Dream Life, Best-fit Role with Nikki Smith

Nikki Smith Coach
Dream Life, Best-fit Role with Nikki Smith

It is possible to love your work. If you don’t, then it’s time to get to know your strengths and incorporate them in to your work week. This podcast shines a light on others who have created their dream life, best fit role or business. We focus on how they play to their natural strengths - those activities that energise and inspire them - and how to conduct mini experiments to take the fear out of change.

  1. 09/22/2024

    How to recognise and manage a narcissist

    I would say 1 in 2 of my clients work for, or have worked for, a boss with narcissistic traits and in some cases a fully expressed narcissist. That means there's around a 50% chance that you have worked for one, or have one in your personal life. Interestingly, I am often the one pointing out the connection between the behaviour and the possible diagnosis. It's harder to recognise when we're in the scenario. Behaviours you may observe that can indicate possible narcissistic traits in an individual include: They need to be right Ideas need to be theirs They respond poorly to any feedback They can change tack and create chaos on their timeline. Book your free 15 min discovery session. Find out what's possible for your dream life, best fit role.TM Book now Before this interview with Claire Richardson, I knew of 1 or 2 strategies to manage or work with a person with narcissist traits. I now know many more. Here are some highlights you can jump to: Protect yourself so that you are less of a target Fostering allies How to talk to your boss When to detach What to do if you can't give feedback or criticism How to effectively give them a compliment Double check advice Get mad on behalf of the narcissist = a surprising benefit Does empathy work or not? The top thing not to do. Stay and suck it up Recover the relationship Move within the organisation Leave without burning bridges Take the f*cker down!   Speak soon, Nikki Strengths guide free bundle Discover your strengths and start to talk about yourself and your abilities confidently and with ease Your strengths guide, which includes the Strengthsfinder 2.0 link Your strengths webinar & worksheet, which is the equivalent of a 1-on-1 strengths coaching session. Join my free Facebook group Career Transformation Hub Access resources & feel supported Join Free webinars / masterclasses  Dream Career Move Masterclass Get clear on your best fit role and how to make it a reality you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    39 min
  2. 09/15/2024

    Is it you, or the job?

    Are you just pretending to be happy in your role? Jem Fuller has moved from barefoot traveller wandering around Central and South East Aisa to a suit and tie corporate leader of a $100 million division of a multi‑national organisation. He now helps others to find fulfillment through mindful and authentic leadership and helping them to create more positive and vibrant work cultures. Hear about Jem's mid-life crisis or, as he now calls it, his 'opportunity' in his early 40's. Jem had a successful 8‑year career in the travel industry. He was in a senior leadership role, flew around the world first class, and was being very well paid. But, he realised that - with what most people would consider a very successful career - he was pretending to be happy. It was time for a change. Join my free Facebook group Career Transformation Hub Access resources & feel supported Join In this interview, Jem shares his strengths and the mini-experiments to create his business optimising leaders, and why this involves taking them on retreats to the Himalayas, Bali and the Kimberley. Plus he shares his top tips to boost your happiness, energy and connection. They are brilliant!! As always, I recommend you listen to the whole interview. However, here are some time stamps so you can jump straight to the bits you really want to hear first. 2.20 Jem's career and life crossroads 5.46 Jem's mini-experiments to create his business and start to be paid for what he wanted to do 9.12 Jem's top 3 tips on boosting your happiness, energy and connection. They are brilliant! 11.08   How to optimise your employability and ensure you have a job in the artificial intelligence future 13.00  How Jem's overseas client retreats started 16: 12    Jem's strengths: why connection is his superpower, how he shapes his work week to play to his strengths and what he outsources 20:25  Jem's mistake/blooper 22.11  Recurring negative belief - "I'm not good enough" -  and how Jem overcame it. Plus, how to do supercharge the effect. 25:38   Jem's mini-challenge: download the Smiling Mind app and listen to a meditation just 5 minutes a day.  Jem says that it goes from being a chore to being something that you look forward to as it is time out - nothing to fix, nothing to solve, no kids to wrangle… jemfuller.com   Speak soon, Nikki Get to know your strengths Understand how to talk about your unique abilities Learn how to get noticed & hired without relying on job search websites Find out more Free webinars / masterclasses  Dream Role Masterclass Get clear on your best fit role and how to make it a reality This webinar is for you if: you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    32 min
  3. 05/15/2023

