:12:16 – Are Evil People Products Of 4th Density? 00:22:31 – Neuro Programming Through Science And Religion 00:25:59 – Using EMFs To Turn Off Our Spiritual Centers 00:33:15 – Individualism, Oppression, And The Collapse Of The U.S. 00:45:58 – Mind Control Through Har

    • 1 hr 50 min
    Transcending Reality: Hypnosis, Reincarnation, and Hyperdimensional Beings Explained by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    Transcending Reality: Hypnosis, Reincarnation, and Hyperdimensional Beings Explained by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    This episode is the fourth of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment.
    Throughout the conversation, the trio covers a variety of fascinating topics, ranging from the power of hypnotic regression and societal programming to the influence of hyperdimensional beings on human suffering.
    They delve into the controversial idea of modern ideologies as forms of human sacrifice and explore the spiritual connections of reincarnation and soul families.
    Tune in if you're interested in unlocking the secrets that are hidden within our reality and understanding the deeper forces at play (and at war) in our universe.

    "Transcending reality involves understanding that our perceptions can be manipulated. 
    This awareness is the first step in breaking free from the illusions imposed on us by societal norms and cultural conditioning."
    – Laura Knight-Jadczyk
    What You'll Learn From This Episode
    Hypnotic Regression and Perception Manipulation – Learn how easily our perceptions can be altered and manipulated by environmental conditioning, raising questions about the nature of reality and the true power of the human mind. 

    Cultural and Societal Programming – Understand how external programming, including influences from our families, societies, and cultures, shape our belief system, obscure our innate perceptions, and dictate what we perceive as reality. 

    Deprogramming and Spiritual Awakening – Hear about why you must deprogram from societal conditioning before you can gain a deeper understanding of reality, and why questioning and challenging the limitations imposed by conventional systems is a prerequisite for spiritual enlightenment.

    The Manipulation of Human Energy Fields by Hyperdimensional Beings – Explore the idea that hyperdimensional entities may feed on energy derived from human fear, pain, and suffering, which incentivizes them to manufacture constant chaos and conflict around the world to satiate their hunger.

    Modern Ideologies and Human Sacrifice – Examine how ideologies like transgenderism and violent global conflicts can be perceived as more modern forms of human sacrifice that perpetuate endless cycles of fear, chaos, and suffering, which feed into larger, more sinister cosmic agendas.

    Reincarnation and Soul Families – Discuss how our souls reincarnate across lifetimes, often with groups of other interconnected souls, and how these spiritual connections influence the relationships and life paths we experience in our current existence.  
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 – Introduction 
    00:02:00 – Altering Your Perception Of Reality
    00:11:12 – Energy Harvesting Through Psychological Programming
    00:14:05 – Human Sacrifice As An Energetic Food Source
    00:23:12 – Does Reincarnation Exist? What Is It’s Role?
    00:27:02 – Soul Families & Spiritual Entwinement
    00:39:53 – Why Do Hyperdimensional Beings Use Cloning?
    00:51:13 – Conscious Suffering & The Pursuit Of Truth
    01:02:14 – Where Are We On “The Wave Timeline?”
    01:09:59 – Organic Portals & Energy Siphons
    01:14:08 – Governmental Programming & Mind Control
    01:24:23 – Communism vs. Socialism vs. Capitalism
    01:34:10 – The Interactions & Limitations Of The Soul and Body
    01:49:25 – Is There A Unified Global Government?
    01:51:57 – Closing Thoughts & Laura’s Resources

    Guest Bio
    Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a renowned researcher and author specializing in the fields of paranormal phenomena, historical cosmic catastrophes, and psychological studies. 
    With a career spanning several decades, Laura has dedicated herself to exploring the boundaries between physical and non-physical realities.
    Her extensive work and unique insights are captured in her numerous publications, most notably her

    • 1 hr 53 min
    What is "The Wave": Raising Your Vibration To Prepare For The Realm Border Crossing with Laura-Knight Jadczyk

    What is "The Wave": Raising Your Vibration To Prepare For The Realm Border Crossing with Laura-Knight Jadczyk

    This episode is the third of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment.
    The conversation covers a variety of fascinating topics, ranging from reality creation and the limitations of “New Age” techniques like affirmations or mantras, to the chaotic nature of the realm border crossing and the potential influence of 4th density beings through emerging technologies like artificial intelligence.
    Tune in if you’re interested in expanding your understanding of the metaphysical realm and the interconnected nature of our existence.
    "We are in the middle of the wave, and changing realities is violent and chaotic. There are people who are going to be soul smashed. But at the same time, the Cassiopaeans have said, you know, what a glorious way to go to the fourth density."
    – Laura Knight Jadczyk
    What You'll Learn From This Episode
    The Complexities of Reality Creation – Take notes on how to create your own reality, and examine the most common pitfalls, challenges, and limitations associated with popular New Age techniques like affirmations or mantras.

