Mormon Stories Podcast

Dr. John Dehlin
Mormon Stories Podcast

Mormon Stories Podcast is an attempt to build understanding between and about Mormons through the telling of stories in both audio and video formats.

  1. 1D AGO

    Top 5 Mormon Problems Exposed by Jerald and Sandra Tanner (w/ @Nemothemormon) | Ep. 2005

    Today we are re-introducing Sandra Tanner to a new generation of Mormons, exMormons, and never-Mormons. Both Sandra and her husband Jerald have strong Mormon backgrounds. When he was only eighteen, Jerald began to have doubts about his faith. When they began dating, Sandra Tanner also began to doubt. Throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s Jerald and Sandra Tanner were among the first to begin publishing on the problems with Mormon history and its truth claims. They opened a bookstore called the Utah Lighthouse Ministry and began publishing their research. Today we are going to talk about their discoveries on topics such as changes to the Book of Mormon, the problems with the Book of Abraham translation, the Kinderhook plates, how the Church covered up problematic parts of its history, and how they impacted hundreds of people in and out of the Mormon church. You won’t want to miss this episode! Show Notes YouTube 00:04:00 Topics we are going to cover today 00:05:24 Changes to the text of the Book of Mormon 00:25:40 The usage of the seer stone and an “exact” translation 00:32:00 The Book of Mormon as a revelation rather than a translation 00:33:45 Problems with the Book of Abraham translation 00:49:12 The Church came up with the Catalyst Theory 00:54:00 The Kinderhook Plates issues 01:14:10 Other “Cover-ups” that the church has done 01:28:00 Nephi vs. Moroni 01:31:55 Changes to D&C 01:38:10 Discussion of Michelle Stone’s claims & Sandra’s response 01:54:55 “We felt the obligation to set the record straight” 01:59:00 How does Sandra respond to critics that say she should continue to deconstruct Christianity 02:25:20 Conclusion Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    2h 27m
  2. 4D AGO

    Why I Stay Mormon in 2025 - Proving Contraries w/ Dave McKenzie | Ep. 2004

    After being inspired by the Mormon Stories Paul brothers episode, Dave courageously shares his powerful journey through faith, family struggles, and self-discovery. From his upbringing in a traditional Mormon household to navigating complex questions about church history, LGBTQ+ issues, and personal loss, Dave's story is one of resilience and hope. He reflects on his brother's tragic passing, his evolving beliefs, and why he ultimately chooses to stay active in the church today. Tune in for a heartfelt conversation about faith, doubt, and finding meaning through it all. Show Notes YouTube 00:03:12 Dave’s intention for coming on Mormon Stories 00:08:03 Dave’s mormon story begins - explaining family background 00:13:41 Story of backpacking with his brother and having an accident 00:24:46 Dave’s mission to Warsaw, Poland 00:34:50 Life after his mission - dating and marriage 01:01:05 Dave’s experience with a Roman Catholic woman that inspired him - introduced him to interracial marriage 01:13:30 Dave thought “If I remain silent now, I am a hypocrite to my own testimony” (regarding his friend leaving the church) 01:21:04 Why do we call it going down the rabbit hole when it is actually coming out into the light? 01:45:00 “Does God help amputees?” argument 02:00:50 “There has to be recognition that what we were taught was not the truth” 02:17:30 Why John Dehlin does Mormon Stories 02:46:17 Elder Holland “greatest missionary of all time” experience 02:59:55 Dave discusses the Book of Mormon 03:36:44 Dave’s younger brother, Dan, passed away in 2023 03:44:19 What are the main reasons that he chooses to stay active in 2025? 04:01:26 What is his response to the fact that the church does a lot of harm to people as well? How does he personally work through this 04:11:30 Dave feels that there are real advancements being made in the church currently 04:20:24 Conclusion Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    4h 35m
  3. MAR 20