    How to find your dream role in the current job market

    Now is a fantastic time to find and land your dream role. But there are a few key things you need to know about the job market and how to approach an opportunity in order to land it. I recently spoke with Sarah Piper from Invisible Partners about this. Sarah works with organisations to identify internal candidates for roles. She brings an in depth understanding of what employers look for in candidates and what they need to do to be successful. In this conversation we cover some critical topics, including: Why now is a fantastic time to find & land your dream role 0.54 Why role change / finding your dream role doesn't feel straight forward 2.57 The 1 thing you need to do differently right now 4.33 The key insight that will make you stand out at application / interview 5.29 Top mistakes to avoid when applying for a role 7.16 Top mistakes people make at interviews 9.44 If you're at a career crossroads and feeling stuck, not getting passed the interview stage, book in for a free 15 min chat. Book your free 15 min chat Find out what's possible for your dream life, best fit role.TM Book now Join my free group Career Transformation Hub Access resources & feel supported Join on Facebook Join on LinkedIn Free masterclasses  Dream Role Masterclass Get clear on your best fit role and the roadmap make it a reality This webinar is for you if: you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    15 min
  4. 05/11/2023

    How to assess and influence workplace culture

    A fulfilling role requires role fit and culture fit. But what is culture? And how do you get an insight into an organsation's culture before joining it? In this interview, Renee Barnes draws upon her expert perspective and deep experience to answer these questions. Renee Barnes is the founder of HR consultancy The People Paradox. She has been helping Australian businesses and their people connect and thrive for over 17 years. Renee is passionate about creating engaging workspaces where people are enabled to succeed. Organisational culture, as you know, is central to employee experience and business success. Renee shares her insights into the nature of organisational culture and the criticality of investigating the culture of your potential employer before signing up. This is one of the most helpful interviews I've done. It's jam packed with insights and practical tips. I recommend listening to the entire interview, but here are some key points you can jump to if you're short on time: Renee's background: 0.39 Why she founded People Paradox: 2.11 Renee's career crossroad that lead to her starting her business: 4.07 The obstacles / worries she faced around making a change: 4.56 Starting a business 7 months into maternity leave: 5.14 Early steps / mini-experiments Renee undertook to gain clarity & confidence about her business idea: 5.43 Why strong cultural fit is so important and at times so hard to achieve: 7.35 Renee's experience of accepting a role that was perfect on paper, only to find a strong cultural dissonance: 10.05 The framework/criteria to help you assess workplace culture. What is workplace culture? 11.25 How do you assess cultural fit with an organisation during the interview process? 15.18 The questions about culture to ask at interview: 15.45 If you start a new role and the culture isn't a fit, what can you do about it? 19.38 How the market really views role turnover on your CV: 22.3 Renee's top VIA strengths and how she leverages them: 23.44 How Renee manages her weaknesses through partnering, outsourcing or elimination: 25.1 Career mistakes / negative experiences Renee has recovered from: 26.3 The recurring negative belief / self-talk Renee's still working to overcome: 27.43 Two great questions Renee suggests we ask ourselves: 29.55 How to connect with Renee: 31.3 How to connect with Renee: www.peopleparadoxhr.com renee@thepeopleparadox.com LinkedIn Speak soon, Nikki Get to know your strengths Understand how to talk about your unique abilities Learn how to get noticed & hired without relying on job search websites Find out more Join my free Facebook group Career Transformation Hub Access resources & feel supported Join Free masterclasses  Dream Role Masterclass Get clear on your best fit role and the roadmap make it a reality This webinar is for you if: you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    33 min
  5. 08/15/2022

    To find your best-fit role, get clear on your strengths and your ‘why’

