Untranslated Islam

Ben Yusef
Untranslated Islam Podcast

Daily Benefits For Muslims From Untranslated Arabic sources. Hosted By Ben Yusef. Youtube.com/@UIBY Your support at this early stage of the show will impact it's future and longevity. Contact: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

  1. This Perfect Formula Gets Your Dua Answered. | Untranslated Islam #30


    This Perfect Formula Gets Your Dua Answered. | Untranslated Islam #30

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 30: The Formula to Have Our Duas (Supplications) Answered Don't you want your supplications answered?! Embedded in the Opening Chapter (Al-Faatihah), is a sure proven formula to be used in every supplication to package it for acceptance! Let's explore the constitution of Al- Faatihah, in search of- the Formula for Accepted Supplication... For more details, see timestamps below: 0:00 - Intro 0:25 - Don't you want your supplications to be answered?! 1:25 - The 2 types of Supplication 2:05 - Hadith: All must recite Al-Faatihah in every rak'at (unit) of Prayer 4:05 - Hadith Qudsi - Allah says, " I've divided my servants prayer into 2 exact halves 5:20 - Benefits of 'Al- Hamdu Lillah' 7:15 - Benefits of Ar-Rahmaan Ar Raheem 8:15 - Benefits of Maaliki Yawmid Deen 8:45 - Iyyaka Na'bud is end of first half, Iyaaka Nasta'een begins second half 10:00 - What do those last 3 verses really mean? 11:00 - The Blessed Formula of Acceptable Dua- Recognize Allah's Loftiness, and recognize our lowliness and need 11:30 - Examples from duas we all know 13:45 - Examples from duas in the Quran, duas of the Prophets, and in the Sunnah 14:50 - Supplication of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham [AS]) when he was thrown in that fire 16:50 - Supplication of Prophet Ayyub (Job [AS}) 18:15 - Supplication of Prophet Yunus (Jonah [AS}) in the belly of the whale 23:25 - Supplication of Prophet Zakariyyah (Zecharia [AS]) which resulted in his son Yahya (John [AS]) 27:05 - Closing remarks - Formula: Recognize Allah's Loftiness, and recognize our lowliness :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI https://www.tiktok.com/@untranslatedislam CONTACT UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    30 min
  2. 16/02/2023

    Angels Are Better Than Humans, Right? Wrong. | Untranslated Islam #29

    Who is REALLY better, Angels or man? - 00:25 - Origins of a humbling reflection from Surat Ar-Ra'd (the Thunder) - 01:40 - Surat Ar R'ad: the Gardens of Eden - 03:45 -Point: the Angels will enter upon them with greetings and praise - 04:15 - Who is better, Angels or man? Origins of the age old debate between the scholars - 04:35 - Origins of the virtues of Adam - 06:55 - A parable for deep contemplation:Which scenario is more honorable - 11:00 - Apply parable to this discussion - 11:25 - Shaykh Uthaymeens comments on miracles in tafseer of Surat Saba - 13:00 - Shaykh Uthaymeen's position on who is better, Angels or man - 17:00 - Reason 1 why Angels will serve the righteous in Paradise - 18:00 - Reason 2 why Angels will serve the righteous in Paradise - 19:00- Apply to our now: Ibn Katheer: at least 8 Angels are at each of our service RIGHT NOW! - 21:55 - Are not you shy of the Angels around you?! - 22:25 - Contemplation of 2 verses of Angels seeking forgiveness for us... Completely different context! - 25:45 - Will not WE be shy of the Angels surrounding us, and at our service, Right Now! - 27:25 - Why Satans whisper in our hearts instead of our ears - 28:00 - When the Day of Judgement comes, and they are called to witness for or against us! - 30:30 - Surat Ar-Ra'd: A look of the context these verses came in - the descriptions of those who will receive this honor :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI https://www.tiktok.com/@untranslatedislam CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    38 min
  3. Angels Are Better Than Humans, Right? Wrong. | Untranslated Islam #29


