

Conversations examining the political legacies of Māori politicians.

  1. EPISODE 1

    Paula Bennett

    Paula Bennett quickly became a breakout star in Parliament. But the former National Party MP opens up on the brutal leadership coup that sealed her fate. Watch the video version of the episode here *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Paula Bennett Paula Bennett quickly became a breakout star in Parliament. But the former National Party MP opens up on the brutal leadership coup that sealed her fate. "They needed to grow some" - Bennett's scathing review of the National caucus and what led to one of the party's worst ever election defeats. In her first candid interview about the ordeal and the insult which followed, the former National MP sat down with Mātangireia presenter Maiki Sherman. Paula Bennett is one of the most recognisable faces in recent political history. Charismatic and hard-working, her steely determination saw her quickly rise through the ranks of the National Party. Coveting a range of ministerial portfolios, she formed part of the inner circle to one of the country's most popular prime ministers, Sir John Key. The self-proclaimed 'westie' would also go on to serve as deputy prime minister under Sir Bill English. Bennett's end in politics, however, will forever be a bruising one. A leadership challenge saw Simon Bridges tossed out by the caucus, and Bennett along with him as deputy leader. The assessment of her caucus colleagues in the leadership coup was scathing. "They needed to grow some," she said. "Too many of them had had it too easy to be quite blunt with you. They hadn't gone through what we'd just been through in the last six months." Bennett said the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic dominated headlines and made it difficult for the opposition to gain cut-through. Some within the caucus saw an opportunity to roll the leadership. "They needed to take a breath and just sort of work their way through it. But there were forces that were bigger. "At some level I just thought well, Simon and I are just going to be constantly kind of undermined from within, and caucus will decide its own destiny." National MPs Todd Muller and Nikki Kaye emerged victorious, as leader and deputy leader respectively. "I was hurt...I felt that I'd given not just 15 years but 20 years to this party," she said. Bennett said what took place next added insult to injury. Following the leadership change that Friday, she received an early morning call on Sunday from Muller… Go to this episode on for more details

    45 min
  2. EPISODE 2

    Georgina Beyer

    Georgina Beyer knows all about breaking barriers - becoming the first transgender MP in the world. But what is her biggest regret as a Māori MP in Parliament? Content warning: This article discusses suicide and could be distressing for some people. Watch the video version of the episode here *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Georgina Beyer Georgina Beyer knows all about breaking barriers - becoming the first transgender MP in the world. But what is her biggest regret as a Māori MP in Parliament? "A disaster, an absolute nightmare... it was one of the largest proposed confiscations from Māori, in modern times". The former Labour Party MP describes the fallout over the Foreshore and Seabed legislation to Matangireia presenter Scott Campbell. Beyer never shies away from the painful path she took to becoming one of New Zealand's most trailblazing politicians. Beyer's list of achievements are extensive - a drag queen, a sex worker, an actor, an activist, a Mayor, and a MP. In fact, when elected in 1999, she was the world's first transgender Member of Parliament, becoming known for her bold and colourful exterior. But her story is one of pain, adversity, and fear - and it's also one of courage and bravery. Beyer was born George. Her biological father was a policeman who was sent to jail, leaving her mother to fend for herself and two young children. Raised by her grandparents, until her mother remarried, she describes life in the Beyer household as "mildly well-off". Her stepfather Colin was a barrister and solicitor. From around four years old, Beyer started to secretly express her feminine side through theatre, dressing up and acting. "If I was caught or discovered, or anything like that, it would be dealt with physical punishment, corporal punishment - beatings, hidings, things like that, to beat it out of me." At 16 years old, George became Georgina, but the abuse followed her from home to the streets. As a sex worker, she was confronted daily with physical and verbal abuse from members of the public. "It drove me to suicide... to attempt suicide on three times, in my young life," Beyer said, "I had been pack-raped in Sydney in 1979, which was a terrifying, horrifying experience, and the law didn't defend me." After working in a gay night club in Auckland, she moved from the glitzy lights of Karangahape Road to conservative back blocks of the Wairarapa. It was in Carterton Beyer's career in politics began… Go to this episode on for more details

