Liczba odcinków: 82

Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system?

The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s.

We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.

The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast The Quantum Biology Collective

    • Zdrowie i fitness

Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system?

The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s.

We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.

    EP 081: Quantum Herbalism And The Power of Plants

    EP 081: Quantum Herbalism And The Power of Plants

    “Plants heal themselves; they are their own doctors,” explains Amber Hargroder, a quantum herbalist and listener favorite. She returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss how plants offer the same healing to us by behaving in the body as they do in response to environmental stress.
    In our modern world, including contemporary science and medicine, we speak in "logos", or logic and rational proof, whereas herbalists speak in “phasis” (faw-sis), the language of knowledge through experience, nature, metaphor, and dreams. They let nature speak for itself from its experience.
    Amber talks to host Meredith Oke about how barriers in language, culture, and socio-economic class have historically prevented people from embracing the healing properties of the natural world. She exposes the flaws in scientific studies that deem plants ineffectual and discusses how advances in technology are pushing us to rediscover our humanity and our relationship with the earth.
    Tune in for another engaging conversation with Amber as she explains how lies are embedded in our language and reveals the true, surprising origins of the Santa Claus tale.
    “Whatever environment that a plant is growing in, if it’s an environment that has a certain type of stress, the plant creates its own medicine to deal with that stress, and then we use that plant to also heal a similar stress.” (4:28 | Amber Hargroder)
    “When you look at a traditional allopathic doctor today, more and more—there are outliers of course—but more and more you’re looking at patients as being a machine. They’re all widgets; they’re all the same. ‘I will give you this pill because this is the result that we get in the study and it’s uniform,’ whereas an herbalist is healing as an individual with an individual.” (10:49 | Amber Hargroder)
    “Phasis is observation versus an argument. It’s not linear. Nature is not linear. Spirituality is not linear. Healing is not linear.” (15:21 | Amber Hargroder) 
    “I think this is perhaps why people are starting to get more interested in herbalism and healing with sunlight and water and all these things, is because we’re trying to redefine what it means to be human. And a big part of that is phasis— it is the dream world, it is the visionary state, it is your intuition, which a computer doesn’t have.” (25:51 | Amber Hargroder) 
    “We have to get back into the body, and I think plants help you do that. Plants when you sit with them and you’re aware while you’re drinking them they help you, not only understand the plant and the embodiment of the plant, the essence of it, but the essence of yourself.” (1:09:37 | Amber Hargroder)
    Connect with Amber Hargroder:

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    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollective
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
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    • 1 godz. 12 min
    EP 080: How Our Eyes Run Our Biology

    EP 080: How Our Eyes Run Our Biology

    “Our eyes are hormone-making organs,” says optometrist and integrative health coach Dr. Valerie Giangrande, and for most of us, this is nothing short of a revelation. Starting with the first strains of sunrise, the eyes take in light, send signals to our internal clock to release hormones in their intended order, so that those hormones work toward our ultimate health and healing. On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective, Dr. Valerie talks with host Meredith Oke about this fascinating and complex process and how extensively the eyes influence the rest of the body. 
    In turn, the state of the body is often communicated through the eyes. Dry eyes, for example, can be a symptom of hydration deep at the cellular level. Dr. Valerie explains how contrary to popular belief, it is not too much sunlight but often lack thereof that accounts for common degenerative eye issues such as cataracts. 
    Unfortunately, so many of us spend all day looking at screens which emit a blue light that signals to the body that it’s perpetually 12:00 pm. When we do go outside, we block light from our eyes by wearing sunglasses and even glasses and contacts. Dr. Valerie reveals what we can do to eliminate daily barriers to sunlight. 
    Eyes are the windows to the soul and, as it turns out, to the body. Tune in to this eye-opening conversation to learn how you can optimize your daily light intake. 
    “We’re not just meant to see with our eyes, we have a lot of cells in our eyes that are actually waiting for specific signals of light.” (8:53 | Dr. Valerie Giangrande)
    “Just imagine what happens to our bodies when we’re blocking that signal. We’re not making hormones, and it’s controlling the entire body, really. And we can make some of it in our skin but even our skin, most people aren’t exposed to the sun, with our skin, either, but it’s really our eyes that are the connection, it connects our light to our bodies and helps us work. It’s the way we’re designed to be.” (13:37 | Dr. Valerie Giangrande) 
    “What I love about the eyes is that they are a window into the body, in the sense that everything is connected. The eyes are an extension of the skin, they have mucus membranes, there’s nerve tissue, it’s brain tissue, it’s cardiovascular tissue, it’s lymph tissue. It’s everything altogether.” (18:04 | Dr. Valerie Giangrande) 
    “And even if we’re in the shade, we’re still getting the benefit of that sunshine. You don’t need direct—when I say get the sun, I’m not saying stare at the sun…the sun is coming in at an angle and hitting us down here. So staring at it doesn’t work as well as just being outside because it has to hit you on an angle anyway, so that’s how we’re designed, just to be outside.” (38:01 | Dr. Valerie Giangrande)
    Connect with Dr. Valerie Giangrande:
    YouTube: Quantum Eye Doc
    Instagram: @QuantumEyeDoc

