26 episodes

The You Are Nourished podcast is for women who are tired of feeling trapped in a never ending cycle of dieting. Does this sound like you….you start a new diet, the diet causes you to restrict your eating... so you end up feeling hungry…then you binge...then you lie in bed feeling guilty about it and then you start dieting all over again on Monday. Have you tried Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Keto, 5:2, Fast 800 and all the other well known diets out there but you cannot stick to any of them and afterwards you feel like rubbish inside and out? Then this podcast is for you.

The mission of this show is to liberate you from the constraints of restrictive eating, so you are free to enjoy food and your life again. Say goodbye to weighing, measuring and counting forever!

Join Nutritional Therapist and Mindset Coach, Lauren Gayfer, each week as she breaks down topics such as
How to have a balanced and healthy relationship with food and get off the rollercoaster of dieting
How to look after your physical and emotional wellbeing without constantly counting calories, or feeling guilty about your food choices.
Plus tips and inspiration from Lauren and her guests on all aspects of healthy living and self-care for women

It’s time to nourish your body and mind, fall in love with food and feel the best you've ever felt, without ever dieting again. For more information visit https://www.laurengayfer.com/

You Are Nourished Lauren Gayfer

    • Health & Fitness

The You Are Nourished podcast is for women who are tired of feeling trapped in a never ending cycle of dieting. Does this sound like you….you start a new diet, the diet causes you to restrict your eating... so you end up feeling hungry…then you binge...then you lie in bed feeling guilty about it and then you start dieting all over again on Monday. Have you tried Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Keto, 5:2, Fast 800 and all the other well known diets out there but you cannot stick to any of them and afterwards you feel like rubbish inside and out? Then this podcast is for you.

The mission of this show is to liberate you from the constraints of restrictive eating, so you are free to enjoy food and your life again. Say goodbye to weighing, measuring and counting forever!

Join Nutritional Therapist and Mindset Coach, Lauren Gayfer, each week as she breaks down topics such as
How to have a balanced and healthy relationship with food and get off the rollercoaster of dieting
How to look after your physical and emotional wellbeing without constantly counting calories, or feeling guilty about your food choices.
Plus tips and inspiration from Lauren and her guests on all aspects of healthy living and self-care for women

It’s time to nourish your body and mind, fall in love with food and feel the best you've ever felt, without ever dieting again. For more information visit https://www.laurengayfer.com/

    How to stop diet culture from ruining your holiday

    How to stop diet culture from ruining your holiday

    Holidays should be a time for relaxation. Escaping the rigmarole of daily life and treating yourself to a much-needed break. For so many of us though, we can end up spending the whole time worrying about what we look like, what people will think of us, and what we should or shouldn’t eat. 
    What if you could go on holiday without the crash dieting beforehand? What if you could enjoy being somewhere new and trying new flavours that satisfy you? What if you could be present and soak up all the wonderful experiences you’ve been so looking forward to enjoying?
    Today I want to help you stop wasting your hard-earned holidays worrying about things that are really not important. I talk about how it’s possible to have food freedom even on holiday. It’s not easy, and it does take time, but in this episode, I share my top tips on changes you can start implementing right away to help you shed the diet mentality and work towards healthier habits and behaviours.

    “You are going to miss out on so many amazing opportunities in life if you spend them worrying about your body and about food the entire time.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
    In This Episode:
    Understand how crash dieting before a holiday adds to the stress you feel during a holiday.Reassess what’s important about holidays and understand how diet culture keeps you stuck in an unhealthy cycle.Learn different tools that will empower you to develop a new healthier mindset.Discover strategies that will help you to nourish your body rather than punish it.Find out how you can honour your hunger even when on holiday.Follow my simple tips to avoid going overboard at the breakfast buffet.
    To help have a stress-free summer, check out my Mega Summer Bundle which includes an incredible collection of 50 fresh and fruity recipes perfect for all occasions, and a gorgeous printable planner to help stay organised: https://youarenourished.com/summer-bundle
     Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.laurenFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/nourished.lauren 

    • 24 min
    [4/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Underactive Thyroid

