Alpha Activation

James Dynamite
Alpha Activation Podcast

♔ Transforming 'nice guys' into kings. ⚤ Dominate your dating & social life. 🂡 Daily actionable truth bombs. ↓ More Free Content. Support this podcast:

  1. 07/02/2021

    Don’t Chase Attraction [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ Never chase attraction — attraction is aroused through your carefree, playful attitude and non-needy disposition. Trying to use aggression, logic, or being overly available to force attraction will only ever backfire. -- "In the same way that you should never chase a woman over the phone, you must also refrain from chasing commitment. The moment you ask a woman that one fatal question: "Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" is the moment she starts to question your masculinity. A woman will let you know when she wants to have a relationship with you, there's no need to chase commitment." — Christopher Canwell, Atomic Attraction. -- Its crazy how common the issue above is for men today. We get brainwashed from birth to believe our worth stems from being with someone. When you're genuinely grounded and stable in yourself (not needing a woman to be happy) — you couldn't care less if you're in a relationship or not. Then, naturally, you will be pursued. -- It's a paradox, and an inversion of everything society tries to force down our throats. You are NOT broken, and you don't 'need' to be with anyone to be happy. Happiness naturally comes from within while you engage with life fully. -- I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't get into a relationship — when you feel free from the 'need' for one, you can truly enjoy it fully. That's the punch line to all of this... By not needing women, you can have much better, fuller relationships with them. -- 'Neediness' is a learned belief structure forced on the population to keep us confused, weak, and easier to manipulate. It only has power over you if you give it that power. Which is zero effect when you start embodying an Alpha mindset. The trick is catching yourself when that mental software starts running. -- The more you recognize that your thought patterns and beliefs are dictated by bull shit — the less you are affected by them. Catch yourself when you feel that pull. Remind yourself that you are already complete as you are. You are strong, and you can wake up the sleeping king within you. You got this, boss. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min
  2. 06/25/2021

    Don’t Get Attached to Women [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ The more you try to hold onto a woman — the more she'll want to push you away. As an Alpha, your primary focus should never be on owning, holding onto, or trying to force someone to be with you. -- The above comes from neediness, desperation, and false beliefs that teach us we have to adhere to specific ideas to be happy. It's a false fantasy used to keep us distracted from our greatness. The Alpha Male Mindset is galvanized by letting go of attachments. Freedom is found in facing the fact that we can never hold onto anything. -- When you attach your happiness to someone else — your mental strength becomes fragile and can easily be broken. Suppose the person you've linked your happiness to changes in even a small way. In that case, you will become sensitive to that change. Your mind will begin to catastrophize, and worse still, you'll try to counteract it via needy behavior. -- That needy behavior then repulses the woman, and she'll feel like she has to take on the masculine role. Essentially, these divisive ideas create mental weakness. Attachment is the main thing that starts to erode your mindset. You break free when you face the pain of loss. That's why for many men, a harsh breakup brings them to exaltation. --- Support this podcast:

    4 min
  3. 06/18/2021

    Dating Beautiful Women Part 2 [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ If you want to sleep with super hot women, one of the most significant aspects of attraction you need to master is called 'non-neediness.' 'Non-neediness' means that you don't need others to be happy, feel safe or receive validation. It sets a vibe that women find powerfully attractive. It communicates confidence, mental strength, and pre-selection. -- Neediness does the opposite. The needier you are, the less anyone will be attracted or want to spend time with you. Non-neediness is a crucial aspect of an Alpha mindset. Aside from getting you laid, it'll give you a dominant edge. -- Socially, those at the top of the hierarchy don't need to prove themselves or get validation from others. Those at the bottom are struggling to get to the top, which is communicated via neediness. The punchline is that it's all perceptual. You are who you see yourself as in that moment. Regardless of where you or what anyone thinks you should be within a social hierarchy if you've mastered non-neediness, none of that bull shit matters. You naturally dominate. -- It's powerfully attractive for women because it's an honest signal of strength, stability, and intelligence. It also allows those around you to relax and feel comfortable being who they are. These are the best circumstances for mutual attraction and sex. It's the perfect foundation for chemistry and gives everyone permission to let down their guard. Non-neediness is an essential skill for an Alpha. Yes, it's a skill that can be learned, perfected, and exalted endlessly. You'll always find new challenges and ways to embody it. -- To embody it in your everyday life, catch yourself when you're feeling that pull to qualify, prove, impress, or convince someone you are good enough. Support your innate calmness by taking care of your primary health needs, like getting good nutrition, enough sleep, adequate hydration, and daily exercise. Support your body, and the mind will follow. Don't beat yourself up for making past mistakes. Learn from them and lean into the challenge to be at your best the next time that situation comes up. It's a constant lifestyle choice — you can do it, and you're NOT broken. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min
  4. 06/11/2021