    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off
    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**
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    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
    For more information about booking with Valerie leave your email here.
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    • 1 godz. 5 min
    EP 079: The Impact of Complete Solar Spectrum On Our Bodies

    EP 079: The Impact of Complete Solar Spectrum On Our Bodies

    “Melatonin is the body’s most effective antioxidant,” declares Scott Zimmerman, who published a groundbreaking paper on subcellular melatonin, which has completely altered our understanding of how the hormone is produced in the body. 
    As it turns out, melatonin is not solely produced by the pineal gland but in all of our mitochondria. It works to soothe the cortisol that is produced when we engage in nearly any activity, including exercise. 
    On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, Scott dispels common misconceptions including just how deeply different types of light penetrate the body. Our modern indoor environment—from hospitals to homes, windows and screens— prevents us from accessing all of the near-infrared light that we were born to absorb and that is so vital to our health. 
    This is most especially important for children, Scott says. Due to body size and hormonal activity, they are most affected by light, and will suffer the most if we don’t change our current lifestyles. 
    Join today’s discussion to learn how nature amplifies our absorption of near-infrared light and why not all blue light is bad. 
    “So the body seems to have this kind of yin yang thing going on with the different types of hormones. You want to have the stress hormone response of cortisol to deal with, you know, it shuts down your immune system, it localizes, increases energy production, it does all these good things. But if you keep it up there, then you’ve got a problem. So it appears that the melatonin that's being generated in response to the stressor is greater than, equal to, or greater than the cortisol levels, and it tends to suppress the cortisol and get us back down to calm back down.” (14:15 | Scott Zimmerman) 
    “We've underestimated how the interactions between, you'll see a paper on melatonin, you'll see a paper on cortisol, you'll see a paper on other different hormone levels, but the reality is, is they're working in tandem.” (15:02 | Scott Zimmerman)
    “For whatever reason, sunlight is lowest on the list. We will come up with every other reason—the food, the exercise, the whatever—but sunlight… I guess everybody thinks they just have a right to it; they just don’t take advantage of it, is the problem. And it is free, it’s pretty easy to take advantage of.” (40:14 | Scott Zimmerman) 
    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off
    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**
    Connect with Scott Zimmerman:
    Melatonin Research:
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    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
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    • 1 godz. 8 min
    EP 078: The ICU Doctor Who Prescribes Sunlight As Medicine

    EP 078: The ICU Doctor Who Prescribes Sunlight As Medicine

    “Melatonin is the most powerful antioxidant that we know of in the human body—the king of antioxidants,” says today’s guest Dr. Roger Seheult, whose Youtube channel MedCram, helps make complicated medical topics easier to understand. On this episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he breaks down the process by which melatonin mitigates oxidative stress at the mitochondrial level, thus preventing major diseases in the body. 
    The best way to get melatonin? From infrared light. But it’s more complex than that. Dr. Seheult explains the two very different functions melatonin takes on during the day versus at night, where the body’s greatest concentration of mitochondria lay, and why Vitamin D is just the beginning of what the sun has to offer our bodies.
    This last point was raised throughout the COVID-19 pandemic—as well as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918—where light therapies were used to treat patients. Dr. Seheult discusses the pioneering work of John Harvey Kellogg, a study performed in Brazil in which COVID patients were treated with an LED jacket, and the impact of light therapy on COVID patients who were on the brink of being intubated for ventilation. 
    Dr. Seheult shares his eight pillars of health—which form the acronym NEW START---and how a green environment enhances the absorption of near-infrared light.
    “The sun, and sunlight, gives us much more benefit than just Vitamin D.” (10:00 | Dr. Roger Seheult) 
    “The body’s designed to maximize that light’s effect to get to the area where it’s needed the most, which is the mitochondria.” (29:33 | Dr. Roger Seheult)
    “How do you prevent oxidative stress at night? By limiting light exposure to the eyes at night. How do you maximize melatonin-mediated protection of the mitochondria during the day? Through the production of melatonin on site in the mitochondria through the pathway of infrared light exposure.” (45:42 | Dr. Roger Seheult) 
    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off
    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**
    Connect with Dr. Roger Seheult:
    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list:
    To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology:
    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification:
    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
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    • 1 godz. 30 min
    EP 077: A Computer That Cares About Your Biology

