Humor: Your 7th Sense

Phil and Susan Sorentino
Humor:  Your 7th Sense

Create Total Life Enjoyment

  1. Selling in The Garden


    Selling in The Garden

    Welcome to a deeply reflective and spiritual episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." Today, we delve into a thought-provoking narrative about Jesus in the Garden conversing with his father, God. In this heartfelt conversation, Jesus opens with a respectful and loving greeting to his father, seeking His divine guidance. Jesus contemplates the miracles they have performed together, healing the blind, enabling the lame to walk, and bringing joy to Lazarus and his family. He acknowledges the happiness these miracles have brought to those they touched. However, Jesus has a profound question for God. He proposes a plan: "What if you let me stay here a little longer, just a couple more years?" He asks God to envision the impact of their continued work. With 10 healings in the morning, 10 in the afternoon, totaling 20 a day, six days a week, Jesus paints a vivid picture of how their love, light, and truth could spread. He implores, "Can you just give me a couple more years?" Undeterred, Jesus returns for a second attempt, proposing a different time frame - the fall season. He suggests that since everything is dying in the fall, it would be an ideal time for their mission. He understands that some may not fully comprehend the spiritual nature of their mission and mistakenly view it as a victory of the flesh, marked by violence. Jesus sees it as a victory of the spirit. He seeks God's approval, saying, "If you give me the summer, I think I can work with the boys." In one last appeal, Jesus presents a different proposal - the spring, symbolizing a new beginning. He highlights the significance of this season, emphasizing the need for divine intervention. Jesus recognizes that it's a challenging task to convey the importance of the spiritual journey to those around Him. In a final plea, Jesus mentions a Monday, a day often associated with a fresh start but typically disliked by many. He cleverly suggests that if God grants Him the weekend, He will enact His plan, leading to a "Good Friday" that will fulfill God's divine will. This poignant narrative serves as a reminder of the spiritual depth and profound connection between Jesus and God. It prompts reflection on the importance of timing, seasons, and divine purpose in the grand design of life. Join us in this contemplative episode as we explore these timeless themes and seek to understand the significance of divine timing. Support this podcast at —

    2 min
  2. Being A Salesperson


    Being A Salesperson

    Welcome to another episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, and joining me is Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants. Today, we're diving into the world of salesmanship, but not in the way you might traditionally think. We're redefining sales as a form of communication aimed at achieving a mutually beneficial outcome for all parties involved. Phil opens the discussion by sharing his personal journey as someone gifted with the ability to talk, but who discovered that his "gift of gab" didn't always serve him well in sales. He references popular sayings like "It's better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubts" and "The steam that blows the whistle doesn't make the engine run." These anecdotes underscore the importance of effective communication beyond mere talking. Phil also shares a valuable lesson he learned from a hermit: "Appreciate the silence between the words." This wisdom highlights the significance of listening and giving space in conversations. To be a great communicator, Phil emphasizes the need to be a great listener, employing techniques like the "echo technique" to show active engagement and understanding when conversing with others. One of the key principles in sales and communication that Phil discusses is the importance of prioritizing the other person's interests over your own. He offers a practical example where a simple shift in approach can turn a request into a win-win situation. Instead of a direct request to his wife to pick up his suit at the dry cleaners, he reframes it by asking if there's a way they can get to a party on time, creating an opportunity for her to willingly help. This highlights the power of empathy and considering the other person's perspective. In conclusion, Phil reinforces that great salespeople are great listeners, skilled question-askers, and experts at understanding and satisfying the needs of all parties involved. Sales is not just about selling a product; it's about effective communication and achieving mutually agreed-upon outcomes that benefit everyone. So, whether you're in sales or simply looking to enhance your communication skills, there's valuable insight in this episode for everyone. Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on "Humor: Your 7th Sense." Support this podcast at —

    2 min
  3. Phil Sorentino speaking at National Emergency Number Association - 911


