(*both laugh*) The Dying Scene Interviews

(*both laugh*) The Dying Scene Interviews Podcast

(*both laugh*) officially kicked off in April 2020. Since we were all going to be in lockdown for the foreseeable future, we wanted to take some time to focus on bands who'd had plans cut short due to the ever-changing world. As quarantine continued, our focus shifted to catching up with people that were doing fun and inspiring things to stay connected - and busy - during lockdown. New music, new books, new podcasts, and myriad other projects. We initially started doing interviews over Instagram Live because it added an interesting, unpredictable component, but sometimes, predictability is actually a good thing, so we've switched to Zoom. However, that's allowed us to capture the audio too and upload them here. Behold...the (*both laugh*) Quarantine Chats podcast.

  1. 05/29/2022

    (*both laugh*) Episode 59: The Venomous Pinks!

    Episode 59 of (*both laugh*) brings us another full band episode! This time, we're joined by Drea Doll, Gaby Kaos and Cassie Jalilie, collectively known as the kick-ass Arizona punk rock trio The Venomous Pinks! 2022 marks their tenth year as a band, and it also marks the release of their very first full-length LP. Named "Vita Mors," it's due out on June 3rd via SBAM Records, a label you may remember from their owner's appearance on 36 of this very show a year ago! We talk quite a bit about the new album and all that went in to its recording, a process which was handled by Cameron Webb and Linh Le, each of whom is a powerhouse in their own right. We also talked about the scenes in Mexico and Arizona and the Bay Area, and how the current lineup of the band inspired the push to make "Vita Mors" a reality. The band are also set to come to the East Coast for the first time in June, where they'll be opening up for the iconic Dead Kennedys and Nekromantix! Check out the Venomous Pinks' page here: https://thevenomouspinks.com/ Here's the video for "Apothecary Ailment": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au8nqTRkFwQ&ab_channel=SB%C3%84MRECORDSOfficial Visit SBAM Records here: https://sbam-rocks.us/ Dates for the tour with Dead Kennedys are here: http://www.deadkennedys.com/tours.html Visit Gaby's merch store here: https://www.kaosmerch.com/ (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    56 min
  2. (*both laugh*) Episode 58: Brian McTernan on the new Be Well album ”Hello Sun,” reuniting with Hot Water Music, and more!


    (*both laugh*) Episode 58: Brian McTernan on the new Be Well album ”Hello Sun,” reuniting with Hot Water Music, and more!

    (*both laugh*) is somehow up to 58 episodes, but we're still having fun and some of y'all seem to still enjoy it, so we'll keep rolling! This episode finds us catching up with the great Brian McTernan again. McTernan was the guest on Episode 15 a couple of years ago, in the lead-up to the debut Be Well album, "The Weight And The Cost." Next Friday (May 20th if you're reading this in the future), Be Well is back with a brand new album! It's a six-song EP called "Hello Sun," and it finds the band expanding the sonic palette that I thought they had perfected on "TW&TC." It's really great and personal and haunting and melodic and everything you want form a post-hardcore record (or whatever, I don't get labels) and more. We talk an awful lot about the new album and the musical directions. In a bit of unexpected synchronicity, May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, and Brian is no stranger to talking about his struggles with depression and alcohol use and more, as is pretty obvious if you listened to the last album. We talk about that, but about how the new album, while "dark," isn't dark for dark's sake; it's written from the perspective of someone who has moved through the darkness and worked towards a newfound light. Thus, "Hello Sun." We also talked a lot about the newest Hot Water Music Record, "Feel The Void." After having worked on "A Flight And A Crash" and "Caution" and "The New What Next" roughly two decades ago, McTernan found himself both reconnected with the now five-piece band during the early days of the Covid lockdown and at the helm of "Feel The Void." It was a fascinating time in that band's history and produced an important album, and McTernan's work (and point of view) are invaluable. And we talk a lot about their upcoming tour dates, and there are a TON of them on both sides of the Atlantic, including a lengthy run with New Found Glory and a UK/EU jaunt with Hot Water Music and Samiam. "Hello Sun" on Bandcamp: https://bewellhardcore.bandcamp.com/album/hello-sun "Hello Sun" US/Canada vinyl on Revelation Records: https://revhq.com/products/be-well-hello-sun "Hello Sun" UK/EU vinyl on End Hits: https://endhitsrecords.com/products/be-well-hello-sun Be Well merch store: https://bewell.merchnow.com/ (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    1h 31m
  3. (*both laugh*) Episode 57: The Return of Dave Hause!


