This Beautiful Mess

Janda White
This Beautiful Mess Podkast

As entrepreneurs and moms, we want so badly to present a perfect image and get everything right, but often the most important lessons are learned in the messy middle when we're still figuring it all out. Imperfect action is better than no action. Don't go it alone! This Beautiful Mess explores lessons in marketing, mindset, and motherhood so you can be encouraged to keep going despite the messiness of business, branding, and raising babies.



As entrepreneurs and moms, we want so badly to present a perfect image and get everything right, but often the most important lessons are learned in the messy middle when we're still figuring it all out. Imperfect action is better than no action. Don't go it alone! This Beautiful Mess explores lessons in marketing, mindset, and motherhood so you can be encouraged to keep going despite the messiness of business, branding, and raising babies.

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