111 episodes

Olympic and World Champion diver, Laura Wilkinson seeks to equip athletes with the most effective tools that will help them reach their biggest goals in sport through conversations with elite and Olympic athletes, sports professionals, coaches, and experts. In these conversations we unlock the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tools that shape the whole athlete and generate peak performance.

Pursuit of Gold with Laura Wilkinson Laura Wilkinson

    • Health & Fitness

Olympic and World Champion diver, Laura Wilkinson seeks to equip athletes with the most effective tools that will help them reach their biggest goals in sport through conversations with elite and Olympic athletes, sports professionals, coaches, and experts. In these conversations we unlock the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tools that shape the whole athlete and generate peak performance.

    Overcoming Nerves & Gaining Confidence with Elite Gymnast Dulcy Caylor

    Overcoming Nerves & Gaining Confidence with Elite Gymnast Dulcy Caylor

    Laura delves into the dynamic world of elite gymnastics with the prodigiously talented Dulcy Caylor on the podcast this week. Highlighting the essential blend of physical prowess and mental fortitude, Dulcy's journey from clinching gold medals at a tender young age to aiming for the 2024 Olympic trials encapsulates the essence of determination and resilience. As you will hear, today’s episode not only uncovers the universal battle with nerves that athletes face but also emphasizes the crucial role of mental training alongside physical preparation. 

    Dulcy's candid insights into overcoming competition anxiety, her strategic approach to training, and the invaluable support from figures like Simone Biles exemplify the intricate tapestry of challenges and triumphs defining an athlete's journey to excellence. Her narrative further reveals the profound bond of camaraderie among gymnasts, transcending age and experience, fostering a united front in the pursuit of their Olympic dreams. Through detailed discussions on the Olympic trials process, the significance of a supportive ecosystem, and Dulcy's personal strategies for combating nerves, listeners are offered a unique glimpse into the relentless pursuit of gold. Her insightful dialogue with Laura here today stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, mentorship, and the indomitable spirit of young athletes such as Dulcy, who navigate the complexities of elite sports with grace and steadfast ambition.

    Episode Highlights:

    Ambitious beginnings to senior success
    Overcoming mental hurdles
    Customized coaching for peak performance
    Resilience through ups and downs
    Building a supportive environment
    Strategic mindset and preparation
    Aspirations beyond the mat
    Navigating the path to Olympic Trials


    "Even the most elite athletes battle with fear, nerves, anxiety, impostor syndrome...they are overcomeable."
    "I am obsessed with gymnastics, but once I started getting into level nine, level eight...I really wanted to go as far as I can with this."

    "Age doesn't matter in this now. It's 16 and up and you just have to compete with it."

    "You can't let anything spiral...I care too much that I'm not going to care."

    "It's those tiny little changes sometimes that are the hardest because you have to focus so differently."

    "Keep your dream in mind every day. If you really want it, work for it every time, as much as you can."

    "Work hard and work smart."

    "Have fun with it every single day. It's still the sport that you loved as a kid."

    "I would love to do something that helps people."

    "I'm keeping my options open, but I also have my eyes on ‘28."

    "If you set your mind to something, it's going to happen."


    The Pursuit of Gold Website
    Coaching with Laura

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    Connect with Dulcy:

    Dulcy's Instagram

    • 38 min
    Celebrating the Stories of Women Athletes with Flame Bearers Founder Jamie Mittelman

    Celebrating the Stories of Women Athletes with Flame Bearers Founder Jamie Mittelman

    Joining Laura on the podcast this week is Jamie Mittelman, the visionary founder of Flame Bearers, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to amplifying the voices of women Olympians and Paralympians worldwide. Through immersive podcasts, compelling videos, and dynamic live events, Jamie breathes life into champion stories, illuminating their triumphs, tribulations, and the societal issues that shape their paths. Today, our guest shares profound insights into her mission, underscoring the transformative power of narratives and the indomitable spirit of athletes. 

    As you will hear, Jamie's unwavering commitment to storytelling and championing women athletes has propelled her to spotlight their remarkable odysseys, from renowned icons to unsung heroines across the globe. Together, she and Laura embark on a deep dive into the realms of women's sports, entrepreneurship, and the transcendent influence of storytelling, unraveling the essence of Flame Bearers' mission and the compelling narratives driving positive change in the athletic sphere. Jamie's journey from athlete to entrepreneur uncovers the vital steps to success, from crafting robust business strategies to fostering resilient communities, all while championing authenticity, resilience, and empowerment in the pursuit of athletic excellence. Join Laura and Jamie here today for this inspiring and instructive examination into the intricate tapestry of women's sports, and the boundless potential of storytelling.

