76 episodes

Join Rob and Steve with guests and friends on this fun and sometimes irreverent show exploring the nature of reality and what we take for granted - in the world around us and within us. 
You'll get genuine reflections, stories and insights into the daily reality we co-create with humanity from your hosts Rob and Steve, a couple of Kiwi blokes talking from the heart. We touch on holistic health, fitness, mental and emotional wellbeing, inner guidance vs. outer programming, spiritual woo and the daily grind of living in "The Real World". It's all there in this open minded, non-political, non-religious, BPA and BS-free podcast! Reality Hub. See you inside and see you at our website realityhub.love (because LOVE matters most).

Reality Hub Rob & Steve

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Join Rob and Steve with guests and friends on this fun and sometimes irreverent show exploring the nature of reality and what we take for granted - in the world around us and within us. 
You'll get genuine reflections, stories and insights into the daily reality we co-create with humanity from your hosts Rob and Steve, a couple of Kiwi blokes talking from the heart. We touch on holistic health, fitness, mental and emotional wellbeing, inner guidance vs. outer programming, spiritual woo and the daily grind of living in "The Real World". It's all there in this open minded, non-political, non-religious, BPA and BS-free podcast! Reality Hub. See you inside and see you at our website realityhub.love (because LOVE matters most).

    75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 "The Principle of Gender"

    75 RealityBites #16 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #7 "The Principle of Gender"

    Here we are at the final episode of this series! Just acknowledge it has been a while! 
    Welcome to the seventh and final episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.
    These teachings can be dated back 5000 years and is a branch of spiritual philosophy has influenced both Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures!
    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity , rhythm and cause and effect and I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles.
    Hope you have all enjoyed this journey and exploration! 
    What are the 7 Principles?
    Seven Hermetic principles
    The principle of mentalism.
    The principle of correspondence.
    The principle of vibration.
    The principle of polarity.
    The principle of rhythm.
    The principle of cause and effect.
    The principle of gender.
    7. The Principle of Gender:
    Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.
    The seventh principle states that all things have masculine and feminine qualities. Yes, the two sexes can be thought of as a physical manifestation of this principle, but as we're all coming to understand, on an internal level, all of us hold both energies. (Think the left and right brain)
    The word “Gender” is derived from the Latin root meaning “to beget” to procreate , to generate, to produce.
    Feminine, magnetic, calls things in, allowing, attraction, bringing things in.
    The feminine is the receptive, sacred, treasured, protective energy, that maintains tradition and honors the priority of what is most important, while nourishing that which is most essential to life. 
    Masculine, directive, creative, outward production, making things happen, taking action.
    The masculine is the penetrative, assertive, progressive, conquesting, explorative energy that drives progress. 
    All beings contain this great Principle within them, as two parts. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy. 
    There is a great analogy in Native American tradition, where the wings of a bird symbolise the two energies of masculine and feminine so each wing is important for balance and harmony and together give rise to creation and motion.
    The two energies are foundational for creation… the masculine of thought and action, feminine and magnetism coming from the emotional body…
    Allowing - feminine
    Creation - masculine
    Its a dance….creation…
    Creation is a Spirit led dance…
    To get back into your centre
    Dance, movement is connection to divine, source, goddess energy
    Yin and yang energy
    Left and right brain
    The left brain is connected to the right eye, the right brain connected to the left eye..
    We’ve seen the patriarchal energy dominate and as we move into the aquarian age we are seeing a rebalance to be addressed towards the feminine energy.
    Mental Gender ( the dual mind )
    There is this dual aspect in the mind of every person; The “I” represents the masculine principle of mental gender, the “Me” represents the female principle.The “I” represents the aspect of Being; the “Me” the aspect of becoming.
    Really hoped you’ve all enjoyed these short introductions to the 7 Hermetic Principles!
    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website:
    http://www.realityhub.love/ where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    • 13 min
    74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 "The Principle of Cause and Effect"