    Balancing Your Emotional and Logical Centers – Discover the critical role of controlling your emotions and applying logical thinking when pursuing your goals, and understand the unique challenges that each gender faces when it comes to managing this volatility.

    Cassiopaean Perspectives On Plant-Based Medicine – Learn about how substances like mescaline, ayahuasca, and psilocybin, which are commonly used to heal trauma or elevate consciousness, can disrupt the natural pace of psychic development. 

    The Role of Melatonin in Psychic Enhancement – Explore the unique properties of melatonin, its benefits for cognitive development, and how the toxicity of modern society is hampering our body’s ability to naturally produce this psychologically transformational chemical.

    Difficult Conversations With Religious Conformists – Hear about the challenges of discussing Abrahamic religions with close family members and friends who strictly adhere to the Bible as their sole source of knowledge often resist considering new interpretations or historical information that might shake the foundations of their faith.

    The Chaos Of The Realm Border Crossing – Learn about the realm border crossing, a significant transition point that affects both individual and collective consciousness. Understand why it’s crucial to be aware of your frequency resonance vibration (FRV), as it influences how you will experience this chaotic and potentially violent transition.
      The Potentially Nefarious Agenda Behind Artificial Intelligence – Consider a working theory from Jay and Hunter that AI might be an extension of 4th density beings, who face challenges in maintaining a physical form in the 3rd density. Hear Laura’s reaction to the implications of AI being part of a broader, more complex agenda by higher-density entities and weigh that against the role the AI currently plays in your life.  
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 – Introduction  00:02:01 – Reality Creation & New Age Techniques 00:14:23 – The Interconnectednesss Of Humans & The Creator 00:23:08 – Gender-Specific Challenges With Balancing Emotions & Logic 00:32:56 – Cassiopaean Perspectives On Plant Medicines 00:44:40 – The Realm Border Crossing & How To Prepare For It 00:51:35 – Challenges Of Discussing Religion With Fundamentalists 01:01:00 – The Psychologically Expansive Role of Melatonin 01:08:26 – The Potentially Nefarious Agenda Behind Artificial Intelligence 01:21:37 – Closing Remarks & Laura’s Resources  
    Guest Bio
    Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a renowned researcher and author specializing in the fields of paranormal phenomena, historical cosmic catastrophes, and psychol

    • 1 hr 25 min
    In Search of the Miraculous: The Holy Grail Symbolism and Mysteries from Early Christianity with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    In Search of the Miraculous: The Holy Grail Symbolism and Mysteries from Early Christianity with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    This episode is the second of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment.
    The conversation covers a wide range of fascinating topics, from the theological differences between Pauline and Jerusalem Christianity, to historical hints at how higher density beings influence human affairs through a hyperdimensional control matrix, to the origins of religious rituals and their implications for modern society.
    Tune in if you're interested in learning what secrets and symbolism lie within the world’s most popular religious texts, and how we can use them to better inform our understanding of our position within the cosmos.
    "Jesus says, ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.’ And the thing is, that very teaching works against your religion.
    The contradictions are there, and there are a whole lot of things that don't fit, and that inspires you to ask some really tough questions."
    - Laura Knight Jadczyk

