Why You Should Begin Building an Email List in Your Business Today!

Marketing is Mandatory ™ Podkast

Increase Your Sales in Your Business By Consistently Building an Email List!

If you are starting or currently running an online business you must continually be email list-building.  Your email list is one of the primary drivers of revenue. Email is the surefire way to create intimacy and build relationships with your potential customers. Email is the most efficient way to build trust. In fact, I would say email builds a deeper level of trust, because you can personalize it. 

Each Day It's Get's More Difficult to Cut Through the Noise of Social Media to Reach Your Target Customer.

The fast moving, every changing, cluttered with ads, social media feeds on Instagram and Facebook are not the place to build relationships. Social Media is where you build awareness. For the average business owner, it's too expensive to produce high quality videos daily. So the high levels of engagement that we used to get with simple image posts, today is only achieved with paid ads. So Idea of continuous posting is really a shotgun approach to marketing and acquiring customers. "Shotgun," meaning "Spray and Pray."  With this approach you hope you message lands in the feed of your potential customer. 

You Can Build Trust, Nurture Customers, and Build Your Brand When You Have An Ever-growing Email List
When you send an email, it's personal. Because your recipient requested (opted-in) to recieve emails from you.  Your email messages become opportunities to have conversations with your prospect. When you deliver value to your reader over email,  the will obviously anticipate your next email, expecting value again. As you become valuable your reader will want to reciprocate. 

You will give them the opportunity to reciprocate through purchasing your products.  If your reader has been receiving value for free over email. Then an offer to continue to deliver more of what they have benefited from, will surely compel them to open their wallet.

Have a question? Maybe you have a business or marketing problem you want my thoughts on? 

Click this link and record a message.. I will respond with answer. I may play your question in on the next episode and answer it for you.
Don't forget to leave your first name and email address. (I promise won't publish your email address)


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