    46 min
  3. EPISODE 3

    Ron Mark

    In 1996, New Zealand First shook up the political landscape. And for 25 years, former MP Ron Mark stood by the party and its enigmatic leader. Watch the video version of the episode here. *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Ron Mark. In 1996 New Zealand First shook up the political landscape. And for 25 years Former MP Ron Mark stood by the party and its enigmatic leader. "Loyalty demands you stand by your boss and stand by your leader" - Ron Mark speaking to Mantangireia presenter Mihingarangi Forbes on his time in the army and his unwavering service to New Zealand First. Ron Mark is a staple of New Zealand politics. The former New Zealand First MP's political career spans 26 years and he's certainly no stranger to many. But it wasn't until he was in his 30s he found out the meaning of his own name and whakapapa. "I was brought up as a foster kid and there's a lot about myself I never knew for a long time." Ron Mark's full Māori name is Rongowhitiao Maaka. The name belonged to Ron Mark's grandfather and was passed down to him as the eldest grandson. "I guess back in that time people chose not to use their Māori name, or they found it challenging when Pākehā and others couldn't pronounce their name," Mark said. "So he shortened his name, he used the name Ron Mark as opposed to Rongowhitiao Maaka." Growing up in the state care system was often tough, but Mark found comfort with several good foster families. Among them were war veterans who would become uncles, later inspiring a career in the military. "When other kids wanted to be doctors, and nurses, and policemen, and go to university, I just wanted to be a soldier," he said. He recalled when an uncle spoke to him about the courageous Māori Battalion. "He said to me, 'you know, Ronnie, if you'd seen what I saw the 28th Māori Battalion do in Egypt, in Africa and in Italy, you would forever be proud that you're Māori, don't ever forget that'... and that stuck with me for years," he said. Ron Mark joined the army at 16 years old and was surprised at the number of Māori boys who came from the same background as him. "Nothing was ever expected of them... in fact, that's what my deputy principal said after he caned me on my final day at school, signed my leaving certificate and told me to get out." Mark said the army instantly felt like family. "It was strange, I met these guys and you just had this natural affinity towards each other, they became your brothers."… Go to this episode on for more details

    43 min
  4. EPISODE 4

    Hone Harawira

    From the frontline of protests to the corridors of Parliament, former Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira reflects on a lifetime of service to Māori. Watch the video version of the episode here *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Hone Harawera From the frontline of protests to the corridors of Parliament - Former Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira reflects on a lifetime of service to Māori. "Not for one second" - Hone Harawira has no regrets over leaving the Māori Party and using the term "white motherf*****" as he reflects on his career in politics to Mantangireia presenter Maiki Sherman. Hone Harawira is a straight shooter - he calls it like he sees it. It's a roughshod approach that's worked for him and for which he makes no apology. From frontline protests across the country to the leather-lined seats of the debating chamber at Parliament, Hone Harawira has been an unwavering voice for change. "We were really bulletproof... we could not be told we were wrong." As a young man he led several protests including against the Springbok Tour with the Patu Squad. "We got offside with a lot of people including a lot of our own people...but in those days there was a demand for change. "We were fighting apartheid but also using it as an opportunity to strike a blow against racism here in this country and that's what it was for a lot of us. Our apartheid, our racism was right here at home," he said. Domestic protest against the Labour government in 2004 would lead Hone Harawira on a pathway to Parliament. The Foreshore and Seabed debate gave birth to the Māori Party and Mr Harawira would win the Te Tai Tokerau electorate seat at the following general election. So, how was protest any different to politics? And what of the very public split from the Māori Party? "It was activism that was driving my career as an MP - my love for kaupapa Māori and for my colleagues - but I remained an activist," he said. He remembers the Māori Party's first years in parliament fondly. "They were great years, they were absolutely great years." A confidence and supply deal with National at the next election would spell an end to that. "The parting of the ways came because I felt that we were becoming a little too close to the National Party," he said… Go to this episode on for more details