    Dating Beautiful Women Part 1 [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ If you want to date very beautiful women, you have to be unaffected by their beauty. I don't mean you don't enjoy her or are physically attracted to her — I'm talking about not being totally dominated by her appearance. It's crucial to always maintain your dignity and self-respect. The minute you become sycophantic (AKA a SIMP) because of her looks is the moment all the attraction dries up. -- If you treat her like a celebrity, she'll treat you like a fan. As soon as you put a woman on a pedestal, she'll start to lose interest in you. Your behavior will devolve into that of a servant who's desperate for attention and validation. You have to detach yourself and allow her to qualify herself via other characteristics of her personality. -- It all comes down to knowing your happiness doesn't originate from being with anyone else. Not even if they're absolutely physically stunning. I've known hot strippers who look amazing, though inside, they're crazy and super challenging (not in a fun way) to be with. -- As a man, particularly one dedicated to his own evolution, betterment, and purpose — you have to be discerning. That means just because a woman is hot doesn't mean you give up the game and bow down at her feet, begging for sex. Yes, hotness is hot. Consider what other qualities make women worthy of being with you. Look for red flags — don't just say yes because her looks are stunning. -- This is why we see so many successful male celebrities getting eaten alive by their 'super-hot' ex-wives. Being 'super-hot' doesn't guarantee anyone is a good human being. Most of that hotness (particularly on Instagram) can be faked with makeup. This is why you have to look deeper and make decisions based on raising your standards. -- Beautiful is great, but it can lie. You are on the path to becoming a king, which means you need to wisely choose who you sleep with. Do not be ruled by looks or the promise of sexual gratification. Raise your standard and watch your life elevate. Attention is the power to decide. Remove your attention from those who mistreat you or raise red flags and focus on those who meet your standards. You are not broken, so it's time to start allowing healthy and beautiful women into your life — do not settle for less. You got this, king. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min
  5. 06/04/2021

    Break Up Advice for Men [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ For many men, their journey of self-improvement starts with a harsh breakup. Hitting rock bottom can be the beginning of your ascent to excellence. -- There is an often-overlooked deeper meaning to being Alpha that isn't just about getting laid or social dominance. It's actually the most essential aspect. Without it, stuff like getting the right women, holding your frame, etc., etc., won't be a stable character trait or the default for your personality. This means that often men experience quick wins, but then before long fall back into old patterns. The aspect I'm talking about is the ability to get the f**k back up on your feet. -- To be able to touch the bottom of the ocean (a metaphor for when things suck) and still decide to swim like a mutha f****r back to the surface (another metaphor for getting back on track). That ability alone can ensure not just survival but excellence. We've probably all been there. I know I have. Lost the girl. Lost the job. Lost face. Lost hope. -- It's not the end, brother. It's the beginning. The shift in your mindset is to look at the opportunity presented to you. A critical factor in being able to do that effectively is mental resilience. When you've got the steadfast conviction to say to yourself, "f**k it, I'll give it everything I've got." That's true courage. -- That's the whole point. Loss. When we get attached to things, often life can just take them away in some form. That doesn't mean the absence of them destroys who you are. Look for the opportunity. Now you have nothing left to lose and everything to gain. Now is your time — NOT the end of who you are. -- Yes. You've lost a lot. Don't even try to justify or use strategies to buffer the pain. Face it. Face it fully and rise. We don't realize even the edge of our limits. You are strong. You can deal with this. You are NOT broken, and now is the perfect time for you to swim to the top and rise above. -- Here's what I do whenever I've hit rock bottom: Step 1) I write about it. I get it out of my head and onto paper. What I do is I write what's messing up my mind, then I reply to it like I was helping a close friend. This does several brilliant things; A) gives you some perspective on the situation. B) develops your adaptive confidence to navigate life. C) activates your serotonin-based goal orientation — and gives you a mood boost. D) clarifies the situations and gives you direct action and a path to move forward.  Step 2) Take the best care of yourself possible. I treat myself like the most important person in the room. I take care of everything I need and ensure my physical well-being is my first priority. This does another bunch of great things; A) rebuilds your sense of value in yourself. B) supports your mood via your physical health. C) did I mention health? -- Now is your time to rise. All those things like pussy, dominance, and money will naturally gravitate towards you when you do. First, it's time to swim. --- Support this podcast:

