The PCOS Revolution Podcast

Farrar Duro, AP, FABORM
The PCOS Revolution Podcast

Living with PCOS doesn’t have to be a struggle! On The PCOS Revolution podcast we’ll discuss the tools that can transform your PCOS symptoms and change your life. You’ll learn the secrets of kicking PCOS to the curb as reproductive experts and fellow cysters share their wisdom so you can better understand how to break free of anxiety, depression, weight gain, fertility challenges and the dreaded hormonal ups and downs. Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

  1. Grounding Yourself During Times of Struggle With Ash Johns


    Grounding Yourself During Times of Struggle With Ash Johns

    Welcome to Episode 9 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Grounding Yourself During Times of Struggle With Ash Johns Today I have the honor of speaking with Ash Johns, a Conscious Business Strategist, Certified PsychoSpiritual Life Coach, and skilled Ancestral Healer living at the intersection of creativity, spirituality and business. After walking away from 10+ years in advertising and branding to run a eight-figure women’s retreat in Southeast Asia, Ash believes our greatest recurring trauma—both personally and collectively—is in how we’ve been taught to survive in this world, and that the key to thriving lies in returning to our roots. We're going deep today to give you the tools to ignite the healer within, and to reconnect with your purpose on this planet. Never has this message been needed to be heard more than now, and I encourage you to listen to this episode more than once to gain a bigger perspective on how to ground yourself when times get rough.  As an added bonus and to make this easier, Ash has recorded a special guided meditation for our listeners here: You can learn more about Ash at, @ashinspires on Instagram and Facebook I hope you enjoy listening and sharing this very special episode and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on our weekly Instagram Live's each Wednesday at Help Us Spread The Word! If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Doing so helps me get the word out about the podcast — and it’s easy! Thank you so much. Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    25 min
  2. Navigating the Changing Stages of PCOS With Dr. Rashmi Kudesia


    Navigating the Changing Stages of PCOS With Dr. Rashmi Kudesia

    Welcome to Episode 7 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Navigating the Changing Stages of PCOS With Dr. Rashmi Kudesia Today we’re speaking with Dr. Rashmi Kudesia of CCRM Fertility Houston on the changes that can happen with PCOS in different stages of our lives, and how different symptoms may take priority at different times in our lives. These challenges can manifest as irregular cycles as a teen, hirsutism or weight management later on, and ultimately infertility. We’ll also speak about the reassuring data on how we can mitigate the long-term health impacts of PCOS by holistic lifestyle management in the reproductive years. About our guest: Rashmi Kudesia, M.D., M.Sc., is a double board-certified reproductive endocrinologist & infertility (REI) specialist at CCRM Fertility Houston in Houston, Texas. She serves as the Site Director for CCRM Houston – Sugar Land and Director of Patient Education, as well as Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Houston Methodist Hospital. Dr. Kudesia completed her Baccalaureate degree in Biology & Medicine magna cum laude from Brown University, and her M.D. with honors from the Duke University School of Medicine, where she was selected into a clinical research training program co-sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Her OB/GYN residency training was at the New York Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, followed by REI fellowship at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Montefiore Medical Center, alongside a Masters’ of Science degree in Clinical Research Methods. She subsequently served as a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, as well as the Research Rotational Director for the REI fellowship, and Medical Director of the Brooklyn office of the Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York. Dr. Kudesia has held many national leadership roles in organized medicine, including her current roles as Chair-Elect of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s (ASRM) Women’s Council, and the ASRM Young Physician Delegate to the American Medical Association. She has presented scientific research nationally and internationally, and received multiple awards and grants. She regularly publishes peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and enjoys teaching the Houston-area OB/GYN residents and medical students. She actively promotes women’s health advocacy through community work and social media. Her current areas of interest are access to fertility knowledge, counseling and care, polycystic ovary syndrome, and LGBT fertility. Episode Links: Dr. Kudesia’s Facebook Page CCRM Fertility Houston The PCOS Diva Podcast Help Us Spread The Word! If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Doing so helps me get the word out about the podcast — and it’s easy! Thank you so much. Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    34 min
  3. Going Keto-Green To Flip the PCOS Perimenopausal Switch With Dr. Anna Cabeca