    In this podcast I share one of my client's journey through my 7 Step Career Change Program to finding her best fit role. When I met Lucy she was ready to take the next step in her career, but lacked clarity about what that would be. She had a number of ideas, but none of them resonated. We worked through my program and the result is fantastic: 2 best-fit roles that match her strengths and her 'why'. In this interview, Lucy shares her experience. I recommend listening to the whole podcast, but here are some key points you can jump to if you're short on time. Lucy's career crossroad 1.0 Self-doubts 2.40 Key challenges Lucy wanted to overcome through the 7 Step Career Change Program 3.55 Lucy's experience with mini-experiments 5.35 The mini-experiments Lucy undertook 8.10 The amazing mini-experiment outcome: Sandy Feet Beach Kinder 10.27 Lucy's strengths 13.0 Her questions, concerns and fears about starting her own business 16.22 How she overcame those concerns / fears 18.26 Does she regard her career as a portfolio career? 19.47 Managing strengths & weaknesses - asking for help 22.50 Lucy's advice for anyone at a career crossroad 27.27 Here's an insight into how she worked through the first few modules of my program. In Module 1 we uncovered 13 dream roles. These revealed that Lucy is clearly a multi-passionate. That is, someone who could find a fulfilling role across a range of areas. Then, in Module 2 we uncovered the layers of her 'why'. I'm sharing part of it here: "I want to have a solid connection with my family. Yes, I'm primary carer but I want work part time hours. I thrive when I connect with the ocean. This is where I'm meant to be. I want to educate others and see a shift in human behaviour. To help others to respect people, nature and animals. I want to be part of the process and see the journey. I want to see the 'aha' moments and witness the social change." Book your free 15 min discovery session. Find out what's possible for your dream life, best fit role.TM Book now In Module 3 we identified and got to understand Lucy's strengths. Strengths are activities, or dimensions of activities, with which you have a natural affinity and that you will find energising and fulfilling. Developer: I emphasise what others do well and why they are special. Allow them to be who they are and embrace what makes them special. Empathy: I'm aware of other people's feelings, needs and thoughts and am positive. I instinctively lift people's spirits Individualisation: I can break things down into manageable tasks. I'm fascinated by humans and how they can co-operate better together. Connectedness: I place a very high value on the environment being full of integrity. I say what I say I will do. I create a peaceful environment. How brilliant are her strengths! Woot! We then explored 12 of her 13 dream role ideas. Being a multi-passionate is confusing. So having a step by step framework is helpful to get to where you need to be. Lucy used mini-experiments to test out the ideas that sang the loudest to her. The result: Let's celebrate with Lucy - her best-fit role/s are: Being an educator at the Marine Life Discovery Centre, and Launching Sandy Feet Beach Kinder, which is open and runs 2 sessions a week in Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove. She is working part time hours. She is influencing others in a way that matches her why and her strengths. I will be interviewing Lucy soon about the behind the scenes details of her mini-experiments and more. Here's more info about Lucy's beach kinder. If you're ready to get clear on your strengths and why, start with my Strengths Masterclass bundle, join me for a free webinar (see below), or comment 'strengths' & I'll be in touch. Speak soon, Nikki Get to know your strengths Understand how to talk about your unique abilities Learn how to get noticed & hired without relying on job search websites Find out more

    31 min
  6. 08/25/2021

    Is your work compromising your health?

    Are you a 'Yes' person? Do you have the responsibility or achiever strengths? Many clients who come to me are fed up at work and wondering what to do next. They often have the achiever or responsibility strength, say 'yes' too often and have been over-working for a long time. And this usually involves a trade‑off with their health or relationships. Do you know someone who has started to have things going wrong with their health? Enter Jabe Brown. Jabe is the founder and a Functional Medicine Practitioner at Melbourne Functional Medicine. His mission is to help us all get the best out of our health. In this podcast, Jabe shares some inspiring tips on how to do this. I love his refreshing take on health and what's possible with a 2 minute hack. Here are some of the areas we cover & time stamps: What happens when we outsource our yeses 3:18 How to think of your health challenges and symptoms 6:17 Habits and re-wiring your brain. Why frequency matters! 11:27 Sleep: there is only one genetic type that can get away with only 6 hours, and what the rest of us need to do 25:18 Jabe's strengths and how he uses this knowledge with his team 30:22 Jabe's brilliant metaphor about health pillars and what to do next? 46:12 Book your free 15 min discovery session. Find out what's possible for your dream life, best fit role.TM Book now If you have any questions for Jabe, you can contact him here. If you want to re-claim 5 - 15 hours in your week to have the time and head space to prioritise your health, book in for your 90 minute strengths session. We will create a 90 day plan to re-claim that time together. This session is a game changing. Speak soon, Nikki Network like a Pro How to connect with the right people in a way that will make them happy to help you Free webinars Your Next Dream Career Move Get clear on your best fit role and how to make it a reality you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 realistic & inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Strengths guide free bundle Discover your strengths and start to talk about yourself and your abilities confidently and with ease Your strengths guide, which includes the Strengthsfinder 2.0 link Your strengths webinar & worksheet, which is the equivalent of a 1-on-1 strengths coaching session. Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    50 min
  7. 07/30/2021

    Wondering where the progressive employers are?