    74 RealityBites #15 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #6 "The Principle of Cause and Effect"

    Welcome to the sixth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.
    A 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion.
    My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take advantage or co-create your experience in accordance with these universal laws. 
    The idea is to start noticing how these principles or laws if you like govern the universe, and therefore influence our reality - 
    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity. I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles
    On the last episode we talked about the principle of Rhythm -Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
    6. The Principle of Cause & Effect:
    Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
    This principle embodies the fact that there is a ’Cause for every Effect;’ and an ‘Effect for every Cause.’ Meaning, that nothing merely ‘happens for no reason' and that there is no such thing as ‘chance.’
    The old saying everything happens for a reason or things are happening for you.
    This also implies you have some control over your life, that you can cause or initiate the effect.
    This also relates to karma and the law of action.
    Karma as a past experience, good or bad.
    (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    "a buddha is believed to have completely purified his karma"
    Every action has some form of consequence.
    “The Hermetists understand to a certain degree to rise above cause and effect, they become causers instead of effects”.
    This means we can with awareness, shift how we react to certain situations, and come from the perspective that things happen for us, by us - that  karma can reside on a higher realm or dimension, as the hermeticists believe.
    In our own lives we can transcend our karma by becoming aware of our own internal triggers or cause to situations that keep re-appearing in our lives to be addressed
    Old wounds or patterns or behaviours, relationship dynamics etc 
    It comes to to whether our lives are fated and to what degree we can exert our free will to alter the effect, by addressing the cause - by changing the way you look, or act to a certain cause we can therefore change the effect our outcome.
    In some wisdom traditions and teachings, this reality is seen as a soul cauldron where souls come for purification and rectification- a school of life, to transcend life challenges - and come back to “holiness”
    Or Moksha - 1. (in Hinduism and Jainism) release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma.
    the transcendent state attained as a result of being released from the cycle of rebirth.
    Also freedom from samsara - The Sanskrit term samsara translates as “wandering through,” or “aimless wandering.” Samsara is the concept of reincarnation, a cyclic existence where our spirit or individual soul is trapped in an endless wheel of life, death and rebirth.
    7. The Principle of Gender:
    Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender m

    • 14 min
    73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm”

    73 RealityBites #14 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #5 “The Principle of Rhythm”

    Welcome to the fifth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.
    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...
    My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take advantage or co-create your experience in accordance with these universal laws. 
    The idea is to start noticing how these principles or laws if you like govern the universe, and therefore influence our reality - 
    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity. I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles.
    Which leads us to the 5th principle-
    5. The Principle of Rhythm:
    Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
    The fifth principle states that between the opposing poles, there exists an inherent rhythm. The tides move in and out. We inhale and exhale. Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so, too, do we.
    This principle embodies the truth that everything exists in a measured motion, from here to there, moving in and out, swinging backward and forward, the rise and fall of the tides, ebbing and flowing and never truly sitting still. Never stopping, always changing.
    This is also relevant in the ability to come back to balance or homeostasis, to come back to a neutral point. “The mental law of neutralisation”
    This encompasses the dualistic nature of everything.
    As with all the principles, we can learn to utilise them to interpret and create our reality - the principle of rhythm can have an over arching theme esp in this time and stage of humanity ad we see more and more people awakening and aligning to their greater selves.
    One could look at the cycles of evolution that we as humanity are and have been going through - the bigger picture - 
    It isn’t hard to recognise that even though we live on a planet that surrounds us with beauty, that there is a lot of darkness happening within humanity. The ancient Sanskrit teachings understood that civilization goes through distinct cycles of creation and destruction. Native traditions have similar stories to describe different ages of humanity as well. It can be easy to lose hope sometimes, but there many possibilities for spiritual growth and awakening during this time. Let’s look at the bigger picture knowing that the warm glow of dawn always follows the coldest, darkest moments of the night.
    What is a Yuga?
    The ancients understood time as a circle, not linear, and the circle of ages are known as the yugas. Like the four seasons in our year, there are four yugas in the full cycle (Mahayuga). Each cycle has distinct themes and spiritual lessons for humanity.
    Below are the four yugas in order from beginning to end. It is important to note that the first yuga is the longest with each one getting successively shorter (4:3:2:1) until the cycle starts again.
    The ancient Greeks called these four ages of human civilization the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze, and the Age of Iron. The Phoenix always rises from the ashes of its predecessor. 
    If we are actually living in the Kali Yuga now, then any and all behaviour that

