Robot Monk Xian'er

Robot Monk Xian'er

Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.

  1. 02/01/2022

    What do you do when you meet abeggar4 遇到乞丐怎么办4

    有很多假冒的乞讨者利用我们的同情心骗取钱财,收入比我们还高。我们该如何面对那些乞讨者? Many fake beggars take advantage of ourcompassion to defraud, making even more money than we do. How should we dealwith such beggars?         把重点放在自己的善业上,懂得自己在做什么,就不会总是随着外境而转。无论他人如何,自己造一份善业,终不会被业果欺骗。 Focus on your own good deeds and know whatyou are doing, and you will be immune to the external phenomena. No matter whatothers do, you will never be deceived by the karmic law when you create a goodkarma. 假乞丐不碍真布施,只要自己的布施心是真诚的、无悔的,那也是成就了一份善业;如果自己做不到,走过他时内心发一个善愿,愿将来自己能以佛法布施给他,也很好;或感慨于现在社会缺乏诚信、沉迷物欲的大环境,把自己的时间、精力、金钱投入到信得过的团体,发心去改善,同样很好。 False beggars do not hinder true giving. Aslong as we give alms with no regret but sincerity, that will constitute a goodkarma; if you are unable to do so, it is also good to make a good wish as youpass by, or to invest your time, energy and money in the group you trust withan aspiration for improvement, when you are concerned about the lack of goodfaith in the present society and the indulgence in an environment ofmaterialism. 谢谢老师的指导,受益匪浅! Thank you Master for your guidance. It isvery helpful!        祝您好运! Good luck!

    1 min
  2. 19/12/2021

    What do you do when you meet a beggar3 路遇乞丐怎么做3

    对骗子短暂的慈悲可能会助长他们不劳而获的习气,如果拒绝施舍可以促使他们改变,从而走上正道不是更好么?Temporary compassion for deceivers may reinforce their habit of getting something for nothing. Wouldn’t it be better if refusal to give could prompt them to change and get on the right path?   首先要有利益众生的悲悯心,进一步才会思考如何去利益众生。慈悲心是自己的心,不是外在的行为。慈悲柔软了自己的心,外在的行为可以根据因缘灵活多变。对于大多数人来说,恰恰是缺乏慈悲心,一味在外相上去计较分别。  First of all, we must develop compassion for all sentient beings, and then we can think about how to benefit them all. Compassion is an internal instead of external behavior. With compassion softening our own hearts, we can flexibly adjust our extrinsic actions according to causes and conditions. For most of us, it is precisely the lack of compassion within that makes us blindly focus on differentiation among external appearances.  社会上有些拐卖集团经常将一些儿童弄成残废后放在街上乞讨,我们就算以慈悲心、结善缘心给予儿童施舍,可能反令拐卖集团觉得此举有利可图,更多的拐卖伤害儿童,行乞牟利。坊间对于施还是不施也各执一词,我们该如何看待这个问题呢? Some trafficking groups often cripple children and then leave them begging on the streets. Even if we give alms to those children with loving-kindness and compassion in order to make good connections, the trafficking groups  may find it profitable in abducting, selling, harming, and forcing more children to beg for profit. People on the street have different opinions on it, sticking to their own arguments regarding whether to give or not in such situations. How should we look at this problem? 在不圆满的因缘条件下,无论做什么事情,都很难得到现前、究竟、各方面都满意的结果,站在不同的角度,看法就有所不同,万事万物都是如此,如果总是在这个层面去考虑问题,就容易矛盾、想不开。不管如何做,都要明白自己这样做的意义是什么。宗旨清明,行为才会有力。 Under the imperfect set of causes and conditions, it is very difficult to get an immediate, ultimate, and all-around satisfactory result no matter what you do. There are different points of view from different perspective. This is true of everything. If you always consider problems this way, you are liable to be in contradiction and confusion. Whatever you do, you have to understand what you are doing for. With clear purpose, your action can be powerful.

    2 min


    Who is Xian'er? Robot Monk? Little Monk? Subscribe to "Robot Monk Xian'er" to learn wisdom to deal with negative emotions and afflictions in our everyday life. You might find out that Xian'er is not different from us, and we are not different from Xian'er.

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