    Going Keto-Green To Flip the PCOS Perimenopausal Switch With Dr. Anna Cabeca

    Welcome to Episode 6 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Going Keto-Green To Flip the PCOS Perimenopausal Switch With Dr. Anna Cabeca Today I have with me Dr. Anna Cabeca, who's an expert in women's health and functional medicine. She's an Emory University trained and board-certified gynecologist and obstetrician and she's also certified in integrative medicine and anti-aging/regenerative medicine. She specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and their natural alternatives, and she also focuses on successful menopause and age management medicine. Dr. Cabeca's years of experience in her private practice, along with her own journey of transformation, has placed her as one of the most in-demand speakers regarding restorative health and women's health issues. In this episode, we discuss how hormone production dips as a woman ages, leading to increased visceral fat which is especially difficult for women with PCOS. By pairing keto-diet staples with foods that bring the body’s pH to a more alkaline level, you can shed belly fat more easily while balancing the hormones responsible for that bulkier midsection in the first place. And by fueling your brain with ketones—like rocket fuel instead of gasoline—you’ll make better decisions, including healthier choices for what to eat. See our episode page to grab her free ebooks at and start implementing these strategies right away!

    24 min
  4. Ultimate Pre- and Post-conception Care With Sarah Clark


    Ultimate Pre- and Post-conception Care With Sarah Clark

    Welcome to Episode 5 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Ultimate Pre- and Post-conception Care With Sarah Clark Today, Sarah Clark, a good friend and repeat podcast guest is joining us once again. We’ll be chatting about everything pre-and post-conception care. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. She is a certified life coach as well as a health coach. Sarah is the author of Fabulously Fertile and few other books as well. Her coaching program drastically helps her clients live better lives. A lot of people go on the pill for acne or painful periods. When they come off the pill, a lot of times the issue is still there. The pill simply acted as a Band-Aid, and it some cases it can be worse when come coming off the pill. The problem hasn’t been fixed and now they are struggling with infertility. During this episode, we’ll dive deep into the food and nutrition part of things. Many people struggle with different symptoms, pains, illness, etc. The problem is we’ve outsourced our cooking to the food industry and that’s why we are sick. Learn more about Sarah, her practice and what you should be doing pre- and post-conception if you are pregnant or looking to become pregnant during this episode of the PCOS Revolution Podcast. Episode Spotlights: Sarah’s journey (2:02) Using the elimination diet to determine food sensitives (4:15) Leaky gut (6:45)Hormone and stool tests (13:05) Stressors on the body (15:15) Environmental toxins and EMFS (18:40) Asking for help (26:16) Minimizing blue light (27:19) Evaluating your options (32:05) Thanks for listening! To learn more about the brand new PCOS Revolution Academy, visit! Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    40 min
  5. Hands-On Ways of Healing Your PCOS with Dr. Meaghan Kirshling


    Hands-On Ways of Healing Your PCOS with Dr. Meaghan Kirshling

    Welcome to Episode 4 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Hands-On Ways of Healing Your PCOS with Dr. Meaghan Kirshling When it comes to structural treatments and how to treat PCOS, it can be hard to know where to turn and what to do. Sometimes people aren’t talking about the things out there that can help you. Today we will be diving into hands-on ways of healing your PCOS. This week on PCOS Revolution Podcast, I am having a conversation with Dr. Meaghan Kirshling. Dr. Kirshling has an allopathic and alternative medicine background with an overall passion for health. She has her doctor of chiropractic from Northwestern’s health and science university as well as a bachelor’s degree in nursing and exercise science. She also has 3 Master’s degrees. Dr. Kirshling has served as an organ transplant nurse as well as served as a civilian with the Army as a chiropractor oversee. Today we will be talking about something that isn’t as commonly discussed with PCOS. The core of our reproductive health is based on the pelvic girdles. Most people’s pelvic floors aren’t as strong as they should be. We discuss ways in which to strengthen your pelvic floor during our conversation. We’ll also chat about the positive impact facia rolling can have with patients with PCOS. Learn techniques to help your PCOS that you can start applying right away during this episode of the PCOS Revolution Podcast. Episode Spotlights: Dr. Meaghan’s passion for health (1:55) Powerhouses for treatment (5:51) Microcurrent as a form of treatment (9:05) Uterine lift (11:28) Hip opener for PCOS (14:37) Hypopresives for reproductive issues (16:30) How dynamic facia is (18:46) Sacral oil rolling and castor oil (24:24) Thanks for listening! To learn more about the brand new PCOS Revolution Academy, visit! Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    31 min
  6. Busting Through PCOS Diet Myths with Martha McKittrick


