Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible

Stéphanie Rousselle
Gospel Spice | Christian faith, God's love & the Bible Podcast

Hungry for deeper intimacy with God? Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him? Ready to embrace your full identity in Christ? Gospel Spice is your Jesus Christ-centered podcast, infused with in-depth Bible flavors and sprinkled with a dash of French culture. Have you recently found yourself less than captivated by your relationship with God? Have you found the pages of Scripture to be stale and lifeless? Are you looking for a spiritual flavor explosion in your journey with God? Then Gospel Spice is your new secret ingredient.  French host and Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to spice up your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Could the Christian faith prove more delightful & delicious than you’ve tasted so far? A feast awaits. Begin today! Join Stephanie and her guests to taste & see that the Lord is good! The Gospel Spice Podcast is ranked Top 1% All Categories globally*, and is listened to from 170+ countries.  Guests include Dallas & Amanda Jenkins, Max Lucado, Joel Rosenberg, Os Guinness, Jennifer Rothschild, Sheila Walsh, Susie Larson, Jonathan Evans, Ruth Chou Simons, Jim Cymbala, Jo Saxton, Alisa Childers, Curt Thompson, and so many, many more. When not with her guests, Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to delight in God by diving deep into Scripture! NEW! SHOP GOSPELSPICE MERCH DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES  We exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools by Gospel Spice Ministries. We provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. The majority of donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog (*ListenNotes ranking, 2024) Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

  1. Invite Jesus in your every day moments | Celebrating ordinary time and sabbath

    12 HRS AGO

    Invite Jesus in your every day moments | Celebrating ordinary time and sabbath

    Have you ever wondered if God speaks more loudly through our feasts and fasts, than He does through our mundane, ordinary circumstances? In this episode in our “Come to the Table” series on the Jewish and Christian feasts, Stephanie reflects on the significance of ordinary time, the ordinary moments of life. They are the backdrop to our feast days. They are the bulk of our time. The present, nestled between special feasts, serves as a space where believers are called to live in anticipation of Jesus' return and seek God’s presence and delight in all moments. The question is, how did Jesus experience His own mundane and ordinary days? What does He wish to impart to us through them? So, Stephanie invites us to consider how the body of Christ functions during ordinary time, focusing on the importance of living in unity. This period of ordinary time is an opportunity for spiritual growth and for experiencing the lived reality of Jesus in everyday moments, celebrating the cyclical nature of the liturgical calendar. That word, liturgy. It can be ambiguous. Off-putting to some, attractive to others. Liturgy is simply the chosen flow of a service, or a day, or a life. It is how a particular local body of believers chooses to approach God, especially on Sundays but not only. It varies from church to church, with much to learn from the manifold practices of our brothers and sisters around the world. Stephanie’s extensive personal experience with various church traditions, including Anglican, charismatic, reformed, Pentecostal, and non-denominational, highlights the diverse ways in which different traditions approach worship and liturgical practices. Understanding the concept of liturgy as the way a particular tradition conducts its services, including prayers, readings, and rituals, is an invitation into the richness and diversity within the body of Christ. Ordinary time is characterized by its lack of special feasts, representing the ordered life of the church and a period of watchfulness for the second coming of Jesus. Divided into two seasons, ordinary time serves as a call to unity within the body of Christ, inviting believers to keep Jesus at the center of mundane routines. Within ordinary time, we have weekly min-feasts called Sabbaths. So, how did Jesus experience them? How do Sabbaths fit at the table of God’s Presence? Sabbath is associated with rest, refreshment, freedom, and joy, serving as a day of rest and a reminder of humanity’s co-partnership with God. Stephanie discusses Jesus' claim of authority over the Sabbath, highlighting how He emphasized its wholesome nature to be a source of blessing. The Sabbath is a time of rest and delight, providing a sacred space to experience God’s presence and embrace His joy. Today, we invite you to embrace the beauty of ordinary days, seek unity in the body of Christ, and live in hopeful expectation while finding rest and delight in the Sabbath. We invite you to cultivate a lifelong liturgy of delight in Christ, breathing new life into everyday moments as we journey towards the eagerly anticipated return of Jesus. Join us! OPTIONAL RESOURCE | Stephanie mentions the creation of a liturgy booklet designed to cultivate a lifelong liturgy of delight in Christ. This booklet consists of short liturgies for everyday moments, aiming to inspire you in building and nurturing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The liturgical year is presented as a means to grow in intimacy with Christ, providing an avenue to know Him more intimately in everyday life. Go to gospelspice.com or ask us about it! Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially t