    Episode Highlights:

    The story of Flame Bearers
    Representation in sports media
    The power of storytelling
    Authenticity in branding
    Resilience and adversity
    Community and support systems
    Challenges in media representation
    Future of Flame Bearers
    Building a successful business


    "Historically, 95% of sports coverage has gone to male athletes, but we're making progress. There's a quantity and a quality issue when it comes to women's sports coverage."

    "The best way to get people to care is to build an emotional connection, and I think the best way to do that is with stories."

    "Share who you actually are, not just the highlight reel. Sponsors gravitate towards people who are being vulnerable because fans can relate to them."

    "Flame Bearers' vision is to become the go-to storytelling platform for elite women athletes, centering their stories through podcasts, videos, and live events."

    "No one person can do it all... Surround yourself with people who could have your back and who can fill those holes."

    "I want to make sure that we don't forget how we got there... Acknowledging those first trailblazers and making sure they feel validated and seen."

    "Literally every piece that I do, it's kind of like a love letter to that athlete... I want to tell their story how they want it told."

    "One reason I started the podcast was I had just come back to diving after retirement... I started the podcast to bring people on and start asking questions."

    "You can have the best story in the world, but if nobody hears it, does it make a difference?... Jamie is giving them the opportunity to connect, and that's huge."


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    Connect with Jamie:

    Flame Bearers Website
    Flame Bearers Podcast
    Flame Bearers Linktree

    • 42 min
    Rising Above with Olympic Gold Medal Volleyball Player Jon Root

    Rising Above with Olympic Gold Medal Volleyball Player Jon Root

    This week, Laura introduces us to the remarkable Jon Root, a volleyball luminary whose journey to success defied expectations at every turn. From an unforeseen introduction to volleyball in West Los Angeles to clinching prestigious All-American accolades at Stanford University to achieving Olympic and international glory, Jon's trajectory epitomizes the indomitable spirit of passion and perseverance in the sporting realm. Through Laura's engaging dialogue with Jon, listeners are immersed not only in Jon’s many spectacular achievements but also in the intricacies of athletes' transitions beyond the competitive sphere, delving into themes of identity, purpose, and personal growth post-athletics.

    From his storied collegiate career at Stanford University, where he navigated the rigorous demands of both academics and athletics with aplomb, to his triumphant representation of the United States on the international volleyball stage, Jon's journey is a testament to unwavering determination and dedication. As he candidly shares his experiences, Jon unveils the myriad challenges athletes encounter upon bidding farewell to professional sports, emphasizing the paramount importance of self-discovery, resilience, and adaptability in charting a course through the uncharted waters of post-athletic life. Through their illuminating discourse, Laura and Jon offer invaluable insights and inspiration, urging athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts to embrace change, forge supportive networks, and leave an enduring legacy that transcends the boundaries of the sporting arena. This episode stands as yet another poignant reminder of the transformative power of sports, guiding listeners on a journey of empowerment and self-discovery as they endeavor to realize their fullest potential, both on and off the field.

    Episode Highlights:

    Jon's unexpected journey from baseball to volleyball
    The challenges of California's volleyball scene
    Jon’s Stanford University choice
    His reflections on his Stanford Athletics Hall of Fame induction
    The intense training leading to the 1988 Seoul Olympics
    Winning a gold medal and post-competition challenges
    Jon's personal transformation
    Coaching impact, personal growth, seeking support, and leaving a lasting legacy


    "Sports kind of saved me from myself."

    "I was a good mess, but I was kind of a mess."

    "There's more to this than just the bread and butter."

    "You're allowed to have your own journey, and that's what makes it beautiful."

    "I think I was just so lost in the humility and the kind of what just happened."

    "If you're good at performance but you're not great at change, can you look at change in a different way? In changing, we do perform. In performing, we do change. It's inherently part of the walnut."

    "You're going to have to get out there and try a couple of things. The first thing may not be the only thing, and it may not be the best thing."

