
Toyin Bamidele
TheVentur. Podkast

The ventur represents the introduction of an alternative logic to how we think, approach, act and build for market gaps and opportunity in the local context of Africa.

  1. 18.10.2021

    The Legacy, The Now, The Future of creating prosperity in Africa #October1Series #2021

    On October 1st, 2021, Nigeria celebrated her 61st independence day. The historical relevance of this day and its long chain of social, political and economic stories, have culminated into present day realities that nudge us to reflect on the national past, present and future. The context of this decade, with the emergence of the global digital transformation creates an opportunity for nations to redefine their role in the world and rethink the stories of their national character. We are living in one of the most prosperous times in the history, with Nigeria hosting one of the youngest and most vibrant populations in the world actively contributing to the global digital transformation, however is unable to capture the value of her demographic dividend and struggles with inefficient social, economic and political mechanisms for growth and development. This beseeches Nigeria and Africa to actively reflect on the deliberate action towards a global prosperity potential. "The Legacy, The Now and the Future of creating prosperity in Africa" seeks to connect stakeholders in Industry, Academia and Government through a national conversation about the Nigerian reality within the global context. Hosted, are 3 authors who have written about the national interest of Nigeria and her role in advancing Africa; Oluseun Onigbinde; author of The Existential Questions, Yomi Jemibewon; Author of Risk and Return, 'Toyin Bamidele (Batel); Author of The Venture Matrix for the Future of Africa [Gameplan]. These authors reviewed their books within this context and engaged in a discourse about the deliberate action needed to transform the social, political and economic reality of Nigeria this decade.  *(Disclaimer: This is the recording of the virtual event, which sadly didn't capture the breakout rooms session)*

    2 t 41 min


The ventur represents the introduction of an alternative logic to how we think, approach, act and build for market gaps and opportunity in the local context of Africa.

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