    Joseph Smith Polygamy Denialism w/ John Hamer | Ep. 2003

    In this episode, we’re joined by historian and mapmaker John Hamer as he responds to Michelle Stone’s recent claims that Joseph Smith did not practice polygamy. Drawing from historical records, primary sources, and his extensive research, John offers context and analysis on one of the most debated topics in Latter-day Saint history. Join us for an insightful conversation unpacking the complexities of Joseph Smith’s involvement in early Mormon polygamy. John Hamer is an American-Canadian historian who has focused primarily on Mormon history and has published a number of books on the topic, including Scattering of the Saints: Schism Within Mormonism and House of the Lord: The Story of the Kirtland Temple. John Hamer was raised in the Mormon Church, left the religion and joined the Community of Christ Church in 2010 and now serves as a pastor in their Toronto Congregation. Show Notes YouTube 00:00:50 Michelle Stone 00:01:50 John Hamer has been on MSP eleven times at least 00:03:35 Background for John Hamer 00:11:30 Why would the Community of Christ have an interest in this topic? 00:22:07 A Golden Age of Disinformation 00:30:20 Personal Investment in Disinformation 00:31:45 Why do people prefer disinformation? 00:35:35 False Equation as the Basis 00:37:35 Rejection of Expertise 00:43:47 Holding Beliefs in Contradiction to Evidence 00:45:53 Religious Propositions - such as flat earthers 00:51:41 Solomon Spaulding Theory for the Book of Mormon 01:01:35 Historians regardless of affiliation conclude that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy 01:04:40 Testimonies of Every Type of Witness 01:09:17 Why Credit This Conspiracy Theory? 01:15:30 “Lying for the Lord” Joseph didn’t think he was lying 01:24:45 Lying for the Lord about Polygamy timeline 01:32:10 Joseph Smith III and the story of the wedge 01:37:19 Michelle Stone and the broad rejection of expertise 01:42:00 Apologetic Lack of Methodology 01:48:?? Uphold Knowledge Not Truth Claims 01:52:20 Questions for John Hamer on the topic of polygamy 02:07:46 The text of D&C 132, it has the context of the time 02:11:40 Temple Lot Case 02:19:30 John Hamer’s final words for the show Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    2h 27m
  4. MAR 20

    Did Joseph Smith Use 19th-Century Bible Scholarship to produce the Book of Mormon? | Ep. 2002

    New research by PhD student Colby Townsend reveals striking connections between The Book of Mormon and Adam Clarke’s Bible Commentary, a widely used biblical resource in Joseph Smith’s time. In this episode, we explore how Smith engaged with Clarke’s insights, made textual modifications, and reframed biblical passages to fit his theological vision. Was Smith restoring lost scripture, or was he influenced by contemporary scholarship? Show Notes YouTube 00:11:35 Summary of Joseph Smith using the Adam Clarke Commentary 00:17:06 During this time, this is NOT considered plagiarism 00:19:55 The new article by Colby Townsend 00:23:24 Clip of Hayley talking about Joseph Smith using the Bible Commentary 00:29:45 What were we taught about how the Book of Mormon was produced? 00:30:17 Quote from David Whitmer on the translation through the seer stone 00:35:00 The Expansion Theory 00:40:26 Quote from Emma on the Book of Mormon translation 00:42:33 Quote from Martin Harris on it being a direct translation 00:44:00 There is no account from Oliver Cowdery on the translation process; Oliver was also willing to lie 00:44:51 Clip of Brad Wilcox on how the Book of Mormon was translation 00:48:08 Background of Colby Townsend 00:50:08 Quotes from the article 00:57:55 Joseph used other Bible Commentaries 01:02:00 Conclusion from Colby Townsend’s article 01:07:40 Clip of the the Bible not having plain and precious things being removed 01:09:25 Clip - The Book of Mormon is to bring back the things lost from the Bible 01:11:20 2 Nephi 11:2 Nephi talks about the importance of Isaiah 01:22:43 Quote from the Colby’s article about how Joseph was well versed in the Bible 01:24:55 Dan Vogel’s theory about the presence of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon 01:26:14 Colby Townsend discussing Joseph and Methodism 01:29:25 Adam Clarke’s Biblical Commentary 01:33:35 Joseph’s access to Clarke 01:40:00 Comparing The Book of Mormon to the Adam Clarke Commentary 01:49:35 Joseph copying both the KJV and then Adam Clarke’s commentary 01:58:38 Next example in Isaiah 50:2 “their fish is dried up” 02:12:20 The example of Isaiah 2: 12-16 “cedars and oaks” and “high mountains and lofty hills” 02:18:45 Isaiah 9:3 “thou hast increased their joy” 02:24:20 Gerardo found his own examples 02:32:24 Examples in Isaiah 14:3 “in that day” 02:38:59 Isaiah 49:1 “O ye distant lands” 02:48:10 Example Isaiah 29:11 “read it, for it is sealed up” 02:56:50 If this is the most correct book why was so much of it changed? Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us: PO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    3h 7m
  5. MAR 13