    48 min
  2. Nurturing intentional joy when things go wrong | with Pam Farrel

    3 DAYS AGO

    Nurturing intentional joy when things go wrong | with Pam Farrel

    Stephanie sits down with Pam Farrel to discuss a harrowing yet faith-affirming journey through unexpected medical emergencies, profound spiritual experiences in Christ, and the indomitable power of joy. Pam's story is not just one of survival but of thriving through adversity, guided by God’s presence, Pam’s steadfast faith, and the prayers of many. Heaven’s Glimpse and Joy’s Power During a medical emergency, Pam felt God's peace envelop her as she transitioned into a medically induced coma. In this state of near-death, she was ushered into heaven, welcomed by angels of various ethnicities, and enveloped in a sacred dance above the gates of glory. Experiencing deep peace and engaging in a mental conversation with God, she saw visions of her loved ones benefiting from her prayers. Her profound spiritual encounter with Christ reaffirmed her mission on earth and underscored the miraculous elements of her faith journey. A Family Visit Turned Medical Emergency What started as a joyful family gathering in Salt Lake City for Mother's Day turned into a harrowing experience for Pam Farrel. In the middle of the night, severe pain led Pam to the emergency room.. The diagnosis was clear: the chilling reality of stage 1 ovarian cancer. Always seeing the bright side of her circumstances, Pam reminds us of the blessing that pain can be, in the crucial role pain played in alerting her to the severity of her condition. Pain allowed for an early diagnosis that is rare with ovarian cancer, which is often not detected until it reaches stage 4. Pam was transferred to a main hospital where a divine coincidence awaited—a Christian oncologist familiar with her book, "Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti." Pam’s journey through six rounds of chemotherapy three weeks apart, her struggle with hair loss, and her graceful acceptance of these side effects paint a portrait of resilience. Throughout, Pam continued to contribute to her ministry and even received a Life Impact Award at the Golden Scrolls. Rebuilding and Cultivating Joy Pam’s recovery period with her son’s family demonstrated the importance of a supportive community. Despite undergoing rigorous treatments, Pam persisted in her work, mentoring others, and presenting at conferences. She emphasizes the key importance of joy, especially during adversity. Pam shares her methods for cultivating joy, including: ·         Proactive Joy : Create a list of simple, joy-inducing activities and commit to one daily. ·         Reflective Joy : Maintain a gratitude journal to note everyday blessings. ·         Rejoice in the Lord : See joy as a proactive choice, focusing on calming actions during stressful times. ·         Creative Joy : Engage in creative activities like Bible art doodling to shift focus away from problems. ·         Interactive Joy : Use joy to enhance relationships, making interactions more positive. ENTER TO WIN! Win a copy of each of Pam's latest books - all you need to do is subscribe to our newsletter to enter for a chance to win! Sign up here: https://www.gospelspice.com/signup CONNECT WITH PAM: Pam says, "We live a rather unconventional life. We spend about 200 days per year traveling to conferences for men, women and couples. We meet fascinating people, eat at interesting places and experience every climate imaginable. And, when we are home, we live on a boat in Southern California. Through our videos and blogs, we would like to take you with us." Bill and Pam are prolific conference and church communicators. They speak together at marriage and parenting conferences with a unique ability to “speak as one” in all their presentations. Bill helps people gain strength and real-world wisdom through messages at men’s retreats and church services. Pam equips and encourages women to be courageous, influential and strong in faith at women’s gatherings around the world. With seamless transition

    45 min
  3. A day of mourning, a future of promise: our sacred journey from loss to legacy