    What You'll Learn From This Episode
    Stories Of Religious Skepticism & Spiritual Awakening – Hear stories from Laura, Jay, and Hunter about their diverse experiences growing up in different Christian denominations and the pivotal moments that led them to question traditional religious teachings. Critical Analysis of Early Christianity – Laura shares insights from her research on early Christian texts and figures, particularly focusing on the historical context and theological differences between Pauline and Jerusalem Christianity. Comparative Religion and Modern Derivatives – Learn how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all interconnected, and hear examples of how the teachings, practices, and rituals of these religions have evolved over time. The Hyperdimensional Control Matrix – Understand how higher density beings are able to influence and control human affairs using the hyperdimensional control matrix, and how Paul’s writings may contain historical examples of these non-physical entities. The Spiritual Significance Of Mysteries, Mythologies, and Quests – Laura explains why sacred bloodlines or the legendary hunt for the Holy Grail may actually be allegories for the archetypal journey for truth and the relentless pursuit of higher understanding. The Historical Role and Modern Influence Of Religious Rituals – Learn about the historical and psychological implications of practices like circumcision or ritual sacrifice to better understand how they influence both individual and collective consciousness. Navigating Truth and Conspiracy in the Search for Knowledge – Note the importance of discernment and critical thinking to avoid being misled by misinformation or conspiracy theories throughout your journey searching for truth. Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogations, and False Accusations – Hear Laura’s personal experiences of being harassed for her beliefs and learn how to armor yourself with the resilience required to overcome any challenges that may come your way.  
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 – Introduction
    00:03:41 – Religious Skepticism & Visionary Experiences
    00:15:37 – Leaving Religion In Favor Of Spiritual Awakening
    00:19:49 – The Complex Origins of Christianity
    00:28:19 – The Allegorical Creation of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
    00:35:50 – Debunking Myths and Seeking Truth Beyond Religion
    00:41:05 – Connecting the Dots: King Arthur, The Holy Grail and Sacred Bloodlines
    00:46:00 – The Power of Names: Protection from Dark Forces
    00:52:29 – The Perversion of Christianity and the Role of the Vatican
    00:58:40 – Paul's Theology and the Hyperdimensional Control Matrix
    01:00:54 – The Controversial Practice of Circumcision
    01:15:04 – Navigating Truth and Conspiracy in the Search for Knowledge
    01:24:08 – Harassment, Surveillance

    • 1 hr 52 min
    Hyperdimensional Realities: The Most Dangerous Idea In The World Explained By Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    Hyperdimensional Realities: The Most Dangerous Idea In The World Explained By Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    This episode is the first of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview world-renowned paranormal researcher Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who authored a groundbreaking book series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment. 
    Part 1 of our conversation covers a wide range of fascinating topics, from the historical evidence of alien encounters and the mysterious origins of the Anunnaki, to the potential influences of supernatural forces on both historical events and modern day societal issues.
    This series is a must watch extensive discourse on how ancient myths, supernatural phenomena, and cutting-edge science converge to shape our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
    "If you think the government is hiding things about aliens, you're only scratching the surface of the mystery...We're not dealing with little green men or flying saucers. We're dealing with phenomena that challenge our very notions of reality."

    – Laura Knight-Jadczyk

    What You'll Learn From This Episode 
    Historical Context For Alien Encounters – Learn how historical accounts of demonic encounters across different cultures and eras are linked to modern reports of alien sightings that might provide evidence of ultraterrestrial influence.  Governmental Secrecy and Media Manipulation – Discover how global authorities control, restrict, and distort information to shape the public perception of paranormal phenomena.  The Anunnaki Connection: Zeta Reticuli and Earth's History – Dive into the intriguing theories connecting the Anunnaki from the Zeta Reticuli star system to Earth's ancient civilizations.  Nephilim and Giant Humanoids – Uncover the enigmatic presence of the Nephilim and other giant humanoids in ancient lore and their potential links to hyperdimensional beings.  Cataclysms and Alien Interventions in Human History – Discuss historical cataclysms and the theory that they might have been influenced or orchestrated by higher density beings.  Weather Phenomena: Natural or Supernatural Forces? – Examine historical and contemporary events where the line between natural and supernatural influence becomes blurred.  The Dark Side of Human Trafficking and Consumption – Address the grim topic of human trafficking and consumption, exploring its historical roots and its connections to dark, hidden agendas of powerful hyperdimensional entities.   
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 – Introduction
    00:03:15 – Laura’s Origin Story
    00:10:30 – Exploring Past Lives Using Hypnotherapy
    00:18:45 – Geoengineering and Climate Effects
    00:25:30 – Paranormal Encounters and Interdimensional Interactions
    00:34:00 – New Age Interpretations Of Alien Phenomena
    00:42:15 – Historical Precedence For Alien Encounters
    00:48:30 – The Anunnaki Connection: Zeta Reticuli and Earth's History
    00:53:01 – The Mystery of the Nephilim and Giant Humanoids
    00:58:41 – Cataclysms and Alien Interventions in Human History
    01:04:21 – Weather Phenomena: Natural or Supernatural Forces?
    01:34:04 – The Dark Side of Human Trafficking and Consumption
    01:43:31 – The Complex World of Sexuality and Energy Exchange
    01:50:20 – Closing Thoughts & Laura’s Resources
    Guest Biography 
    Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a renowned researcher and author specializing in the fields of paranormal phenomena, historical cosmic catastrophes, and psychological studies. With a career spanning several decades, Laura has dedicated herself to exploring the boundaries between physical and non-physical realities.
    Her extensive work and unique insights are captured in her numerous publications, most notably her groundbreaking series The Wave which delves into the intricacies of hyperdimensional realities and their impact on human history and consciousness. 
    She founded the scientific and metaphysical research community, The Cassiopaean Experiment, where she collaborates with other