    "We need to let athletes know that we are more than just athletes. There's so much more involved in our stories and in who we are as people."


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    • 54 min
    My Untold Journey Through Trials with Pursuit of Gold Host Laura Wilkinson

    My Untold Journey Through Trials with Pursuit of Gold Host Laura Wilkinson

    In this special episode, listeners are invited to explore Laura's journey to Olympic triumph, shaped by resilience and determination. Approaching the 24th anniversary of a pivotal moment in her life, personal audio clips, as shared here today, recount significant moments along her journey that profoundly impacted her path. Laura’s tale of being a young diver filled with Olympic dreams and facing momentous decisions at times of relative uncertainty inspires many of the episode's themes such as overcoming adversity, embracing gratitude, and finding strength in challenges.
    Using this momentous event as a springboard, the episode delves into resilience amidst adversity, from life-altering decisions to recovering from injuries. Through this intimate account, listeners gain insights into how resilience shapes Laura's responses to life's trials, and how gratitude emerges as transformative amidst setbacks, shifting her focus towards opportunities and fostering a positive mindset. As you will hear, community support proves vital in overcoming obstacles, brilliantly highlighting the importance of unity, and each setback becomes a chance for growth, paving the way towards Olympic success. As the world looks ahead to the upcoming Paris Olympics, Laura’s very personal reflection here today offers timely, hard-earned lessons and insights from her own stellar career that will prove invaluable to all those engaged in their own Pursuit of Gold.

    Episode Highlights:

    Facing career-altering decisions and overcoming devastating injuries
    Embracing gratitude amid setbacks 
    Transforming obstacles into opportunities, fostering resilience, and maintaining a positive mindset
    The pivotal role of coaches, teammates, and loved ones
    How each setback serves as a chance for growth and self-discovery
    Persevering through setbacks and challenges
    Reflecting on past challenges
    The anticipation building for the forthcoming Olympics in Paris
    Conquering uncertainty and fully committing to Olympic dreams
    How moments of reflection and gratitude provide solace and fortify determination in the face of adversity


    "Every cloud really does have a silver lining. If you open your eyes, you'll find it."
    "Recognize that although you may not be happy with the competition, there is more to life than that competition."
    "Sometimes we will win that amazing gold medal and sometimes we'll miss it. But amazing things still happen because I didn't give up."
    "Every obstacle that we face, there is an opportunity inside of it, but we have to be willing to find it."
    "It's easy to say inspiring stuff and work really hard when things are going well and when things like you're healthy and things are just kind of normal and easy in that sense."
    "Find things to be grateful for. In the middle of the tough, in the middle of the painful, in the middle of the hard, there is something to be thankful for. Fill your mind with that and focus on those things."


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    • 30 min
    Navigating Life After Sport with Athlete Transition Coach Robyn Eckersley

    Navigating Life After Sport with Athlete Transition Coach Robyn Eckersley

    In yet another impactful and empowering episode of The Pursuit of Gold podcast, Laura delves into the all too often-overlooked topic of life after competitive sports. Joining her for this important discussion is Robyn Eckersley, CPC, ELI-MP, a dedicated life expansion coach who specializes in helping high performing women create huge, meaningful change within themselves, their personal lives, and their professional lives. Together, this dynamic duo navigates the emotional rollercoaster of retiring from elite athletics, discussing the challenges of finding purpose and passion beyond sports. 
    Throughout their candid conversation, Laura and Robyn uncover practical strategies for tackling financial challenges, prioritizing mental health, and embracing gratitude as a pathway to personal fulfillment. Exploring the journey of transitioning from the pinnacle of athletic achievement to a new chapter in life, they emphasize the importance of setting meaningful targets, reframing mindset, and finding strength in community support networks. Through the insights that Robyn and Laura share here today, they redefine success on individual terms, encouraging listeners to approach change with confidence and optimism as they embark on life beyond the sports arena.