    13 SEPT

    A day of mourning, a future of promise: our sacred journey from loss to legacy

    Today we discuss our sacred journey from mourning to joy, desolation to restoration. It is about the legacy of holy sorrow. In this new episode of our new series around the Jewish feasts, I invite you to travel into the historical and spiritual significance of Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar, and the hope it holds for the future. This day beckons us into a profound journey through grief, remembrance, and ultimately, hope. On the 9th of Av, also known as Tisha B'Av, the Jewish community commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem – not once, but twice. This day, while marked by deep mourning, also carries profound messianic overtones and a powerful message of hope. 🕊️ The 9th of Av invites us to embrace history and Scripture in a fresh way: By understanding the observance of the 9th of Av and its deep-rooted historical significance, we gain a fresh approach to our study of Scripture and history. It's a reminder to look beyond ourselves and explore the rich tapestry of faith and culture. Ultimately, it points to Jesus in unique ways that can nourish and maybe even transform our faith towards deeper intimacy. 🙏 It challenges us to find hope and patience in the midst of grief: The 9th of Av serves as a poignant reminder that grief is not forever and that there is always hope on the horizon. Sometimes it's challenging to see beyond personal struggles, but the day's significance encourages us to have patience and faith in understanding the deeper meanings of our studies. 🔍 It gives us permission to seek transformation in tragedy: Despite the sorrowful nature of the day, Tisha B'Av reveals an inspiring message – even the most tragic events can be transformed into occasions of joy and glory. It's a powerful testament to the resilience and hope that stems from faith, reminding us of the promise of future restoration. WHAT IS THE 9TH OF AV? Tisha B'Av is a day of fasting in the Jewish calendar, symbolizing a time of lamentation and remembrance. It is a day when the Jewish people reflect on the tragedies and calamities that have befallen their community throughout history, particularly the destruction of the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. The 9th of Av isn't part of the Mosaic law but was instituted by the prophet Zechariah to commemorate the fall of Jerusalem. This day of mourning has deep historical and biblical roots, with connections to the Jewish exile and the prophet's message of hope and restoration. Mourning on the 9th of Av also serves as a reminder of the consequences of turning away from God and failing to see His promises. It's a day to reflect on the loss of the promised land, the destruction of the Temple, and the exile of the Jewish people. But amid the solemnity, there's a profound message of hope intertwined with the grief. The longing for the restoration of Jerusalem and the reconciliation of God with His people echo throughout history, pointing to a future where sorrow will be turned into joy and mourning into celebration in Christ. The depth of historical significance behind Tisha B'Av invites us to look beyond our own struggles and sorrow, acknowledging that even in the most tragic events lies potential for transformation and a promise of hope. It calls for faith in the understanding that God can lead us from grief to glory in Christ. So, as we reflect on the solemnity of Tisha B'Av, may we also hold onto the profound hope and promise of transformation we firmly possess in Christ Jesus. Throughout Scripture, we're reminded that even in the darkest times, God's power can turn mourning into joy and tragedy into triumph. 🌟 Do you enjoy Gospel Spice? Then let's deepen our relationship! There are 4 very simple ways to do that, and it would truly mean the world to us.  1- If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you will love receiving our newsletter. It contains value-packed free gifts and rich content each month. It’s at gospelspice.com/signup. Th

    54 min
  4. Finding fresh faith through God's people | with Jack Mooring

    10 SEPT

    Finding fresh faith through God's people | with Jack Mooring

    Stephanie here! I have often found that, when I'm discouraged, or when I struggle to see things from the perspective that God might have on a situation, a relationship, maybe my own heart, I find it so useful to dig into Scripture and look at the stories of people in Scripture who may have experienced something similar. I also find that, beyond Scripture, it is useful to look at the lives of faithful men and women in history, saints who have really clung to God, and who have experienced so much of his goodness, his holiness, his beauty, his faithfulness, his kindness, his generosity. I love to spend time through biographies of these people of faith. I'm looking forward to meeting them in heaven and learning from them even more. Which means,  I love when a new book comes out that invites me to do just that. And the book Portrait of God by Jack Mooring does just that. I'm welcoming Jack today. And he experienced the same thing that I'm describing to you. His book is a bit of a guidebook. It uses the stories of influential Christian figures like C.S. Lewis, Saint Augustine, Fanny Crosby, and so many more, to help us, believers, find stability in our faith amidst the chaos of this world. He and I chat about the fact that this world is pretty chaotic right now. This book and this conversation hope to be one of the tools that equips us in this ever-changing turbulent world we live in. Now, to recognize God's goodness in the midst of chaos, well, I know it can be challenging. Our faith can so often seem like a roller coaster as a result of that. Jack says, “I've learned that the Christian life is less about learning and more about remembering. I wrote this book to remind myself and the rest of us, forgetful people, that this is God whom we love and he really is who he says he is.” MORE ABOUT THE BOOK “PORTRAIT OF GOD In an ever-changing, often turbulent world, recognizing God’s goodness can be challenging. Many Christians describe their faith as a rollercoaster, with seasons of feeling close to God and having a clear sense of His presence, and others where He seems distant. Author Jack Mooring experienced this personally, and by reflecting on and learning from the lives of the faithful men and women in history, he uncovered powerful reminders of God’s unchanging truths. Mooring’s new book, Portrait of God: Rediscovering the Attributes of God through the Stories of His People (David C Cook, August 6, 2024) serves as a guidebook, using the stories of influential Christian figures like C.S. Lewis and St. Augustine to help modern-day believers find stability in their faith amidst the chaos of the world. In Portrait of God, Mooring provides thought-provoking questions and a list of further readings about each faith leader, allowing readers to dig even deeper into the truths about the unchanging character of God. “I’ve learned that the Christian life is less about learning and more about remembering,” writes Mooring. “I grew up in a rich tradition of truth, but life’s lies have often buried those true ideas about God. So I wrote this book to remind myself and the rest of us forgetful people that this God we love is really who He says He is. This book is an attempt to rediscover our wonder about who He is. For each attribute of God, I chose a person in church history who actually experienced that part of God’s nature. The goal is that, as we hear the stories of these people, we can get a glimpse of God through their eyes.” Each chapter explores an attribute of God through a person in church history who radically experienced His nature, applying it as a brushstroke to our portrait. Readers will uncover: ●           Faith: How an all-powerful God worked miracles in the life of Kathryn Kuhlman. ●           Holiness: What Augustine of Hippo’s life in a secular world teaches us about God. ●           Compassion: How William and Catherine Booth’s service to others