    Angels Are Better Than Humans, Right? Wrong. | Untranslated Islam #29

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 28: Take it Personal! - Benefits from Surah Al-Qiyaamah (The Ressurection) Take All Knowledge Personal! With every advice, admonishment, reminder and the likes, think of how it applies to YOU first, and what is calls you to rectify and correct within. In this episode, Brother Ben discusses the self- reproaching soul that we each have, and how we should use it for our salvation. For more details, see the timestamps below: - 00:00 - Intro - 01:00 - Take all knowledge PERSONAL... Its not about everyone else, its about YOU! - 02:25 - Three subdivisions of the Soul - 07:25 - Surat Al-Qiyaamah- Allah swears by 'the Self- Reproaching Soul'- context - 09:00 - Miracle of Quran: Allah promises he will reconstruct us the same down to our fingerprints -10:40 - Trick of shaytaan: tricks you to sin, then delay repentance -12:05 The Big and Small Qiyaamah -12:55 - What is 'the Warner' -14:10 - the Self Reproaching Soul = Take it Personal! - 15:35 - Imam As Sa'dee's explanation - 17:00 - Imam Al- Baghawi's explanation - 18:55 - Hasan Al Basri's explanation - 19:25 - On the Day of Qiyaamah, EVERY single person will say 'Woe is me, if only I would have sent MORE forth!' - 21:00 - Closing: Every verse you read, Take it Personal! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI https://www.tiktok.com/@untranslatedislam CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    23 min
  4. Traditional Gender Roles Are Islamic | Untranslated Islam #27


    Traditional Gender Roles Are Islamic | Untranslated Islam #27

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 27: Origins of Adam's responsibility for food, drink, clothing, and shelter Why are men responsible to provide for women? What is the origin of this legislation? In these days of 2- income families, Brother Ben discusses the origins of man's responsibility for women, and why this foundational point is of pertinent importanceto know, no matter how far '2-income' we go! For more detail, see the timestamps below: - 00:00 - Intro - 00:35 - Issue of the 2-income family - 01:20 - How the owners and higher echelon business execs who run these establishments structure their households - 02:20 - Importance of a traditional family structure, wherein each parent knows their key responsibility, and everything else is extra - 02:55 - The Key first responsibility for the husband and wife, and father and mother... everything else is extra - 03:10 - The Foundation: Since our father, Adam, men have been decreed responsible for seeking earnings to provide for the women - 04:30 - So many points from the life of our father, Adam (AS), that our the origins of our legislations and traditions today - 05:15 - Surat Taha, 22:117-119- Proof from the story of Allah's direct speech to our father, Adam - 08:25 - Explanation of these verses from the top scholars of Tafseer (Quran explanation) - 09:35 - Imam Shinqeeti's explanation: If you mess up Adam, YOU will have to feel it. - 14:40 - Intermission: the Crying of Adam (and other benefits from various scholars) - 20:25 - Imam Ash- Shinqeeti's explanation continued: Beware of your enemy - 23:10 - Imam Al-Qurtubi's explanation - 27:00 - Wording of verse covers every internal pain and external pain - 28:20 - Closing remarks- Women have total right to completely stop, or at least take a break. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI https://www.tiktok.com/@untranslatedislam CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    30 min
  5. Why The Prophet Left Out Aisha's Home In The Middle Of Night? | Untranslated Islam #26


    Why The Prophet Left Out Aisha's Home In The Middle Of Night? | Untranslated Islam #26

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 26: the Prophet (SAW) and the Graveyard of Baqee' Assuming that she is sleep, the Prophet (PBUH) suddenly and quietly slips out of his wife Aisha's bed, stealthily gets dressed, and slips out of her home in the middle of the night. What he didn't know is that she was awake! So, as soon as he slipped out of the home, she immediately hopped up, got dressed, and slipped out behind him, to secretly follow him! What lessons can we learn and apply to our lives from this narration? For more details, see the timestamps below: - 00:00 - Intro - 01:25 - We should refer to the Prophets wives as our mothers - 02:40 - Narrating verbatim, even using same word choice, gestures, patterns and feelings as our predecessors, to retain the feeling - 03:50- Benefit: Prophet's rational thought/security consciousness when retiring to sleep - 05:25 - Etiquette- showing consideration when one is asleep in your presence- Continue with text of hadith - 11:40 - Benefit: Don't be overbearing, interrogating and call your wife out for every little shortcoming, especially younger ones. Same with younger children. Cultivate and train. - 15:20 - Why the Prophet left out Aisha's home in the middle of night - 18:35 - Authentic supplication when visiting the Muslims grave - 20:45 - Importance of extracting benefits from authentic stories from the Quran and the sunnah - 21:30- Benefit: Start conversation/ advice with a question or something to engage your listener's undivided attention - 23:15 - Going home to your wife/family directly after Salatul Isha.. retire early to awake last 1/3 of night for time with Allah - 26:30 - Respect those who are trying to sleep or rest - 27:30 - Don't leave women and children lonely all night...also train women to be brave - 29:05 - Be aware of modesty at all times 30:00 - being patient with women and children's emotional development and emotion- based decisions- - 31:30 - Ayah: Don't you want Allah to forgive you - 32:20 - Importance and Ettiquettes of visiting the Muslim Graves and supplication for them - 33:55 - Gentle reprimand for those under your care/authority :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    37 min
  6. "If Allah Revealed Only This Single Chapter...." | Untranslated Islam #25