    EP 077: A Computer That Cares About Your Biology

    “We blame ourselves when these tools are actually mismatched for us,” says Anjan Katta, founder of the Daylight Computer company, which has made the first computer that is reverse-engineered to be good for us—or at least not harmful to our biology the way current models are. On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he explains to host Meredith Oke just how his model works differently, eliminating blue light and flicker.
    He explains what happens when a normal laptop flickers, how it disrupts our circadian rhythm and affects our brain in a way that’s similar to motion sickness, though we don’t notice it until it becomes a major problem. 
    Devices and screens, in their current state, are not only biological mismatches, but psychological ones as well, argues Anjan. He explains how living with ADHD led him to create the Daylight Computer, his plans for similar software and devices, and how technology could be a major tool to promote empathy and understanding. 
    Join today’s episode to learn how Daylight Computers will teach us how to forgive ourselves and how we can reclaim our sacred spaces. 
    “I met the guy who invented the LCD screen… and he said, ‘If you told me that my grandkid would be spending six hours a day looking at one of these, I would have designed it differently.” (5:12 | Anjan Katta) 
    “It’s the humility of saying ‘Let’s not start from Star Trek and Star Wars and from little boy fantasy and make something and then say, ‘Oops! We ruined everybody’s health.’ Let’s start with health. Let’s start with deep, empirical principles of nature. And then if the product is not as fantastical as you need it to be, that’s OK, because at least we didn’t hurt people. We didn’t undermine their integrity and their sovereignty and their core, core being. And then we can try to make fantastical things over time.” (9:42 | Anjan Katta) 
    “We’ve got to stop being so hard on ourselves because, yes, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, yeah it’s going to be hard on itself. And to me, technology should be like, ‘Oh, you’re a fish. Let’s give you a river.’ And that’s kind of what motivated me. I’m a fish. Stop making me feel like an idiot by trying to get me to climb trees. What’s a computer that fits me, that fits a fish, that’s a river?”  (34:18 | Anjan Katta)
    “We’ve removed all sacred spaces in society, including the bedrooms, by bringing these noisy, impolite, intrusive, bad-for-our-health, addictive portals. And it takes the meaning out of everything because everything is just the same.” (36:54 | Anjan Katta and Meredith One)
    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off
    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**
    To order a limited beta version of the Daylight tablet, go to:
    Password: DAYLIGHT
    Connect with Anjan Katta:
    Instagram: @daylightco 
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    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification:
    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
    Podcast production and show notes provided by

    • 51 min
    EP 076: Sun Maxxing And The Reality of Skin Cancer Research

    EP 076: Sun Maxxing And The Reality of Skin Cancer Research

    “It turbo charges your vitality. That’s enough to reorganize my whole life around it,” says Steven Lubka, known on X as a “sun max-er,” about his commitment to being outdoors, despite his busy day job working as the head of private clients at Swan Bitcoin. On today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he explains how you can work the benefits of sunlight and balanced circadian rhythms into your own busy life.
    In keeping with his reputation as a prominent citizen researcher, he explains the flaws in the research on skin cancer, and how sun exposure affects basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, respectively. What he shares flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught about wearing sunblock and avoiding the sun, and the people and populations among which melanoma is rising will surprise you.
    Sun exposure lowers the risk for so many other, arguably more impactful, diseases that the benefits far outweigh the risks, he argues, as does the day-to-day mental and emotional impact. Hear him talk about the importance of daily movement on health, on our evolution, and why he calls exercise “the junk food of movement.” 
    Learn Steven’s simple formula for life-changing benefits. And stay tuned to the end for his insights into bitcoin and what’s in store for its future. 
    “When I get a lot of sunlight, I feel more vital, I feel more driven, I feel more energy, I feel more solid and robust.” (10:44 | Steven Lubka) 
    “I actually believe that happiness is literally just a function of sunlight. And I like to distinguish happiness, which I consider a mood state, from purpose or meaning or life satisfaction—those are different concepts. I’m not saying just getting sun is going to fulfill all of your psychological needs, but if we define happiness as being in a happy mood or not a happy mood, I think that equation, sunlight’s the primary input. And when I get a lot of sun, I’m in a great mood.” (11:22 | Steven Lubka) 
    “Melanoma, which is the really bad one, here’s what’s interesting: there are a lot of studies that show sunlight lowers it. Melanoma mostly appears on the parts of the body that don’t see the sun. It goes up in indoor workers. It’s skyrocketing in northeast Asian countries that are the most sunphobic cultures.” (38:25 | Steven Lubka)
    “We were born to walk…Brains evolved to move. That is their base function. You need to move. Having a high level of movement, particularly outdoors, is way more important than going and working up a sweat three times a week in a gym.” (52:45 | Steven Lubka)
    Connect with Steven Lubka:
    Steven Lubka Website:
    Twitter: @Dzambhalahodl
    Bon Charge Discount Code: at checkout enter the code: QBC to receive 15% off
    **If you're in the US and have a Health Savings Account (HSA or FSA) BonCharge products are an eligible expense**
    To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list:
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    To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification:
    Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
    Twitter: @quantumhealthtv
    Podcast production and show notes provided by

    • 1 godz. 15 min

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