    43 min
  5. EPISODE 5

    Te Ururoa Flavell

    In 2017, the Māori Party was voted out of Parliament - a loss which almost destroyed its former leader, Te Ururoa Flavell. Watch the video version of the episode here *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Te Ururoa Flavell In 2017 the Māori Party was voted out of Parliament - a loss which almost destroyed its former leader Te Ururoa Flavell. "It destroyed me and my belief in our people" - Te Ururoa Flavell opens up to Mantangireia presenter Maiki Sherman about that election defeat and the highs and lows of more than a decade with the Māori Party at Parliament. On the eve of the Foreshore and Seabed hīkoi in 2004 - Te Ururoa Flavell stood on the steps of Parliament. It was a cold night and the sun had long faded. He was with his future Māori Party MP Hone Harawira, going over the logistical details for the protest hīkoi the next day. Looking out from the steps that evening, Flavell recalls seeing two people walking out of Parliament - one being Dame Tariana Turia. "To see her walk out I was pretty in awe," he said. Ms Turia had not long left the Labour Party in protest over the foreshore and seabed debate, remaining in parliament as an independent MP. It was a loneliness, he said, that was evident that night. "I was taken aback," he said. "She's by herself, she's got nobody around her, nobody knows her in this place - or they don't want to know her because of her stand. "I was sort of moved and motivated by that to think, jeez we've got to look after her and support her on this because she's by herself." The next day, tens of thousands of people made their voices heard during the Foreshore and Seabed hīkoi. From that protest and unity, the Māori Party was born, and Dame Tariana Turia and Sir Pita Sharples led the party into parliament alongside Te Ururoa Flavell and Hone Harawira. It would be the start of a 12 year career in Parliament for Te Ururoa Flavell. "Being away from home, being away from partners, from tamariki, it was huge. "To be truthful... probably after a year I wanted to go home," he said. It was a feeling which remained but one he would push aside in order to represent those who put their faith in him. "I was never ever comfortable in this place if I put my hand on my heart. "It was just hard. Just emotionally, physically hard, and the funny thing is when I finished here, it was hard to leave," he said. One of the early challenges for Te Ururoa Flavell was the breakdown within the caucus regarding fellow MP Hone Harawira… Go to this episode on for more details

    46 min
  6. EPISODE 6

    Denise Roche

    Former Green MP Denise Roche remembers the day she revealed in Parliament she was a survivor of sexual abuse - and taking a stand against then-Prime Minister John Key. Content warning: This article discusses sexual violence and could be distressing for some people. Watch the video version of the episode here. *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Denise Roche Former Green MP Denise Roche remembers the day she revealed in Parliament she was a survivor of sexual abuse - and taking a stand against then Prime Minister John Key. "His political persona I thought was just shockingly horrible and reeking of a type of privilege and elitism which I just find offensive to the very core." Former Green MP Denise Roche shares her opinion on former Prime Minister John Key to Mantangireia presenter Scott Campbell. Denise Roche is a politician who knows what it means to take a stand. In 2015, The Green MP and other politicians walked out of Parliament's Debating Chamber in protest. This came after then Prime Minister John Key accused the Labour Party of "backing the rapists" - his way of describing New Zealand detainees being held on Christmas Island in Australia. "I have no sense of the man - of the person," Roche said of Key. "His political persona I thought was just shockingly horrible and reeking of a type of privilege and elitism which I just find offensive to the very core". Opposition MPs demanded Key apologise. He wouldn't. They requested the Speaker make him. He wouldn't. At the time he was considered one of the most popular Prime Ministers of all time. "I think people like, you know a jokie white guy who's gonna make you chuckle and might be useful on the barbecue kind of guy," Roche said. "But he was deeply offensive to so many people." By walking out of the debating chamber that day, Ms Roche and Opposition MPs had also revealed they were survivors of sexual abuse. It was a brave call and Denise Roche remembers feeling scared and panicked. She was worried not about herself, but about the impact on all women - including her sisters and daughters. "This is where you get the mad, sad and bad kinda reputation from 'oh she survived sexual abuse she must be completely f***ed up." But, her children were proud of their mum's stance. "It's like people with mental health issues do you disclose this publicly because you will wear this - and people will judge you." Denise Roche went to Parliament, like many aspiring politicians to change the world… Go to this episode on for more details