    43 min
  5. Come to the Table: an invitation to the feasts Jesus celebrated

    6 SEPT

    Come to the Table: an invitation to the feasts Jesus celebrated

    We need our eyes on Jesus. We need to train ourselves to see Him even where it is not obvious. Because He is here. He is in the middle of every detail we are going through. We just forget. So, Stephanie invites you to join us as we train ourselves to see Him. There is something profound in seeking Jesus in the routine of daily life and also in the unusual moments of our years. To find him through our feasts and our fasts – our joys and our sadnesses, our happiness and our grief. Through the series and in this episode, Stephanie hopes to provide an overview of the Jewish and Christian feasts and how, for example, some of them were fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and then the birth of the church in the first coming of Jesus. The remaining feasts are yet to be fulfilled in the second coming of Jesus. This broad perspective allows us to see the feasts as part of a larger narrative under the sovereignty of God, pointing to the continuing, redemptive work of Christ. The Jewish and Christian liturgical calendars remind us to keep our focus on eternal things as we await the fulfillment of the remaining feasts. Stephanie invites us into Jesus' interactions with his people through feasts, fasts, and daily life, focusing on the 17 special days in the Jewish and Christian liturgical calendars. Scripture and the communal aspect of faith urge us to explore ancient Jewish and Christian celebrations together as the body of Christ. Understanding the significance of feasts is not just an individual pursuit, but an opportunity to grow together as a community of believers. Scripture points to Jesus as the fulfillment of the law of Moses and the covering provided in the Garden of Eden. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Law, bringing a new covenant through his death and resurrection. The sacrifices in the Old Testament, as described in Leviticus and the Mosaic Law, were valid in the eyes of God because they pointed to the future death of Jesus Christ, first highlighted in Isaiah. The sacrifices in the Old Testament did not remove sin, but worked to restore covenantal relationships and forgive particular sins. This is a crucial aspect to understand, as it lays the foundation for Jesus' role as the ultimate sacrifice for the complete removal of sin. By understanding the significance of feasts in both traditions and how they point to the work of the Messiah, we are invited to deepen our worship and grow in likeness to Jesus, the King of Kings. As we come to the table of God’s goodness and presence through the series, may we embrace these feasts as a fresh way to connect with our Savior, to fall in love and worship of Him ever deeper. Amen. Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    38 min
  6. Longing to belong | with Michelle Lee Barnewall

