Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace, Immanuel, God With Us, is the greatest gift ever given. This Christmas Prayer of Intercession was from of prayer call with prayer leaders from across the state of California. Listen and pray with me. I also transcribed and edited it into a written prayer: Immanuel, God With Us! My Christmas Prayer of Intercession Father, we come before you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, God With us. Lord, we declare Your kingdom is coming to earth right now. We declare that it's not about us, Lord, it is about Your Glory. We Are Not Ignorant of your schemes, satan. You know that you are coming against us to destroy us. But we are NOT victims. We declare that we are standing in the gap as intercessors. Jesus was sent to destroy all the works of the evil one. We are His followers and we are on the offensive. We are coming against you satan to destroy all your works. Lord, right now, during this Christmas season, Your gospel is being preached all over, despite the enemies attempts to quench it. Right now, Christmas Carols that declare your truth are being performed everywhere. I break the label of post Christian culture. Right now in every mall on nearly every radio station, your gospel is being preached. Almighty God now move with your power, through your Spirit, the in same way you protected the baby Jesus from Herod, we ask you to move and protect all the babies from spiritual death. We stand again the devil and declare You’re not going to kill these spiritual babies, the lost who don’t know you yet. Open their eyes to your love. Heal their broken hearts. We Declare that TODAY is the day of vengeance of our God. Father, you rescued your Son from death shortly after He was born, but there was a genocide that broke Your heart. There was weeping and wailing, and we know You grieved with them. There is weeping and wailing today, and we know You grieve with all those who are lost. For the joy set before Your son, He endured the cross. You knew what He would have to suffer when You gave Him to us as a baby. You also endured that suffering for the joy set before You. We declare that that day of joy is TODAY. Now is the time when You can pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh. Now is the time when You can set the captives free. Father we agree with you, we align with your timing, we align with your priorities and your purposes. Father God, We worship you. Lord Jesus we magnify your name, Holy Spirit we exalt you. Today is your day Lord, we do not have to wait until tomorrow. Lord, touch the lost. Deliver all those oppressed by despair, depression and hopelessness. Lord heal every dysfunctional family. Lord heal the sick. Comfort all those who mourn. Lord though the power of your Holy Spirit reveal yourself as the Prince of Peace. Release your Shalom and crushSatan under the feet of your Shalom. Lord, we envision our state on fire for YOU. Lord keep us on fire, let us be logs in the burning fire that his your body. Continue to burn until the whole earth is covered with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, the way the waters cover the seas. That is why you sent your son. That is why he died. That is why he rose from the dead, that is why he returned to you and why you sent the Holy Spirit. Accomplish these things oh Lord. This is our prayer of worship to you this Christmas Season, and every day of our lives. AMEN!