    (*both laugh*) Episode 57: The Return of Dave Hause!

    At long last (longer than it should have been because...well because time is a social construct really) Dave Hause returns for his second appearance on (*both laugh*)! When last we spoke (Episode 25 if you're keeping score at home), Dave had just self-released a double EP of Patty Griffin and Paddy Costello/Dillinger Four covers. We were still in Pandemic Year One and that project served as a fun and unique way to stay productive and creative and to dip his toes into navigating through the "new normal" waters. Fast-forward eighteen months (yes, really...18 months, almost to the day...remember when I said time was a social construct) and it was time for round two! The centerpiece of this installment was Dave's latest solo album, "Blood Harmony." It was released last October on his own record label, but because the vinyl is still trickling its way out, I don't feel QUITE so bad about catching up at the six month post-release mark. "Blood Harmony" found Dave and his brother Tim working together again, this time in Nashville. The duo and producer Will Hoge (himself not only a brilliant songwriter and masterful producer but a veteran of this show as well - see Episode 12) holed up at Sound Emporium with a slew of heavy-hitting studio musicians (Sadler Vaden, Tom Bukovac, Garry Tallent!!?!?!). "Blood Harmony" finds Hause running headlong down the Americana path that he'd been at least tip-toeing down for the last decade. We talked about the album, and the recording, and Will Hoge's greatness, and the idea of "chasing the song." We also talked about his ongoing partnership with Tim (including work on Tim's own upcoming debut solo album) and about therapy and about touring in a never-ending pandemic and a lot more, as we are want to do. Check out "Blood Harmony" here: https://davehause.bandcamp.com/album/blood-harmony While you're at it, check out the rest of Dave's bandcamp releases - lots of live shows and some newer B-sides and more: https://davehause.bandcamp.com/ Get more Dave goodies and tour dates and whatnot here: http://davehause.com/ (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    1h 17m
  4. 03/16/2022

    (*both laugh*) Episode 56: Proper. (the full band!) on their ground-breaking new album, The Great American Novel

    Every now and then you come across an album that becomes a benchmark moment for you; like, life existed before that album and then the world shifted and things weren't the same after that.  My own personal list includes the likes of: Vs. Recipe For Hate. Question The Answers. Badmotorfinger. The '59 Sound. The Low End Theory. Stay Positive. 36 Chambers. Caution. 1372 Overton Park. And now, realistically, The Great American Novel. If you're unfamiliar, Proper. are a three-piece formed in NYC roughly 5/6 years ago (as The Great Wight initially) but hailing really from a variety of locations across the country and bringing with them all of their collective experiences and musical influences and creating something that hasn't really been done before. I remember hearing their last album, I Spent The Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better admittedly a little late and thinking "damn...I've never really heard anything like this before." The new album, The Great American Novel, takes all of the things that were great about the last one and pushes the needles way past 10. It's important music. It's music about alienation and about not fitting in and about being a queer person of color in a land that, despite it being 2022, is at times becoming even less comfortable with people that check those boxes. It's raw and it's powerful and it's somehow still hopeful. Oh, and if fucking shreds. I feel lucky that we were able to catch up not just with Erik Garlington who spearheads the whole thing but with the full band (Natasha Johnson on bass and Elijah Watson on drums and whom you may also know from his "day job" as a journalist for Okay Player). Watch/listen as I outkick my coverage yet again. Watch the video for "Red, White and Blue" here: https://youtu.be/m4rYi2Naobs Watch the video for "Milk And Honey" here: https://youtu.be/P5ux_2eMuFk Check out Elijah's writing for OkayPlayer here: https://www.okayplayer.com/ Pre-order "The Great American Novel" here: https://www.fatherdaughterrecords.com/products/717976-proper-the-great-american-novel Listen to "I Spent The Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better" here: https://bsmrocks.bandcamp.com/album/i-spent-the-winter-writing-songs-about-getting-better (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    1h 3m
  5. Episode 55 of (*both laugh*): Jason Black on the new Hot Water Music album Feel The Void, and the band’s legacy


    Episode 55 of (*both laugh*): Jason Black on the new Hot Water Music album Feel The Void, and the band’s legacy