    • 1 hr 51 min
    The Power of Spermidine: How To Reverse Aging at a Cellular Level with Leslie Kenny

    The Power of Spermidine: How To Reverse Aging at a Cellular Level with Leslie Kenny

    In this episode, Jay interviews Leslie Kenny, a world-renowned physiologist and Emeritus Professor of Physiology at the University of Oxford. At the age of 58, Leslie has managed to completely reverse her autoimmune conditions and achieve a biological age of 21.
    Their conversation covers the importance of autophagy and the important role that spermidine plays in processes related to cellular maintenance and renewal. They also describe the benefits of spermidine for things like hair health, skin pigmentation, hormonal balance, and immune system rejuvenation.
    Tune in if you want to better understand the role of spermidine in biological functions, and learn how spermidine supplementation could enhance your longevity and vitality.
    "Spermidine addresses a minimum of 9 out of 12 hallmarks of aging, including telomere length and mitochondrial dysfunction, and helps us avoid cancer and cardiovascular disease."
    – Leslie Kenny
    What You'll Learn From This Episode
    Autophagy and Cell Renewal – The importance of this self-cleaning process for cell maintenance and longevity, especially for heart cells. Benefits of Spermidine – How spermidine helps with everything from cardiovascular disease to hormone regulation to hair health and regrowth. Synthetic vs. Natural Spermidine – Risks associated with synthetic versions of spermidine and the irrefutable benefits of food-derived sources. Impact of Spermidine on Aging – How spermidine targets multiple hallmarks of aging and rejuvenates immune cells and cardiac cells, leading to improved health and vitality. Hormonal Balance and Spermidine – When it comes to hormone optimization, research suggests spermidine has broad-reaching impacts for both men and women.  
    Key Moments In This Conversation
    00:00:00 - Introduction
    00:03:50 – Autophagy And Its Role In Aging
    00:08:38 – Understanding Age Regression
    00:12:20 – Importance of Hormone Optimization For Women
    00:19:08 – Modern Challenges of Hormone Optimization
    00:22:56 – Synthetic vs. Food-derived Spermidine
    00:27:06 – Spermidine For Hair Health & Regrowth
    00:35:29 – Dosage Recommendations For Spermidine Supplementation
    00:42:03 – Importance Of Slowing The Aging Process
    00:45:46 – Positive Impact of Spermidine On The Immune System
    00:50:00 – Closing Thoughts And Leslie’s Resources

    Guest Bio
    Leslie Kenny is an Oxford-based entrepreneur with a diverse educational background, having graduated from Berkeley and Harvard Business School. Her journey towards becoming a health and longevity expert was catalyzed by her personal health challenges, including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto's at the age of 30. 
    Through embracing holistic health practices and launching Oxford Healthspan, a high potency spermidine supplement, Leslie has not only reversed her autoimmune conditions but also achieved a remarkable biological age of 21 at the chronological age of 58. Her personal transformation is living proof that individuals can improve their health and vitality with age.
    Learn more about Leslie and her work at www.oxfordhealthspan.com.
    Jay Campbell Products & Resources
    👉 Pick up my newest international best-selling book on Using Peptides: Optimize Your Health with Therapeutic Peptides: Extend Your Life by Becoming More Muscular, Leaner, Smarter, Injury-Free and Younger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSVL2X6Z/...
    ✅ Ready to Let Me Help You Optimize Your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul?
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    Maybe you are dabbling in peptides but want to learn how to master their use?
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    • 51 min

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