    43 min
  7. EPISODE 7

    Dover Samuels

    Former Labour Party MP Dover Samuels is a veteran of Māori politics. But on his rise to prominence, a political scandal threatened to derail his career. Watch the video version of the episode here *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Dover Samuels Former Labour Party MP Dover Samuels is a veteran of Māori politics. But on his rise to prominence - a political scandal threatened to derail his career. "I had all the bloody undercover agents knocking on my door in the Beehive... 'you should resign, you should resign'... I refused, simple as that - so I got sacked." Dover Samuels opens up to Mantangeria presenter Mihingarangi Forbes about the unfounded sex crime allegation which lost him his ministerial portfolio. Before entering politics - Dover Samuels had already seen and experienced more than most people. As a young boy he was part of the generation caned for speaking Māori at school. As a young man he served in the air-force, and later moved to Australia to perform with the Māori showbands. Dover Samuels entered Parliament in 1996 as a list MP for the Labour Party and quickly rose through the ranks of the Labour Party under the leadership of Helen Clark. And in 1999 there was change in the air as the Labour Party swept into power. The Te Tai Tokerau was part of that change - being appointed Minister of Māori Affairs and becoming the highest ranked Māori MP in the Labour caucus. But just a year into his tenure - he would be left fighting for his political survival. Samuels became the subject of a police investigation into alleged historical sex crimes. He was later cleared, but never regained his former ministerial portfolio. "It was an interesting part of my political life. It was interesting because you begin to see through the veil of hypocrisy," he said. Samuels points the finger at former ACT leader Richard Prebble, claiming he was the "architect" in parliament who pushed for the allegations to be escalated and investigated. "I regret not smacking him between the eyes... not giving him an uppercut if you like." The Prime Minister at the time, Helen Clark, stripped Mr Samuels of his Māori Affairs portfolio. "I had all the bloody undercover agents knocking on my door in the Beehive... "you should resign, you should resign"... I refused, simple as that - so I got sacked." Once the political storm passed - Dover Samuels was cleared of any wrongdoing - with his whānau eventually receiving an apology… Go to this episode on for more details

    42 min
  8. EPISODE 8

    Harete Hipango

    Former National MP Harete Hipango may have had a short stint in Parliament. But the Whānganui lawyer has a long history of fighting for her people. Watch the video version of the episode here. *The views expressed in this interview are the honestly held opinion of Harete Hipango who is speaking as a former member of Parliament at the time of recording. Former National MP Harete Hipango may have had a short stint in Parliament. But the Whanganui lawyer has a long history of fighting for her people. "I was assaulted by the police in the courthouse because I was Māori" - Harete Hipango talks with Mantangireia presenter Maiki Sherman about her career as a Māori lawyer, and later a National Party MP. In the world of politics Harete Hipango is a name which remains relatively unknown. The one-term National MP barely had time to familiarise herself with the rabbit warren that is Parliament, before losing her seat during last year's bruising election defeat. "Three years went by too quickly... not nearly enough was done and achieved," she said. Harete Hipango is however a household name amongst her people of the Whanganui River. A descendent of a prominent whānau within the area, she served as a criminal defence lawyer representing the collective and individual voices of her people for decades. One of the cases she was involved in was the 1995 land occupation of Moutoa Gardens, led by Te Rūnanga o Pākaitore. Having repossessed the disputed land block the occupation lasted 79 days and sparked a standoff with local police. "I haven't spoken publicly about this, but the journey that I went on was one of real struggle and hardship," she said. "I was treated appallingly by the justice system, by the police, by the court's staff, by the judges, by my colleagues - because I was a Māori woman and I was down there amongst my people, but I was also seen by my people, some, as kūpapa because I worked in the courts." Holding back tears she recalled one day in particular during the land occupation. "I was assaulted by the police in the courthouse because I was Māori - no doubt in my mind about that at all, whatsoever," she said. Walking into the courtroom as a duty lawyer, police demanded they search her. "I got searched, I mean patted down the full body search by male police officers. I had two police officers come up to me to restrain me physically, then I had about another two come up and my arm was forced up behind my back. "They body slammed me up into the wall."… Go to this episode on for more details

    44 min



Conversations examining the political legacies of Māori politicians.

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