GAME FART #20 - THE BEST GAME FART IN THE UNIVERSE (2017 E3 Coverage with Maddox) We did it guys. WE DID IT! We finally made it to episode 20. The big two oooo. They said we'd never make it. And by they, we mean all of our closet friends and family. They all thought we were nuts for inventing a farting themed gaming podcast BUT WE DID IT ANYWAY and here we are today. Proudly farting out video game E3 coverage FOR YOUR PLEASURE. This bumper episode is longer than usual, is nothing but E3 news, and even has A SUPER GUEST. We are very proudly joined by our E3 USA correspondent, friend, owner of Madcast, video gaming icon and more - MADDOX! What an episode. What a 20 fart run. Will we make it another 20? Please keep listening to find out. # NEWS - Loads of E3 News - The entire episode is just E3 news! - Wolfenstein, Skyrim, Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania & Forces, Shadows of Moor-door, Assassins Creed, Spider-Man AND MUCH MORE! # GETS A MENTION - A surprising welcome - Janky Gate Crashing - Metro Exodus / the Metro Series - Call of Duty - Wolfenstein New Colossus (and its 1950's diner) - Mass Effect Andromeda - FallOut 4 - 1950's Americana - Man in the High Castle - S****y E3 Food - Maddox Cool as Shit Videos ( - Sayed Salads - SkyRim (+ collectors cards, playing as Zelda and/or Link) - Bowser Rapes the Princess? Or kidnapping for diplomatic reasons? - Luigi the hostage negotiator - Princess Diana - Mario Odyssey - Grand Theft Auto - The differences between London & New York - New York Crazies - "Cuyt Dug Bot Git a Jorb" - Dutch Accents - Sonic Disasters - Mario Possessionings - Bum Stomping Vs. Ass Slamming - New Donk City - GTA Modding & Mods in general - FallOut Apocalyptic - FallOut Speed-running & Empty Deserts - Red Dead Redemption - The Armenian Horse Killer - Dark Souls - The Division - Neo - Day of The Tentacle - Grim Fandango - Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: Dead Animal Kleptomaniac - Metal Gear Solid V - Gaming Crisis Thoughts - Who has Peters PlayStation 3? - Xbox One X - Maddox Gaming History... 32X, Atari, Master System, Genesis, Super Nintendo, Lynx, The Game Gear - Xbox - the least fun area of E3 - Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania (and Christian Whitehead / Sonic CD, 1, 2) - Nintendo Cease & Desist - Beefeaters - Sonic Unleashed - Sonic the Warehog - Freedom Planet... a good game, for furries - Zootopia? Zoolandia? Zootropolis? - Furry Sex - Fox Sex - Shadows of Moor-door - "DO YOU REMMEMBER ME?" - Dark Souls - Lord of the Rings - Cool Dragons - History - Assassins Creed - Apache Servers - Cults & Volcanos - KillZone, Halo - much more efficient killing than Assassins Creed - "Sneakers & Listeners Creed" - Beyond Good & Evil II - Anita Sarkeesian - "What Did Maddox Say?" - Lord Matthew brings up the past - An extended conversation about command line text editors - Something about a man with chalk? ( - Don't go to E3 - Maddox: The Car Park Boss - SPIDER-MAN!!!! BY INSOMNIAC!!!! - Tony Hawk - Sunset Overdrive - New Metroid for 3DS # Follow us at... # Give us a call UK: +44 115 824 5042 USA: +1 480-470-8943 This podcast is brought to you by FASNASTIC LTD. in the UK and intended to be listened to on the train to work, or in bed for some falling asleep background noise. Comedy, Fasnastic, Game Fart, Podcast, video, games, news, playstation, vr, psvr, gaming, console, xbox, sony, microsoft, nintendo, funny, lord, matthew, aaron, peter, funny, sex, love, sexuality, gay, lesbian, straight, male, female, a*****e, ass, hole, bum, anus, final, frontier, porn, the sims, sonic, hedgehog, kiss, sonic 06, pokemon, whoopie,