The Untrained Eye

Beth and DJ
The Untrained Eye

The Untrained Eye is a phrase used as a way of referring to someone with little knowledge or experience of a particular activity or subject. Join Beth and DJ as they try and figure out life, one conversation at a time.

  1. 11/01/2023

    #221 - Spookums and Bookums

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - WE'RE RICH, BITCH!!! In candy, anyway. We got to see Dave Chapelle, ummm...hmmm...the next thing I remember is talking about JT and Britney. But I know there was other stuff in between. I just can't remember. Oh well. There was also trivia, and candy talk. Probably should have done trivia on candy, if such a thing even exists. I'm sure it does. Have you guys been watching Loki? It's the best thing the MCU has done in awhile. I'm hoping The Marvels doesn't disappoint when it comes out. Oh yeah, we also talked about watching the Five Nights at Freddy's movie, and DJ and his nephew going to a Lil Darkie concert. Dudes got an edgy name, but he's really good. Ok, I think this description is over now, thanks for reading! Thank you all so very much for listening to the show, we really appreciate you giving us a little bit of your time. We love you! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: Simmons and Moore Podcast Painkiller - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 28m
  2. 10/10/2023

    #220 - Jump Dead Fred

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Tag team, back again! This week, a man falls out of the sky that shouldn't have even been driving let alone jumping out of a plane, volume(amiright), a lady shoots a guy over some curlies, some other junk, and TRIVIA! Thank you all so much for listening to the show! We love you! -Beth and DJ SUCK IT NERDS! - Our recommendations this week: The Dollop - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on eBay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    58 min
  3. 10/03/2023

    #219 - Gleaming the Cube

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Hello, everyone! Welcome to the show notes! The thing I do more for me than I do for you...or is it the other way around? Anyway. As I checked IMDb to get the correct spelling of Gleaming the Cube, I noticed that this movie came out the same year that Salvador Dali died. Coincidence? I think not. I think, as Dali's final artistic act, he willed himself to die after he saw the worlds great film...Gleaming the Cube. There's really no other explanation. 2Pac was there too. Probably. Thank you so much for checking out our show! We love you! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: We keep forgetting to do this, but check back next week. - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 17m
  4. 09/26/2023

    #218 - Fall Fever

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Hey, Assbutt! It's been another week, and we've caught fall fever, and honestly, we talked about so much and went in so many directions I don't remember what we talked about. But, no one reads these anyway. I just like doing them, if I'm being honest. Hope you're having a great day! Thanks so much for listening! We love you! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: Don't be an Assbutt. - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 2m
  5. 09/19/2023

    #217 - Dua Thiefa

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Don't call it a comeback...yet...This week we talk Temu and how that app is tryna take your life, Britney Spears makes an name only, how much is enough to live on/how long should someone pay alimony, 2000s trivia, and we out! This was a quick one, but we had fun! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out our show! We love making it! You're great and we love you! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: "Be cool, for once!" -Me, right now - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    46 min
  6. 09/12/2023

    #216 - Hammer Time

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - This week, we finally made it back to the internet! Barbie, Danny Masterson, Scientology, existential nightmares, 2000's trivia, and so much more! If you want to help the show, share it, tell a friend, tell your mom, tell your moms mom.... Anyway, thanks so much for checking out the show! We love your faces! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: Be excellent to each other! - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 11m
  7. 05/16/2023

    #215 - Who Is DAN?

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Good day, fellow humans! It is us, not DAN! Have you heard of DAN? Do you know what it means? Let us know! Also, we talk AI Drake, really AI music in general, what are some local legends in your area, Jerry Springer was the GOAT of afternoon daytime television, late 2000's trivia and so much more! Thank you all so much for listening! We love you! -Beth and DJ - Our recommendations this week: The All Bros - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 26m
  8. 05/02/2023

    #214 - Horsin' Around

    Check out our sponsors! Use promo code 'untrained' for 15% off your first order! Use promo code 'untrained' to get 25% off your first order! - Ayo! We're back! And this show did not disappoint! We lost about 40 minutes of audio, and DJ lost his mind! But thankfully Beth was there to help him get back on his feet. Topics covered were: Johnathan Majors untimely canceling, the Mad Goose Wizard AKA Ezra Miller being aloud to walk around like nothing happened, we it's been so long since the last recording, aaaaaaaand some other stuff that includes some 90s Trivial Pursuit trivia! Thanks for hanging in there with us. I know it's been awhile. We really appreciate you taking the time to check out the episode! We love you! -Beth and DJ And a PS from DJ, I'd like to thank Beth for getting us back on track after we lost all that audio. I was so mad I couldn't think straight. And I definitely wanted to try and rehash what we just talked about, but it was a better idea to move on. I'm saying this here because I'm too embarrassed to listen back to how I handled it. Anyway, Beth, I love you😘 Anyone actually reading this, you're cool and I like you better than the rest. k luv u bye - Our recommendations this week: I don't remember. Go listen to MF Doom - Small business we support: @brickbodykids you can DM on Instagram to buy direct or find them on Ebay dot com the website - DJ also does a solo podcast called Dragging The Table - We are a proud part of the ⭕Inner Circle Podcast Network⭕ Visit to subscribe, follow, and listen to all the shows! - Follow the link to these shows to check out our appearances on them! The All Bro's #NoOffense Married AF Drinks With Larry The Inner Circle Presents: The Winners Circle NE Podcast - Wanna send us something? Now you can! Our mailing address is: The Untrained Eye P.O. Box 6225 Sun City Center, FL 33571 - If you love our intro and outro music, please visit Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter We have stickers and buttons! DM our socials or send an email to and we'll send you some👍 If you like the show, please go to iTunes and give us a rate and review! It helps the show grow, and makes us feel good😂 And don't forget to tell a friend! We've also started a Discord sever Intro Song- Music: Be Nine To Thrive from Cullahsus Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Outro Song- Music: Daft Punk from Adolessonce Under license (CC BY SA 4.0) Support The Untrained Eye by contributing to their tip jar:

    1h 25m
    out of 5
    36 Ratings


    The Untrained Eye is a phrase used as a way of referring to someone with little knowledge or experience of a particular activity or subject. Join Beth and DJ as they try and figure out life, one conversation at a time.

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