    3 SEPT

    Longing to belong | with Michelle Lee Barnewall

    Have you ever felt the need to belong to a particular group or tribe? Have you ever felt like you didn't belong somewhere? I believe we have this deep wired, this God-wired need to belong. And I believe all of us have at some point experienced the absence of that belonging. And that hurts deeply. The longing to belong is one of my greatest needs, personally. So, when my friend, Michelle Lee Barnewall, wrote a book literally called A Longing to Belong, I was very intrigued. What I love in her book, is that she uses her own personal story of being Asian and growing up in an extremely white neighborhood. She describes how that taught her that she did fit in because she was really American, but then she didn't really. Her book is part memoir, part eloquent theological treatise to challenge us to reconciliation in the name of belonging, in the name of unity in the body of Christ. It is about ethnic reconciliation. It's about belonging together to the family of God. Our conversation today is very honest. There's nothing Pollyanna or sugarcoated about this, and we're not drawing a black and white picture at all. Actually, I think her book is extremely subtle, balanced, challenging and beautiful at the same time. So, we discuss the deep longing to belong that we each carry, deep inside. Michelle doesn't mind the ambiguity of not having black and white answers. Her book, A Longing to Belong, really fits in the same category. She has a PhD from the University of Notre Dame. She is a professor of New Testament at Biola University. She brings a level of nuance and a comfort in ambiguity that I find much needed in our generation, in our culture today. So, join us today! We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    50 min
  7. Small acts, big impact: gentle hospitality | with Liz Bell Young

    30 AUG

    Small acts, big impact: gentle hospitality | with Liz Bell Young

    Stephanie and Liz Bell Young invite you to join them for another deep, heart-to-heart conversation about Liz's book, "Let There Be Havens." Truly, it’s more about Liz’ heart and how we too can open up our homes in simple ways to welcome everyone in the name of Christ. Liz shared her childhood memory of her mom getting a blade of grass back for her, which became a beautiful symbol of self-sacrificial love and care. They also chatted about the importance of starting small, creating little havens for others, and how it's all about making people feel loved and cherished. They discussed how readers can engage with the book as a sort of companion in their daily lives, using it bit by bit and making it a part of their routine. It's all about fostering comfort and gentleness in everyday life, which is so important, right? And then they delved into some deep stuff about self-worth and grace. Liz shared her personal experience of burnout and the struggle of embracing brokenness, and Stephanie totally got where she was coming from. They talked about how finding grace in Christ and from the faith community is such a game-changer. The way Liz illustrated her habit of always taking the worst eggs for herself was just so relatable. It became this symbol of self-acceptance and vulnerability, which I found really powerful. To wrap it up, they ended with a lovely prayer and some seriously inspiring words. The whole conversation was a beautiful reminder of the transformative power of love, the journey of embracing brokenness, and the profound resonance of Liz Bell Young's message in her book. It's definitely a must-listen! ABOUT “LET THERE BE HAVENS”  Discover the gentle lifestyle and deep satisfaction of practicing hospitality with what you have. We all need people, places, and experiences that bring us home, feed our hope, rock us to sleep, then wish us well in the morning when we go back into the world and find others who need what we were just given. We long for these warm welcomes—and the ability to offer them to others without pretension or stress. In this exquisite tapestry of stories, beautiful photography, and both practical and creative resources, writer and designer Liz Bell Young gives us a new vision for hospitality—one where we can both create space and give space at the same time. In Let There Be Havens, she shows us how anyone and any space can be part of this gentle and hospitable way of life. Threading her life experiences in Italy, California, and Ohio—including camping events in fields and hosting friends in a van parked in the driveway—Young reveals the secrets of cultivating havens right where we are. She’ll inspire you through stories to open the heart; easy-to-follow guides for creating haven-like spaces; creative how to’s for everyday generosity and contentment; and beautiful recipes and simple menu ideas. Page by page, this powerful manifesto will give what you need to build meaningful moments, draw people in, and offer more beauty to the world—piece by piece, life by life.  In Let There Be Havens, Liz Bell Young  shares stories that will inspire readers to show love to their neighbors; offers encouragement for those who want to live a creative and generous life; and discusses how to replace fear and anxiety with calmness and kindness. What is a haven? A door held open. A lamp turned on. A place prepared. This is haven: gentle hospitality. When one person reaches for another, makes an offering, and believes we all hold such worth. No matter what we have in our pockets or where we’ve been up until now, we take care of each other―whether we’re strangers on a sidewalk or families around a table. Each day, we create trails of beauty and connection. One open door opens the next. And then it happens: our streets fill with lamplight, our lives lift with spirit, and our homes become circles of gold. Let there be havens. CONNECT WITH LIZ BELL YOUNG https://www.lizbellyoun

    26 min
  8. A sustainable, God-centered approach to compassion | with Hal Donaldson, Convoy of Hope

    27 AUG

    A sustainable, God-centered approach to compassion | with Hal Donaldson, Convoy of Hope