    Busting Through PCOS Diet Myths with Martha McKittrick

    Welcome to Episode 3 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Busting Through PCOS Diet Myths with Martha McKittrick There are a ton of diets as well as tons of advice flying around out there about what you should be eating when you have PCOS. Like most diets, that information is more often than not inaccurate, a myth or not based in facts. This week on PCOS Revolution Podcast, I am having a conversation with Martha McKittrick. Martha is a registered nurse and certified diabetes educator. She is also a health and wellness coach with a private practice in New York City. With over 25 years of experience in nutrition, she specializes in weight management, PCOS, cardiovascular health and diabetes, just to name a few. She has had a special interest in nutrition since 2000, and is considered a pioneer in the field of PCOS. Martha helps health professionals and those struggling with PCOS. Martha is extremely passionate about helping people with PCOS and understands the lack of awareness out there. It has gotten better since 2000, yet since social media, it’s gotten more confusing. People can be paralyzed with all the information. Learn more about Martha, how she helps people struggling PCOS and the best way to feed yourself nutritionally when dealing with PCOS during this episode of the PCOS Revolution Podcast. Episode Spotlights: Importance of sleep for insulin resistance (3:58) Finding time to meal plan (4:47) Mindset and understanding every woman is unique (8:55) Anxiety, depression and eating disorders with PCOS (11:30) The plate method (16:30)Soy and PCOS (21:48) Eating a diet that is good for the gut (23:25) Thanks for listening! To learn more about the brand new PCOS Revolution Academy, visit! Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    30 min
  7. Pregnancy and PCOS Q&A With Dr. Aviva Romm


    Pregnancy and PCOS Q&A With Dr. Aviva Romm

    Welcome to Episode 2 of Season 8 of The PCOS Revolution Podcast: Pregnancy and PCOS Q&A with Dr. Aviva Rom Are you pregnant? Are you thinking about becoming pregnant? If so, this episode is for you. Our guest today shares great tips, tricks and insights into navigating a healthy pregnancy while having PCOS. This week on PCOS Revolution Podcast, I am having a conversation with Dr. Aviva Rom. Dr. Aviva is a midwife and herbalist. She is board certified in family medicine with obstetrics who’s been bridging traditional medicine with good science for three decades. Her focus is on total health ecology. Dr. Aviva currently lives in western Massachusetts in the countryside. She had an early inspiration to become a physician. She went to college at age 15 to become an MD. She was then exposed to herbal medicine and became passionate. She actually found out her grandma was an herbalist. Additionally, she began to explore the role of diet and lifestyle as well as exposure on our health. Since then Dr. Aviva went vegetarian and vegan. She noticed weight that she gained resolved without having to ‘diet’ or exercise more. Allergies and sickness also subsided. Then she was exposed to midwifery. Functional medicine was not a popular thing when she discovered it. She had to navigate very few resources for these in order to study these topics.  Dr. Aviva recommends probiotics during pregnancy with PCOS. She also suggestions to take two tablespoons of flaxseed to help get rid of extra estrogen. It can also help with pregnancy constipation. During the episode we dive deeper into various things you can do while pregnant. We’ll chat about blood sugar balance in pregnancy as well. Episode Spotlights: How Dr. Aviva got started (1:44) Conception issues and PCOS (8:15) Supplements for women struggling with preconception problems (14:45) Vitamin D levels (16:52) Anovulatory cycles (18:55) Eating an iron-rich diet (23:50) Typical dose of NAC (29:45) Breastfeeding (38:38) Gaining weight with PCOS (42:14) Women with PCOS and sleep apnea (44:20) The importance of sleep (48:08) Thanks for listening! To learn more about the brand new PCOS Revolution Academy, visit! Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

    47 min
out of 5
79 Ratings


Living with PCOS doesn’t have to be a struggle! On The PCOS Revolution podcast we’ll discuss the tools that can transform your PCOS symptoms and change your life. You’ll learn the secrets of kicking PCOS to the curb as reproductive experts and fellow cysters share their wisdom so you can better understand how to break free of anxiety, depression, weight gain, fertility challenges and the dreaded hormonal ups and downs. Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is intended for general audience only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace professional medical advice.

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