    [4/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Underactive Thyroid

    Today’s episode brings us to the end of my four-part series on reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight. Today I am talking about a subject that I have first-hand experience of, which is an underactive thyroid.
    Thyroid symptoms can affect us in so many different ways which can make it hard to get a correct diagnosis and work out the treatment you need – it certainly took a considerable amount of time for me to get the help I needed. When visiting the doctor, you may end up with a short-term solution to one of the symptoms (such as constipation, low mood, or weight gain) but that’s not dealing with the long-term root cause. 
    It is really complex which is why I want to share my experience of what I went through so you can get the help you may need. In this episode, I explain what to look out for, how to get a diagnosis, and the potential need for medication. I also share my diet and lifestyle tips that I find help to successfully manage my condition.
    “Thyroid issues can often be misdiagnosed because your thyroid hormone is responsible for so many different processes inside the body.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
    In This Episode:
    Learn the surprising ways thyroid issues can affect us which make it so hard to diagnose.Understand some simple science to give you the confidence to ask for investigation into the root cause of your symptoms.Learn about my own journey with getting the right diagnosis and finding a treatment that worked for me.Discover changes I made to my diet that helped me manage my underactive thyroid.Try some simple lifestyle tips that can help improve your overall health.
    Resources mentioned:
    If you’re interested in getting your thyroid tested privately, you could try https://medichecks.com/pages/thyroid-health or https://bluehorizonbloodtests.co.uk/collections/thyroid-blood-testsFor further information on thyroid problems, check out Dr Izabella Wentz’s website: https://thyroidpharmacist.com/A great book for more information would be ‘The Thyroid Connection’ by Amy Myers: https://amzn.to/3aJpT55 
    Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.laurenFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/nourished.lauren

    • 31 min
    [3/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Inflammation. With Emily Niswanger.

    [3/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Inflammation. With Emily Niswanger.

    We’re continuing our four-part series on reasons why you might be struggling to lose weight, by looking at inflammation. And this week I am joined by my first-ever podcast guest expert! Emily Niswanger, a Functional Dietitian from Anywhere Nutrition – who is an expert in all things to do with inflammation – joins me all the way from Minnesota!
    Now, when we think of inflammation, we tend to think of conditions where you can obviously see or feel the inflammation, like arthritis, for example, where you would experience persistent pain. Many of us don’t realise that we can also have internal inflammation that goes on inside our bodies that we just don’t see. Do you suffer from digestive issues like bloating? Do you lack energy all the time? Do you find it hard to concentrate and forget things a lot? These are all indicators of chronic inflammation!
    In this episode, Emily helps us delve into what inflammation is, why it can make weight loss difficult, and shares lots of ideas on changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to reduce inflammation.
    “If you are struggling with inflammation in the body, no amount of dieting or exercise is going to help unless we deal with this root cause first.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
     In This Episode:
    Learn about different types of inflammation and how inflammation can prevent you from losing weight.Discover the role nutrition plays in exacerbating inflammation and how to look out for hidden ingredients in shop-bought products.Understand the importance of finding a healthy and sustainable balance with what you eat and how letting go of perfectionism will help reduce both stress and inflammation.Learn how different lifestyle factors can increase inflammation including some surprising things you think would have the opposite effect.Get top tips on healthier habits you can try to help reduce inflammation.
     Resources mentioned:
    Connect with Emily on social media using @anywherenutrition or go to her website: www.anywherenutrition.com Find out more about the history of low-fat diets in podcast episode, ‘How to stop fearing full-fat foods’, here: https://youarenourished.com/episode20.Listen to the first episode in this series, ‘3 Underlying Reasons You Might Be Struggling to Lose Weight’, here: https://youarenourished.com/episode21.Listen to the second episode in this series, ‘Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Stress’, here: https://youarenourished.com/episode22.
    Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.laurenFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/nourished.lauren 