    • 13 min
    72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity”

    72 RealityBites #13 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #4 “The Principle of Polarity”

    Welcome to the fourth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.
    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...
    In the last part of this series we talked about “The principle of Vibration” - 
    “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”
    The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration. 
    It’s like the principle that everything is energy, everything has a certain frequency or vibrational signature.
    Now lets turn our attention to the 4th Hermetic Principle:
    4. The Principle of Polarity:
    Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
    The fourth principle embodies the truth that ‘everything has its pair of opposites,’ ‘everything has two poles,’ and exists in a state of ‘duality.’ But the true nature of this principle is that ‘opposites are the same, only varying in degree.’
    A simple example of this is hot and cold. Cold is just the absence of heat, and they're both one thing: temperature.
    The same with light and darkness - which we are being a lot of expressed in the world right now as more and more of the shadow is being exposed by those that are shining a light - and on their own inner awakening journey.
    What you really have is the absence of light, or the presence of light, when there is absence is what we call darkness.
    Think of the opposing forces at play in the world right now, yet act identical in nature, like love turning to hate.
    A coin has two side but its just one thing-
    Or the yin and yang symbol - they are opposites of the same thing.
    This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will.
    The alchemical process of turning lead into gold, is analagous to  transform an inner wound or pain into wisdom or growth.
    The ability through mental stamina or will to shift your perspective or to take a lower vibrational state and transmute it to a higher state.
    This principle is important to Hermeticists, because it suggests we can change the polarity of a degree of emotion, by recognising it is the same and choosing the degree which best suits our needs.
    This practice is the art of Mental Alchemy - shifting your thoughts from negative to positive, with intention - however as we know this has always been a conundrum, for our very nature is to experience the full spectrum of thoughts, sensations, experiences etc
    Story of the therapist: Jeremy Pope was talking to his therapist and he was in a real low, and he said that he really wished he could control it.He says, I hate that my highs are so high and the lows are so low…I just want to be in the middle. His therapist said you have to realise that if you’re looking at a heart monitor its going up and down, and if you were in control you’d put it in the middle and you’d flatline…so you need to remember life is all about the highs and lows and whenever you’re in a high or low, life has told you and will remind you , you will go to the opposite at any given time. 
    Indeed, the pendulum does swing back and forth, if it rests it is no longer in movement, flux or vibration…
    There is a case for non-duality whereby we recognise our connection to all, the oneness as described by so many philosophies, wisdo

    • 13 min
    71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration”

    71 RealityBites #12 The 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality Series #3 “The Principle of Vibration”