    Are you in an industry that lacks flexibility? So many organisations now boast about their culture and flexible practices, but struggle to actually support, let alone enable, their people to work flexibly. Meet Rob Rankin who has created a strikingly different employee experience in the law. The legal industry tops the charts with anxiety and depression. And let's face it, lawyers don't get much sympathy. Despite this, Rob has created a virtual workplace with a culture of adventure, innovation and fun, because, "The better experience our employee lawyers have the better our clients customer service experience will be." Rob only regrets that he didn't start this firm earlier. Do you crave to be treated like an adult by your employer and to have more time and location freedom? Listen to this interview and be inspired by a model that's working! Also, if you're a lawyer and interested in talking about careers and options Rob's happy to have a chat. You can contact him via www.rankinandco.com. Speak soon, Nikki Network like a Pro How to connect with the right people in a way that will make them happy to help you Join my free Facebook group Career Transformation Hub Access resources & feel supported Join Free masterclasses  Dream Role Masterclass Get clear on your best fit role and the roadmap make it a reality This webinar is for you if: you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling? I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Find out more Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    27 min
  8. 11/26/2020

    Lisa Corduff: the reality and myths of building an online business

    Lisa Corduff makes running an online business look easy. In this interview she reveals how she has gone from exhausted mother to whole foods blogger, to successful online entrepreneur. Lisa is a transformational coach who works with women to help change their mindset; to uncover all the subconscious stories that are keeping them stuck and repeating negative patterns. She helps them to create stories that serve them and help them to create a life that aligns with their values. We go behind the scenes of her online business. Here are some of the topics we cover: What Lisa does & who she serves 0.35 How her business has evolved 1.50 Lisa's career crossroad that lead to mini-experiments around an online business. 5.50 Lisa's strengths and how she uses them in her business 16.28 How she manages her weaknesses 21.30 The myths of running an online business 26.54 Build it & they will come Passive income vs. leveraged model You have to be an expert to provide a service Overnight success 35.43 The question Lisa gets asked the most (apart from, "Where do you buy your clothes?"), & her very honest answer. 39.36 Speak soon, Nikki Strengths guide free bundle Discover your strengths and start to talk about yourself and your abilities confidently and with ease Your strengths guide, which includes the Strengthsfinder 2.0 link Your strengths webinar & worksheet, which is the equivalent of a 1-on-1 strengths coaching session. Join my free Facebook group Career Support Hub Access resources & feel supported Join Free webinars Your Next Role Advantage How to find your next role in the current job climate you're a corporate worker who has been made redundant or is facing redundancy you want to learn how to find your next role in the current job market. I will show you how you can: Uncover your unique strengths and the problems you can solve Be clear and confident and stand out from other candidates. Use a combination of traditional & alternative approaches to increase your chances of finding a role. Tuesday, Dec 1st, @8pm AEDT Your Next Dream Career Move Discover your dream life best fit role you're fed‑up and stressed in your current role you want to figure out what to do next you feel stuck and have either no idea or too many ideas. I'll help you to figure out your next dream career move Identify 1-3 realistic & inspiring ideas as to what to do next Figure out which idea is a best-fit Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps. Tuesday, Dec 8th, @8pm AEDT Subscribe to my podcast Modal Popup - ID Click here to edit the "Modal Popup" settings. This text will not be visible on frontend.

    46 min

Ratings & Reviews


It is possible to love your work. If you don’t, then it’s time to get to know your strengths and incorporate them in to your work week. This podcast shines a light on others who have created their dream life, best fit role or business. We focus on how they play to their natural strengths - those activities that energise and inspire them - and how to conduct mini experiments to take the fear out of change.

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