    I don't think it's overstating things to call Hot Water Music not only one of the most influential and respected bands in the last three decades of this scene, but one of the most genre-defining bands as well. For the second time in this show's history, we got to chat up one of the founding members! This time, the victim was Jason Black, who in my mind is one of the most under-rated bass players in rock music. We talk about whether being an underrated bass player in a genre-defining band is all it's cracked up to be, but more importantly, we chat a lot about the brand new HWM album, "Feel The Void." It's out March 18th on Equal Vision Records, and not only does it mark the first time the band reunited with producer Brian McTernan, it also marks the band's first full-length with Chris Cresswell in the mix as a permanent member...even taking lead vocal duties on a song! We also talk a lot about how the band came together to write the album - no easy task given that they collaborated from their home bases in Florida (Wollard, Black and Rebelo), California (Ragan), Maryland (McTernan) and now Ontario (Cresswell). Hurray for Zoom! You can still pre-order "Feel The Void" here: https://www.hotwatermusic.shop/ Check out the video for "Collect Your Things And Run" here: https://youtu.be/q1d4bvpj-pI Check out Hot Water Music's upcoming tour dates here: http://www.hotwatermusic.com/tour-dates (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    60 min
  6. 02/21/2022

    (*both laugh*) Episode 53: Frank Turner on his #1 album, FTHC!

    Well, I guess this is growing up. On Marmite and Boudica and Red Dwarf and The Van Pelt and the best punk rock album of the year. Earlier this month, Frank Turner released his ninth studio album. Entitled FTHC, it is by far his most "punk rock" album to date (I suppose one could argue that his previous album, 2019's No Man's Land, which was primarily a historical folk album with each song telling a different tale about a woman from history, ranging from Sister Rosetta Tharpe to Christa McAuliffe, was his most "punk rock" album to date for entirely different reasons, but that's more of a semantic argument than we need right now). FTHC is his most personal album to date - no easy feat for someone who's made a career of wearing his tape deck heart on his sleeve. It may indeed be his best album to date. It is, most certainly and perhaps not surprisingly given the above factors, his first album to debut at #1 on the charts in his native UK. We caught up with Turner the day after learning that FTHC was, in fact, named the number one selling album in the land. We talked about the importance of that distinction, particularly as it came fifteen years and nine albums into his solo career. We talked about the influences behind the album and about how getting married and turning 40 and still being alive has provided a different sort of perspective that wasn't afforded to his younger self. We talked about the making of the album (the image of Ilan Rubin recording drums in a Los Angeles studio over Zoom while Frank watched from London and producer Rich Costey watched from Vermont is still one I find endlessly amusing). We talked about the stories behind some of the album's more personal tracks, although I did leave out the songs about his struggles with anxiety and cocaine addiction and how his relationship with his father changed after the latter came out as a trans woman several years ago; those have been covered at length in other outlets. And perhaps most importantly, we talked about the legion of Turner fans, aptly known as the Frank Turner Army, that has been steadily building for the better part of the last decade and who, frankly, rightly share in a lot of the success behind FTHC. They even pitched in for a few questions that certainly ran a stylistic gamut. If you haven't bought FTHC yet, get it at your local indie record store or here: https://store.frank-turner.com/ If you want to go back in time and read our chat with Frank from the steps of Boston's City Hall before his 2014 appearance at Boston Calling, go here: https://dyingscene.com/ds-interview-and-photo-gallery-frank-turner-in-boston-on-his-1567-show-rise-to-fame/ If you want to watch my then-four-year-old daughter sing "English Curse," go here. She said it was okay, I promise. https://youtu.be/VgBHrbP0kRU Listen to The Van Pelt here: https://thevanpelt.bandcamp.com/album/sultans-of-sentiment To read more about Boudica, go here: https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Boudica/ If you want to buy Marmite, go here: https://www.marmite.co.uk/ Watch Red Dwarf here: https://www.reddwarf.co.uk/tv/ (*both laughs*) theme song is an excerpt from [laughs] track "Hurts To Laugh." © KALI MASI 2021 ℗ Take This To Heart Records 2021

    57 min


(*both laugh*) officially kicked off in April 2020. Since we were all going to be in lockdown for the foreseeable future, we wanted to take some time to focus on bands who'd had plans cut short due to the ever-changing world. As quarantine continued, our focus shifted to catching up with people that were doing fun and inspiring things to stay connected - and busy - during lockdown. New music, new books, new podcasts, and myriad other projects. We initially started doing interviews over Instagram Live because it added an interesting, unpredictable component, but sometimes, predictability is actually a good thing, so we've switched to Zoom. However, that's allowed us to capture the audio too and upload them here. Behold...the (*both laugh*) Quarantine Chats podcast.

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