    Family Abandons Mormon Church After 40 Years of Faith - Kevin and Jennifer Lundquist | Ep. 2001

    In this heartfelt episode, Kevin and Jennifer share their inspiring journey through their Mormon upbringing, missions, and eventual faith transition. They discuss navigating doubts, supporting their gay and transgender children, and redefining what love and family mean. From facing church pressures to embracing authenticity, their story highlights resilience, acceptance, and the power of unconditional love. Don't miss this moving conversation about finding peace and purpose beyond organized religion. Show Notes YouTube 00:05:25 Kevin’s story begins 00:14:20 Kevin met with general authority Paul H. Dunn to get approved for his mission 00:27:58 Jennifer’s Story begins 00:36:11 They met again with Paull Dunn about getting married in the temple 00:48:38 Defining their own gender roles in their marriage 01:01:18 Concerns with paying tithing 01:09:00 Teenage son struggling with p*rn and coming out as gay 01:17:48 Their gay son decided to serve a mission; he was told his mission will “cure him of his gayness” 01:30:00 Mission president refused to let him go home, and had possession of his passport 01:38:00 Kevin told his son “never try to make the church work for you - it never will” 01:51:55 Their gay son says that if he was not able to leave the mission he may have committed suicide 02:08:50 Their daughter tells them she is done with the church; she experienced love bombing 02:12:50 Kevin asks his mom, “If the church wasn't true would you want to know” - she says no 02:16:50 “If there is a place in the church for my gay son, we will reconsider” 02:30:40 Discussing transgender issues in the church 02:40:48 Why do a lot of ex-Mormons turn to atheism after leaving the church? 02:28:20 Has the way that they see “love” and “family” changed over the years? What do they mean for them now? 02:56:23 Final thoughts Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    3h 4m
  6. MAR 9

    Lori Vallow Dateline Interview - MORMONS RESPOND! | Ep. 2000

    Lori Vallow Daybell was interviewed on NBC/Dateline Exclusive. Keith Morrison sat down with convicted murderer and Mormon mom, Lori Vallow, to talk about her case. Her two children, Tylee and J.J. were last seen in September of 2019 and she and her new husband Chad Daybell were arrested and charged for their murder. During the Dateline interview, Lori said that she and Chad Daybell were going to be exonerated because of Jesus. “I have seen things in the future that Jesus showed me when I was in heaven.” She went on to say that “Jesus is a funny guy and a wonderful person that loves everybody and especially loves her.” Lori has long been desirous to appear on Dateline and finally got her wish. She is also charged with conspiracy in the attempted murder of her niece’s ex-husband in another case. Show Notes YouTube 00:00:30 Lauren Mathias, Megan Conner, Gerardo and John 00:10:00 She went in surprised, she’d heard most of it, but was surprised at Lori’s anger 00:17:50 Gerardo feels the interview would have been different with someone with a cult background 00:19:25 Did the interview show us the real Lori Vallow? 00:29:50 Lori is trying to lay groundwork for blaming Tylee for JJ’s death 00:34:00 Discussing the evidence that Tylee was killed weeks before JJ 00:47:40 Lori claiming that she met Jesus 00:51:25 Polling the audience about weather Lori Vallow believes this is true 01:09:30 Where do Chad’s beliefs begin and end? 01:12:05 Lori bringing in the spare tire and the car chair 01:25:00 We didn’t see much of the 90 minute interview between Lori and Keith 01:29:55 What Keith did that Lauren did not like 01:37:00 Was JJ asleep or was he already dead? 01:39:30 How Mormons view death and how Lori did not have a lot of grief or sadness in this 01:41:50 Lori saying that Tammy loves her and she loves Tammy 01:55:20 It was clearly disturbing to see Alex and Chad unloading a pickup truck 02:05:55 Alex’s death - was it natural causes or a murder? 02:18:00 Harmful places in Visions of Glory 02:19:55 Mormon beliefs that play into this crime 02:31:00 Other individuals who killed their children because they thought their children were possessed 02:39:00 Lauren being a members of the church 02:49:45 Lori saying that she’s right and “I told you so” 03:18:30 Keith pointed out that Lori was giving parenting advice Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    3h 46m
  7. MAR 6

