James O'Brien - The Whole Show

Listen to James O'Brien's phone-in show, which will make you think - and possibly change your outlook on the big stories.
Hosts & Guests
Informative + Passionate
As a life long US citizen depressed with Trump’s reelection, I’ve been more attentive to world politics to keep myself from going insane. O’Brien brilliantly keeps me up to date with the UK. He’s a true broadcaster, something that’s become rare in my country. He knows what he’s talking about, but he has no hesitancy to wear his passion on his sleeve.
Fascist Farage
Thanks Mr O’Brien, I listen to you frequently great job your update really helps us to be in the know. This bitter message sends shivers down my spine. What’s with these type of hateful people openly holding such vendetta? Looks like a residual from the previous diabolical world onslaught. Are we to believe their quest to control exhibit such deadly violence, is this what the order of this era needs to declare killing innocent people? So many unanswered Q & A as if they are the boon to all living things. Freaking unbelievable is this really their agenda to put out such an aggressively open message online a fear tactics targeting helpless people who need help instead evil and danger awaits them. We already aware haven’t they secretly killed hundreds who’ve gone missing under the countries guidance? . Have Mercy Lord!
Listening in America
I truly enjoy listening to James. I wish I could watch the show live but I’m still enjoying the podcast.
Democracy Fail
This guy started his Friday show reminding listeners how Germans progressed toward fascism. Afterward, he proceeded to bash President Biden’s cognitive performance piecing together a few of his misstatements recklessly providing ammunition from his finger-in-the-wind analysis to fascist-lovers everywhere. This guy’s selective “evidence” a certain sign to me he himself rarely listens to Biden speaking - something I do daily; Mr. Biden’s actual performance a far cry from this guy’s sordid presentation. His excuse for hurling deceptive charges of cognitive decline toward Biden: he’d spoken days earlier about trump on the same topic. All the while neglecting to offer his listeners numerous valid critiques against the Biden special prosecutor’s report being gratuitous, unorthodox to DOJ policies, and grossly partisan on its face. Also, this guy had the temerity to excuse his own occasional malapropisms as mere slights, so I was glad to hear one of his callers inform this 50 old guy that mental decline can begin much earlier than most people think. Maybe it’ll give him food for thought, though I doubt it very much…so certain he is of himself. What is that saying about three fingers pointing back at the pointer? This guy should be ashamed of pronouncing himself a liberal when he uses clearly right wing talking points against an ally. Shameful and disgusting. Wake up, Mr. James, Brits do not represent a tenth of your cousins across the pond, but the whole. Unfollowed, won’t be back
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- CreatorGlobal
- Years Active2019 - 2025
- Episodes1.3K
- RatingClean
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