    7 min
  6. 05/28/2021

    Attract Women Through Self-improvement [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ Attraction comes from working on yourself. It's a side-effect of striving for the best possible version of yourself. Moment to moment — always aiming higher. This is the potential you have as someone who doesn't get dominated by society's feeble games. -- This is why if you're not genuinely leaning into your Masculine Edge, even with the best online profile or social media — you'll still get left out. "It doesn't matter how attractive your online profile is and how well you communicate, if a woman isn't attracted to you in person, there's nothing you can do to redeem the situation." — Christopher Canwell, Atomic Attraction. -- Many men I talk to believe they're f****d. I've spoken to men who think they're cursed. Like all they do is get rejected, and then some toxic wench ends up chewing them up and spitting them out. You know what I see in these men? I see potential. I see power. I see strength. It's fascinating because so many struggle to believe they can approach a 10 or dominate the office. -- That's the keyword here. Belief. Society has lost its mind, in my opinion. We get conditioned from birth to believe we are weak, broken, lacking. All b******t. Every man and every woman has everything they need to be free, content, and happy. It's all inside each of us. -- We get trained to be subservient. We get conditioned to see division. We get taught to separate ourselves out and give up what makes us human in favor of "safety." I say fuck that noise. Truth is, none of you are broken. None of you are lacking. -- You could ask why. It's pointless. Focus on what. What do you need to do to truly be that man. Because you do have what it takes. You can be even better than the dating profile suggests. It's simple. You stop hating yourself. You stop buying into fear. You start acting with courage. Prioritize your alphahood. -- Each man has the power to rise up. You do that, and when they meet you in person, those panties will drop. Importantly tho, it's not just about getting laid. It's about you shifting into the king you were born to be. That all starts with how you perceive your life. It's about mindset. From there, everything else — all the pussy, respect, and social status — flood to your feet. Effortlessly. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min
  7. 05/21/2021

    Attraction Killing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ Don't get all heavy and emotional — it kills the attraction and drives women away from you. Counter to the whole "victim" mentality popular culture pushes on everyone, keeping the dynamic light, playful and fun always wins. -- The more light-hearted and relaxed you are, the more attractive you become. The heavier-hearted and serious you are, the more boring you become. -- Often we get the idea pushed into us that we have to be an overly emotional, vulnerable mess via whining, complaining and bitching for attention. The opposite is true. Keeping things playful, fun and generally positive — makes you magnetic. -- Women gravitate to what feels good. Being all gushy and bruised only puts you in the category of "feel bad", — which most people will tend to avoid. The less time you spend self-deprecating, doubting and whining about your life, the better. -- Firstly, because your resilience and adaptive confidence rises when you don't confirm failure with others. Secondly, those who you speak to will associate you with the positive emotions they're feeling. So if you're the guy who brings the fun, those people will relax and start having fun with you too. -- When women relax and let loose, that's when it's easier to attract and move interactions forward. Suppose you're super heavy or basically acting like "a wet blanket" (UK phrase, look it up). In that case, no-one is going to see your manly excellence. -- Finally, it just makes your life more fun. We have a choice in each and every moment. WE CAN either love the f**k out of our existence or hate it. The former frames everything you feel and do in a positive light, while the latter causes you to descend into pain. -- Yes, we all feel bad, don't hate yourself for that. The point is how you respond, move and make a difference. That's where your power is. And within that boundless confidence — all else becomes much more simple. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min
  8. 05/14/2021

    Escape the Friendzone [2021] | Red Pill

    Free Ebook → — Website → — Blog | Membership → — Instagram → Podcast → BitChute → YouTube → — Transcript ↓ If you never want to be in the friend zone again, stop trying to 'people please' or 'play it safe.' Being 'Mr nice guy' often ends up putting many men in the friend zone. -- It's totally counter-intuitive because many of us get conditioned to be the safe, overly 'nice friend' who isn't at all sexual. Many men get taught to always agree and generally don't challenge women in their life and don't have a strong masculine edge. The above doesn't inspire attraction. Most women will see guys like this as other women. -- Despite society's bizarre nonsensical obsession with neutralizing genders in the name of equality, the results speak for themselves for men who get trapped in this mindset. Instead of the happy image we've been lead to believe in, more often than not, these guys become frustrated, trapped, and don't enjoy the rich sexual lives they desire. -- Worse yet, they get involved with women who mistreat them and eventually dominate & even abuse them completely. I say hell no to that noise. Because honestly, just standing up for yourself, not dishonestly being so agreeable, and being upfront with your intentions — does the opposite. It gets you laid. -- The thing is, trying to hide your masculinity or direct natural dominant nature — turns us into an emotional tampon. That's not the way I choose to live. You do what you want, Brother, but I'm going to live a life exalting myself and naturally being the strong dominant king I was born to be. -- I'm telling you when you give up trying to please or be friends with women to try and get in their pants, life gets easier. By just being upfront and honest about your intentions from the start — females respond, respect, and get turned on by that forthright masculine honesty. Here's the best part, if they're not feeling you, it's a good thing because you no longer have to waste any more time with them and can approach someone else instead. -- The quicker you go through rejection, the faster you get to a 'hell yes.' I'm telling you, brother, those women who are into you, will treat you like a king. But first, you have to stop pretending by hiding in the bushes as 'Mr nice guy' and be the honest wolf that compatible women are actively looking for right now. The trick to escaping the friend zone is to never put yourself in there, to begin with. --- Support this podcast:

    5 min

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