    Mormonism Failed Me as A Woman - Dana Raine | Ep. 1999

    Dana shares her personal journey of growing up in the Mormon church, navigating mental health challenges, and eventually deconstructing her faith. From her Mormon upbringing and mission experience to questioning societal and religious expectations, Dana's story explores themes of self-discovery, the impact of religion on her life, and the search for meaning beyond traditional beliefs. After leaving the church, Dana delves into topics like mental health, fertility, relationships, and motherhood, offering a candid perspective on her path toward healing and personal growth. This channel is a space for open discussion on faith, identity, and life after Mormonism. Show Notes YouTube 00:05:00 Dana’s Mormon Story begins 00:17:00 What examples did she see of women in the church? 00:21:34 It was out of the ordinary to see women with careers 00:38:23 She was reported to the Bishop and her parents that she had experimented with cutting 01:06:30 Dana’s mission experience service in Atlanta, Georgia 01:12:22 She didn't love the temple experience - was “underwhelming” 01:24:24 David Archuleta was at the MTC during the same time 01:32:51 Dana knew very soon that she wanted to leave the mission early and she had to fight to go home 01:38:27 Dana Decided to go to BYU 01:56:25 Felt pressure to be married by the time she finished BYU 02:02:17 Dana to tell her parents that they could not be married in the temple and her mother told her “He’s taken everything from you” 02:18:07 Mormon therapist asked her to consider if she would be open to dating a non-Mormon 02:29:50 Dana lists the ways the church failed her - the church makes promises it can’t keep 02:41:20 Began to research severe PMS and PMDD, and learned that she suffered from it 02:47:02 Dana decided to have a baby by herself - very radical in Mormonism 03:08:00 Dana feels that she was a better foster parent as an ex-Mormon 03:14:40 Deconstructing the idea of “motherhood” in Mormonism 03:27:18 Dana focusing on her PhD Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

    3h 34m
  8. MAR 3

    Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke - Mormons React | Ep. 1998

    When vlogger Ruby Franke was arrested for child abuse in August 2023, it shocked millions who had followed her family’s seemingly perfect life on YouTube. But behind the wholesome image was a much darker reality. With counselor Jodi Hildebrandt’s influence, the Franke family spiraled into a nightmare. Now, in Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke, the Frankes’ eldest children, Shari and Chad, and Ruby’s husband, Kevin, speak out for the first time. In this episode of Mormon Stories, we react to this gripping series, unpacking the shocking revelations and what they say about family, control, and the dangers of social media. Show Notes YouTube 00:02:45 Curious Case of Judi Hildebrant 00:22:45 “Mormon Mommy Bloggers” 00:30:40 Kevin is also a victim of an abuser 00:48:50 Ruby thinks a happy family is an obedient family 01:10:57 Ruby’s channel was “Advancing the image of the church” 01:26:00 Pressure in Mormonism to find a partner that is acceptable by church standards 01:56:49 The Franke kids begin to shut down to the camera 02:02:26 Ruby tells Chad: “Fake being happy right now” 02:14:17 Who is the “Devil in the Family” representing? 02:30:20 “The beanbag incident” with Chad’s bed being taken away 02:40:42 Shari saying Chad got “beaten” and had to help him clean up blood off the walls 03:01:21 Kevin’s initial reaction to ConneXions - “This is a cult” 03:23:20 Lauren’s reaction to Jodi’s house: “They had Costco inside this house” 03:28:00 The LDS church could be shutting this dogma down but they don't 04:04:00 When Jodi is possessed its a feature, when the kids are possessed its a bug 04:31:10 Jodi Gave Ruby permission to be this way 04:49:40 Shari calls the police for the first time to do a wellness check on the kids 04:58:54 The younger daughter found in the closet - wasn't even able to talk 05:17:50 “Takes an exceptional lack of empathy” for a mother to do this 05:25:11 Assessment of how Kevin let this happen 05:41:30 Sometimes families like these can be more susceptible to manipulation 06:07:00 Become cult informed! Become born again to your own intrinsic knowledge Mormon Stories Thanks Our Generous Donors! Help us continue to deliver quality content by becoming a donor today: One-time or recurring donation through DonorboxSupport us on PatreonPayPalVenmo Our Platforms: YouTubePatreonSpotifyApple Podcasts Contact us:MormonStories@gmail.comPO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117 Social Media: Insta: @mormstoriesTikTok: @mormonstoriespodcastJoin the Discord

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    Mormon Stories Podcast is an attempt to build understanding between and about Mormons through the telling of stories in both audio and video formats.

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