    Episode Highlights:

    The emotional journey of transitioning from athletic achievement to new beginnings
    Strategies for discovering passions and purpose beyond sports
    The importance of mental health awareness and seeking support during transitions
    Navigating financial challenges and planning for long-term stability post-retirement
    Finding strength through gratitude and guided journaling practices
    Overcoming isolation and reconnecting with community and purpose
    Self-discovery and personal growth after leaving the sports arena
    Embracing change and finding fulfillment beyond athletics

    "There are too many stories of unsuccessful retirement experiences where athletes suffer immensely with mental, emotional, physical, and financial repercussions once they hang up their jersey."
    "What is life about? I had no answers. And so, honestly, my mental health did start to take a major toll."
    "A lot of these athletes, if they had the privilege of generating a good amount of income over the course of their career, are without financial advising and the appropriate kind of financial counseling to help set them up for the long term."
    "I think it's really healthy to go through those emotional ups and downs afterward. That's a healthy grief process."
    "A lot of times people think I'm grieving... I grieve the routine I had training every day in the gym."
    "We're not created to be alone. We need community for sure."
    "We need to recognize all the value that we have intrinsically as each individual human being on top of what you can do in your sport."
    "Lean into the fact that you get to experience the Olympic village, the camaraderie, and the opportunity to connect with fellow athletes on a human level."
    "Struggling after retirement shouldn't be the norm; we're changing those metrics and creating a supportive community for athletes."


    The Pursuit of Gold Website
    The Confidence Journal

    Laura’s Social Media:

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    Connect with Robyn:

    Robyn's Website
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    Robyn's Instagram

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Discovering a Life Without Limits with Paralympian Kyle Coon

    Discovering a Life Without Limits with Paralympian Kyle Coon

    Welcome to another captivating episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, where, this week, Laura engages in an inspiring conversation with Kyle Coon, a paralympian, author, speaker, and a truly  extraordinary individual who has surmounted formidable challenges to chase his aspirations. Kyle's journey commenced at a very early age, when retinoblastoma robbed him of his sight. From experiencing this loss to conquering Mount Kilimanjaro to representing Team USA in the Paralympics, Kyle's narrative epitomizes resilience and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.
    Throughout the episode, Kyle shares poignant anecdotes from his childhood encounter with cancer, his navigation of the sightless realm, and the pivotal influence of mentor Eric Weihenmayer. He delves into the intricacies of competing as a blind athlete, his collegiate wrestling exploits, his affinity for communal fitness pursuits, and the transformative allure of running and triathlon. As Kyle recounts his extraordinary journey, listeners are given the opportunity to contemplate the significance of resilience, mentorship, and purpose amidst life's challenges, and to partake in a narrative underscored by perseverance and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Kyle's evolution from a visually impaired athlete to a Paralympic contender is explored here today with depth and insight, showcasing the indomitable human spirit's capacity to transcend obstacles and achieve greatness no matter what the odds.

    Episode Highlights:

    Kyle's journey from battling retinoblastoma to embracing life without sight
    The significant role of mentorship, especially from Eric Weinmayer, in shaping Kyle's life
    Triumphs and challenges faced by Kyle as a blind athlete in rock climbing and wrestling
    Transition to college life, competitive wrestling at UCF, and the transformative power of group exercise
    Overcoming unemployment and depression through rediscovering passion in running and triathlon
    The evolution of Kyle's mindset from endurance challenges to excelling in Paralympic triathlon
    Experiences of visually impaired triathlon participation, including the role of guides
    Adapting to Covid-19's impact on Kyle's journey, showcasing resilience in unforeseen circumstances


    "I was diagnosed with a very rare form of eye cancer when I was ten months old. Essentially, I had cancer in both of my retinas, and the doctors immediately wanted to remove my eyes."
    "I fell in love with running, which morphed into a love and passion for triathlon.”
    "I strive for excellence. I like to be a high achiever.”
    "I hated running until I got good at it. It took me about six or seven years to really love it. But I enjoy pushing myself and putting the puzzle of swim, bike, run together."
    "It's about pushing yourself, finding your breaking point, and then pushing beyond it."
    "The pursuit of gold, whether in sport or life, drives us to be excellent."
    "Every time I reached my edge, I was able to push myself a little bit further."
    "I've had to learn how to cope with not achieving my goals."
    "The journey to the Paralympics is as much about resilience as it is about performance."


    The Pursuit of Gold Website
    Coaching Sessions with Laura

    Laura’s Social Media:

    Laura’s Instagram
    Laura’s Facebook

    Connect with Kyle:

    Kyle's Website
    Discovering a Life Without Limits
    Kickin' It With The KTrain Podcast
    Kyle's Facebook
    Kyle's Instagram
    Kyle's LinkedIn

    • 59 min

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