    • 57 min
    [2/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Stress

    [2/4] Underlying “non-food” reasons for weight gain – Stress

    Stress is our body's way of reacting to feeling under pressure. We enter the fight or flight response where our bodies go into life-saving mode to make us stay and fight or run away to escape danger. Originally this would have been vital to help us survive being attacked, whereas these days, we’re in much less life-threatening situations! Unfortunately, our bodies can’t tell the difference between cheating death in the claws of a predator to dealing with a stressful email! If we’re not actually in physical danger, the processes going on inside our body to make us fight or flight can actually lead to weight gain and difficulties in losing weight.
    Today is the second in a four-part series talking about what might be going on in your body to cause you to struggle to lose weight. In this episode, I explain how our stressful modern lifestyles are damaging our health, and I share my top 5 tips to help you lead a more stress-free life.
    “So many health conditions can be traced back to stress.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
    In This Episode:
    Learn the impact stress has on the body.Understand that the body cannot differentiate between different types of stress.Discover what the stress hormone cortisol does to blood sugar levels and how this causes cravings.Understand the importance of dealing with the underlying issue of stress.Learn about my own struggle with stress and weight loss after having my first child.Find out my top 5 tips for reducing cortisol and managing stress better.
    Resources mentioned:
    Get instant access to my 7 Meals in an Hour workshop where you can learn how meal prep can take away stress at mealtimes: https://www.laurengayfer.com/7-mealsDownload my free recipe eBook with loads of lovely snack ideas that help keep your cravings under control: https://www.laurengayfer.com/healthy-snacksDiscover loads of recipe inspiration with my bumper bundle of meal plans and recipes that will ensure you always have nourishing meals to hand: https://www.laurengayfer.com/recipe-bundle 
    Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.lauren/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.laurengayfer.com/nourished.lauren 

    • 32 min
    3 underlying reasons you might be struggling to lose weight

    3 underlying reasons you might be struggling to lose weight

    We can eat healthily and exercise regularly, yet still find that we can’t lose weight. What’s important to realise is that weight loss is not as simple as calories in versus calories out. Our bodies carry out countless functions every day that are intricately linked, so it should be no surprise that there may be other things going on in the body that might prevent weight loss. Having the sole focus on weight loss can leave us feeling frustrated and demoralised as well as making conditions worse. If we take a more holistic view around improving our health, we can get to the root of any issues and treat the underlying condition.
    Today is the first in a four-part series talking about what might be going on in your body to cause you to struggle to lose weight. In this episode, I explain three of the most common health conditions that can make it hard to shift weight and why concentrating on weight loss can make these conditions worse.
    “When you are making changes to your diet and to your habits and behaviours, it's really important to start with health first.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
    In This Episode:
    Discover why there is no one size fits all when it comes to losing weight.Learn three of the most common underlying reasons for having difficulty in shifting weight.Find out how these three conditions are impacting your body.Realise that diets are a stress on the body making health conditions worse.Understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to health.Discover that focusing on changing habits and behaviours for health rather than weight loss will lead to more success.
    Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.lauren/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.laurengayfer.com/nourished.lauren

    • 22 min
    How to stop fearing full-fat foods

    How to stop fearing full-fat foods

    Fat is a really complex subject, yet we have been told all fats are the same and they are all bad. So we’ve ended up fearing whole, natural, healthy fats found in avocados, nuts and seeds, while happily eating highly processed, low-fat foods. However, these processed foods contain saturated and trans fats that increase our risk of certain illnesses and are usually full of sugar too! Not all fats are the same, and by excluding healthy fats, we are robbing our bodies of essential nutrients that we can’t get elsewhere.
    Today I want to talk about the different types of fats out there and the different effects they have on the body. In this episode, I share some simple ways you can introduce more healthy fats into your meals as part of a healthy diet.
    “Fats actually help to reduce cravings because they're satisfying.” 
    - Lauren Gayfer
    In This Episode:
    Discover the history of why the low-fat movement began and why it was flawed.Learn how fats in low-fat foods have been replaced with sugar, leading to an obesity epidemic.Learn about the different types of fats and what they do in the body.Understand that removing all fat from our diets can lead to deficiencies.Appreciate that full-fat foods fill us up and help us avoid cravings.Find out some simple ways to include more full-fat foods in your diet.
    Resources mentioned: 
    To get more tips on including healthy fats in your meals, check out my previous podcast episode ‘How to construct a healthy plate of food’: https://youarenourished.com/episode6 To help satisfy you at snack time, grab my free healthy snacks eBook: https://www.laurengayfer.com/healthy-snacks 

    Connect with Lauren: 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourished.lauren/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.laurengayfer.com/nourished.lauren 

    • 23 min

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