    In a world filled with hopelessness, rage, and despair, how do we, as Christians, respond with compassion and love, without eventually experiencing burnout and compassion fatigue? Stephanie is offering you today an enlightening conversation with Hal Donaldson, the founder and president of Convoy of Hope, where he shared valuable insights about the Christian responsibility to acknowledge truth while approaching it with compassion and care. In a fast-paced world that celebrates achievements over rest, author and founder of Convoy of Hope, Hal Donaldson, emphasizes that taking care of yourself isn’t optional if you want to live selflessly and fulfill God’s calling on your life. When it comes to our personal well-being, success is often more dangerous than failure. Hal Donaldson discusses the profound impact of witnessing hopelessness on a global scale. From his experiences traveling globally with Convoy of Hope, he has seen both the deep needs and opportunities for people to find hope and faith. In a world where despair can be overwhelming, Donaldson emphasizes the importance of responding to rage and disapproval with acts of compassion, mirroring the example set by Jesus Christ. Reflecting on Mother Teresa's advice to "do the next kind thing that God puts in front of you," he inspires us to embody compassion in our actions, particularly in response to hopelessness. But we must be careful: When it comes to our personal well-being, success is often more dangerous than failure. As we try to fulfill others' expectations, we deplete our time, energy, and enthusiasm and end up feeling wrung out or burned out, sometimes even flaming out in spectacular ways. It may feel like the solution is just to quit--our jobs, our passions, our ministries--but there is a way to pour into others and take care of ourselves. The conversation focuses on the pivotal role of the church in demonstrating love and compassion to all people, irrespective of their beliefs. Hal and Stephanie exchange thoughts on the Christian responsibility to acknowledge the truth while approaching it with compassion and care. This brings to light the significance of the church's role in responding to the needs of the world with a God-centered perspective. By shining a light of hope and love into the darkness of despair, the church can serve as a beacon of God’s mercy and grace to those who are hurting. Hal sheds light on embracing opportunities to address the needs of the world with a God-centered perspective. Hal Donaldson shares personal experiences and encourages listeners to see the potential for the church to make a positive impact. In a world where hopelessness seems ever-present, he emphasizes the importance of not just acknowledging the needs, but actively seeking opportunities to serve and bring hope. Through stories of his work with Convoy of Hope, Donaldson inspires a call to action for individuals and congregations to seek ways to serve in their own communities, demonstrating compassion and love to those in need. In a world where hopelessness and despair can be pervasive, Hal Donaldson provides a powerful reminder of the importance of responding with compassion and love. By acknowledging the truth with grace and demonstrating God-centered compassion, we can offer hope to those who are hurting. Through his work with Convoy of Hope, Hal Donaldson exemplifies the transformative impact of embracing opportunities to address the world’s needs with a mindset centered on God's love and mercy. As we reflect on his wisdom and experiences, let us be inspired to live out our faith by bringing God-centered compassion to a world in need of hope and healing. MEET HAL DONALDSON Hal Donaldson is the president and CEO of Convoy of Hope, a global, faith-based, nonprofit organization that works with communities to address root causes of poverty and hunger. According to Forbes, Convoy of Hope is among the 50 largest charities in the United States. Through its d

    38 min



Hungry for deeper intimacy with God? Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him? Ready to embrace your full identity in Christ? Gospel Spice is your Jesus Christ-centered podcast, infused with in-depth Bible flavors and sprinkled with a dash of French culture. Have you recently found yourself less than captivated by your relationship with God? Have you found the pages of Scripture to be stale and lifeless? Are you looking for a spiritual flavor explosion in your journey with God? Then Gospel Spice is your new secret ingredient.  French host and Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to taste and see that the Lord is good, and to spice up your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Could the Christian faith prove more delightful & delicious than you’ve tasted so far? A feast awaits. Begin today! Join Stephanie and her guests to taste & see that the Lord is good! The Gospel Spice Podcast is ranked Top 1% All Categories globally*, and is listened to from 170+ countries.  Guests include Dallas & Amanda Jenkins, Max Lucado, Joel Rosenberg, Os Guinness, Jennifer Rothschild, Sheila Walsh, Susie Larson, Jonathan Evans, Ruth Chou Simons, Jim Cymbala, Jo Saxton, Alisa Childers, Curt Thompson, and so many, many more. When not with her guests, Bible teacher Stephanie Rousselle invites you to delight in God by diving deep into Scripture! NEW! SHOP GOSPELSPICE MERCH DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES  We exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools by Gospel Spice Ministries. We provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. The majority of donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog (*ListenNotes ranking, 2024) Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

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