    "If Allah Revealed Only This Single Chapter...." | Untranslated Islam #25

    Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 25: We Are ALL Losing, Except... A quick reminder about the importance of a short chapter that most of us have memorized in our chest- Surat Al- Asr. Brother Ben discusses a few key points of benefit from this short chapter. Important and potentially life changing perspectives. For more detail, see timestamps below: 0:00 Intro, on the move 01:10 {I swear by Al- Asr} 01:25 Which prayer is The middle prayer 01:40 How did scholars differ about which prayer is the middle prayer 02:30 Swearing by time 2:55 Shaykh Al Fawzaan- {Every single human is in some state of loss...except...} 04:15 - Who are the exceptions 05:20 " Ta faa 3a la " 06:15 Being upon truth is going to come with some difficulty 06:55 Virtues of this Short Surah 07:40 Benefit of setting your life up to get constant reminders :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    10 min
  7. When I Got Laid off | Untranslated Islam #24


    When I Got Laid off | Untranslated Islam #24

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 24: God May Close One Door, To Open Up Another God is the All- Wise. Though difficulty is a part of life, if we are patient and persevering, we will find that even within our difficulties is great blessing and mercy. Be mindful of Satan's ever-working plot. God has warned us saying, " Satan threatens you with 'Faqr' (poverty, need, despair), then orders you with sin/immorality." So, if difficulty is a part of life either way, then persevere upon the way that will keep you blessed, in both difficulty and ease. For more details, see the timestamps below: - 00:00 - Intro -01:05 - Life Lesson story: Getting laid off - 05:40 - Sometimes Allah closes one door of opportunity, to open up another.. - 07:30 - Allah is Al- Muqeet (the All- Sustaining)! - 10:00 - Allah says: {Satan threatens you with poverty/despair, then orders you with immorality} - 13:00 - Ibn Al- Qayim- In the grave, your shown the end of both your potential decrees - 15:15 - Tribulation is part of this world.. continue patiently persevering on the straight way :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    18 min
  8. Why Some Desperate Muslims Commit Crimes? | Untranslated Islam #23


    Why Some Desperate Muslims Commit Crimes? | Untranslated Islam #23

    - Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef Episode 23: Hard Times are no Excuse to Commit the Haraam (Unlawful)! We are all guaranteed that we will be tested with something of difficulty in this worldly life. The issue is how we respond to our trials and tribulations. Hard times are no excuse to indulge in the unlawful! In this episode, we give sincere advise, along with benefits from the Quran, Sunnah, and the righteous in this regard. For more detail, see the timestamps below: - 00:00 - Intro - 01:40 - Hard times is No Excuse to commit the Haraam.. - 04:25 - Hadith: "... and let not anyone use a delay in provision as their excuse to commit sin! " - 05:25 - Wisdom in Allah's delaying provisions: Benefits from Surah Ash- Shoora - 06:45 - Ibn Al- Qayyim: Lesson from our father, Adam- Man appreciates a blessing more after knowing it's opposite. - 08:25 - Wisdom: Allah gives us the relief after we feel despair, so we will appreciate it more - 12:20 - Benefit from the aforementioned hadith- Rid yourselves from every Haraam! - 12:55 - Hadith: "Verily Allah is Tayyib (All-Good, All-Pure), and thus accepts nothing except tayyib!" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives. Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/UNISPOD https://www.patreon.com/UntranslatedIslam728/membership (☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah) Videos available on: https://www.youtube.com/@UIBY https://www.facebook.com/UntranslatedIslam https://rumble.com/c/c-2355530 SOACIALS: https://www.instagram.com/untranslatedislam/ https://twitter.com/BenYusefUI CONTACT: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

    21 min


Daily Benefits For Muslims From Untranslated Arabic sources. Hosted By Ben Yusef. Youtube.com/@UIBY Your support at this early stage of the show will impact it's future and longevity. Contact: UntranslatedIslam@gmail.com

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