Calling all visionaries, idealists, manifestors and big dreamers. This guide is for you! We’ll now talk about how to turn vision into reality and I’ll share a few steps you can follow. If you’re new around here, I’m Lidiya, and 11 years ago I had this dream of becoming self-employed, leaving my home country, building a business, making money doing what I love, and designing my life the way I want to. After a lot of focused work, and more importantly, keeping my vision in mind at all times and growing as a person as the same time, I made it happen. I share all that on my About page. In a nutshell: I became a full-time blogger, relocated to my favorite country, became independent, and was living the life I want. That’s why I’m so passionate about teaching others how to do the same. At every next stage of my life, my vision gets an upgrade, and a lot needs to be adjusted. Then I experience one more time what I did 11 years ago – the big gap between my current reality and my vision, having no one in my life who’s living the life I envision, wondering if I’m crazy, losing hope at least once a day and having to pick myself up, etc. But that’s just part of it all. And if you want it bad enough, giving up is simply not an option. Now I want to share some steps and tips that can help you turn vision into reality. But first, let me remind you: You are not crazy. You just sound like it to people who don’t get your vision and who are too logical or who are thinking small. So, you have the vision, then what? How do you bridge the gap between this and turn it into reality? I’ll share some things that have worked for me, and that can hopefully help you too. The path you’re meant to take might look different than mine, of course. Everyone’s journey is different and that’s the beauty of life. But you can still find something useful in this post. Let’s dive in. What Inspired Me to Talk About This What inspired me to talk about this is an email I got recently. A woman from my audience reached out to say that she has all these wonderful ideas but no clue how to start anything. She’s been told how stupid she is to even think that she can do something like this. This got to me and I deeply feel it. I feel the lack of understanding, not taking action on something we envision, allowing others to make us dream small, wondering if we’re crazy to dream big, and so on. Receiving emails like this means a lot to me. I know it takes courage to open up to a stranger, even if they’ve been following me for a long time now. And it’s an honor that they feel this is a safe space and they can share what they’re struggling with. Here’s the email I wrote back: “Your main focus must be to distance yourself as much as possible (emotionally only, if it’s family members) from people who bring you down in any way, who discourage you, who make you believe you’re not capable of things, or that you’re stupid to dream big. This is an environment issue, so to say. And luckily, it can be solved. If you’re surrounded by people like that, then you’d start believing this too at some point. I was in a similar situation (and still am to some extent).