    Welcome to the third episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion -  In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.
    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...
    3. The Principle of Vibration:
    “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”
    The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration. 
    It’s like the principle that everything is energy, everything has a certain frequency or vibrational signature.
    We talk about raising our vibration, feeling certain vibes…matter, energy, spirit are all just varying rates of vibration.
    Hermeticists believe that even thoughts have their own rate of vibration, and can be controlled like tuning an instrument, to produce various results for the aim of self and environment mastery. As your understanding of vibration, frequency, harmony and resonance increase, so too shall your power over yourself and your world.
    Different rates of vibration - are different realms of experience and creation.
    The concept of raising your vibe or vibration is synonymous with manifesting the creations we desire which are vibrating at that level of reality.
    Also, think of a tuning fork that is set at a certain frequency - it becomes resonate with that which is vibrating at the same frequency.
    We talked about the principle of correspondence in our last episode of hermetic wisdom, where it states  As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion or “As within, so without”
    And how we can influence the field with our corresponding energy or vibration -  you can see how the hermetic principles are all related, connected and compliment each other.
    Think of our brain waves..what are our thoughts? Where does consciousness come from, emanate from? Hermeticists believe “all is mind” the first principle that the universe is mental in nature - still the hard problem of consciousness is open to debate and science has yet to fully prove or explain just what consciousness is.
    But lets look at our brain waves for a moment- as waves of vibration or frequencies - Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta.
    It is no wonder that so many eastern wisdom traditions and teachings have looked to quieten the mind through stillness and meditation practices -  a still or quiet mind, or a mind that transcends thinking is more relaxed, calm and therefore more presence.
    Presence is in the NOW of all possibility - Eckhart Tolle talk a lot about presence and transcending the ego mind and identity - he says often that our suffering is caught up in our habitual thinking of the past and future - to know presence is to transcend this.
    That as soon as we label something, anything as the mind tends to do we are then separate from the presence pr divine aspect of our true nature.
    Something of course to ponder and contemplate and become more attuned to - often just focusing in on ht body, noticing sensations, will take you out of your mind and into the feeling of the body, its vibration.
    Next up principle number 4, The Principle of Polarity -  “Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites;”
    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website:
    http://www.realityhub.love/ where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    • 14 min
    70 World drama and personal healing with Penny, Rob and Steve

    70 World drama and personal healing with Penny, Rob and Steve

    In todays episode Penny joins us remotely as we discuss heightening drama in the world (wars and unrest) and how it effects each of us on a deep level. We talk about our own healing journey and what it takes to be the change we want to see.
    Topics & Conversational Points:
    We are back at Browne St cafe!
    A remote podcast with Penny
    World events, media bombardment!
    Consciousness, what we feed our minds, social media detoxing
    Consuming vs creating
    Mental sovereignty is so important
    The “entity” of social media
    Tuning into our own inner wisdom
    Mainstream media, legacy media is collapsing?
    Energetic resonance
    Division in the world is political
    Unity consciousness, we are not separate
    Our labels, titles , asking for the truth
    Getting back to love and truth
    Egoic identity vs your eternal self
    We need to transcend the drama and embrace unity consciousness
    Taking care of your mental well-being & clearing space for your creative flow
    Technology feeds off our mind energy
    Social media and it’s pros and cons
    Pornography has it’s own frequency projection
    All media channels carry a certain frequency
    Brain waves and frequency
    The principle of polarity and it’s spectrum
    Exploring not being on social media
    Intentionally putting a resonance into the field
    The AI agenda, digital connection vs authentic
    Let kids be kids organisation
    Is this the end of days?
    Awareness of what’s really going on in the world
    Self - empowerment
    Exploring and transcending the darkness
    Knowing your true nature as a light being
    Adding to the fear drama or coming from a place of peace
    Be the change you want to see in the world
    Healing your own trauma and inner wounds
    The perpetual war machine we see playing out, creating division
    The political and media institutions
    Nature as a way of remedy
    Tapping into the collective field of ideas and inspiration
    The answers are within you, the benefits of proper sleep
    We are powerful creator beings
    We are in an information war - who are we really?
    Walking with the flow of the universe, we are sparks of creation
    The life-force of a new born baby
    Our cultural narratives and the tall poppy syndrome
    Generational trauma and our evolutionary family
    Karmic loops, lessons and healing
    Penny’s healing story with her father
    Recognising our choice points in our lives
    Forgiveness, open and receiving heart
    Is this reality a place of purification and rectification?
    We are all doing some pretty hardcore shit!!
    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website:
    http://www.realityhub.love/ where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    • 53 min

Customer Reviews

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9 Ratings

Ed Amon ,

Great and in-depth

These two are insightful and empathetic. Great conversations. Sit back relax keep an open mind and enjoy the conversation. They tackle everything. Great job.

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