    Phil Sorentino speaking at National Emergency Number Association - 911

    Welcome to another insightful episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, and today, we're embarking on a journey of choices, perspectives, and the power of having more fun in every aspect of life. Whether you're a 911 professional, a parent, or just someone looking to lighten up, this episode has something for you. Phil kicks off the episode with a playful audience engagement, prompting everyone to write two words on their handouts: "My Choices." He sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of the decisions we make in life and how they shape our experiences. He poses the question: "What do you, your audience, your coworkers, and your children be, do, have, and give when you're not around?" The heart of the discussion revolves around the concept of priorities and the order in which we should approach life. Phil challenges the conventional wisdom that we must first do things to have things, and only then can we be happy or loving. Instead, he proposes a different order: "Be loving, be forgiving, be grateful, and you'll do the things that loving, forgiving people do. Then you'll have what you're supposed to have. Then you'll be able to give." The episode delves into the significance of our sense of humor and how it reflects our attitude and perspective on life. Phil emphasizes the importance of letting go of past burdens and embracing the present. He reminds us that happiness, peace of mind, and better relationships are choices within our control. In a lighthearted moment, Phil engages the audience in an imaginative exercise involving an imaginary lemon, demonstrating the profound impact words and thoughts can have on our physical responses. This serves as a reminder of the power our words hold and encourages us to use them to add value to people's lives. In closing, Phil encourages listeners to reflect on what they can do, have, and give to infuse more fun into their work, family life, and self. It's a call to action, a reminder that we hold the reins to our own happiness and that choices matter. So, as you listen to this episode, consider what choices you can make to have more fun and live a more fulfilling life. Support this podcast at —

    9 min
  4. How People Make You Feel


    How People Make You Feel

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, accompanied by Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're delving deep into the realm of emotions, beliefs, and the power of self-awareness. Have you ever found yourself telling someone, or even yourself, that you shouldn't feel a certain way? It's a common tendency, but as Phil points out, it might just be one of the most foolish things we can say. Your feelings are like the thermometer of your soul, and denying them is akin to placing a sticker over your car's gas gauge and pretending there's no issue. In this episode, Phil and Susan explore the wisdom of acknowledging your feelings and embracing them. They reference the "Asking It is Given" book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which introduces the concept of a 22-point emotional guidance scale. This scale ranges from feelings of contentment to pessimism, blame, worry, and even fear and despair. It serves as a valuable tool to help you understand where you are emotionally and where you'd like to be. The discussion doesn't stop there. Phil encourages listeners to consider their thoughts, beliefs, and actions in the context of their feelings. He highlights the importance of being present in the moment, shedding worries about the past and future, and embracing the power of belief systems. As Phil wisely states, "Fate without works is dead," emphasizing the need for aligned actions with your beliefs. Moreover, the episode explores the concept that you cannot outgive yourself in a world of abundance. What you focus on is what you'll find, whether it's good or lack. Phil's engaging example of feeling one's underwear showcases the power of focus in our lives. In essence, this episode serves as a guide to self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and the path to success and happiness. Phil and Susan challenge listeners to honestly examine their feelings, thoughts, beliefs, actions, possessions, and contributions to create a formula for a fulfilling life that makes the world a better place. It's a thought-provoking journey towards personal growth and understanding. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in! Support this podcast at —

    4 min
  5. How to Change Your Perspective


    How to Change Your Perspective

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, joined by Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're delving into the profound concept that humor is your seventh sense, and it's a culmination of the information processed through your other six senses. Humor is essentially your unique perspective on the world, but what if you find that your attitude or perspective isn't quite to your liking? That's where the real question arises - what do you do about it? Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Wayne Dyer, we explore the idea that when an orange is squeezed or subjected to pressure, what comes out of it is its juice, regardless of the type of pressure applied. The same principle applies to us as individuals. When life exerts pressure on us, whether it's financial, relational, or related to our careers, what surfaces is what's inside us. If love, forgiveness, and compassion are what manifest during challenging times, then that's the essence of who we are. But if fear, jealousy, defeat, and negativity emerge, then that too reflects our innermost self. Here's the profound insight - if you find that you don't like what's coming out of you when the pressure is on, the solution is to start putting something different in. Fill your mind and heart with positive influences - read inspirational books, watch uplifting movies, and surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than bring you down. In this episode, we explore how you can transform your inner world by choosing the thoughts and influences you expose yourself to. Remember, when the pressure's on, and you don't like what's coming out, it's time to start putting something different in. Join us as we delve deeper into this transformative concept. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in! Support this podcast at —

    2 min
  6. 6 Reasons Why To Have Fun At Work


    6 Reasons Why To Have Fun At Work

    Welcome to another insightful episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, joined by Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're diving into a topic that's both important and often overlooked - having fun at work. We all spend a significant portion of our lives at work, so why not infuse it with enjoyment and a little humor? We've gathered six compelling reasons to emphasize the importance of fun in the workplace. First, consider that leisure time has dwindled over the past 15 years, decreasing by 40%. With work occupying such a substantial portion of our lives, why not make it enjoyable? Secondly, the New American workforce is self-motivated by encouraging fun and creativity. When people are given the freedom to enjoy their work, they become more driven and passionate about what they do. In turn, this boosts productivity and communication among team members, forming stronger bonds. Furthermore, fostering an atmosphere of enjoyment eliminates common workplace issues like conflict, boredom, anxiety, and fatigue. It creates a more comfortable and harmonious work environment. This positive culture attracts and retains talented individuals, ensuring that the workplace is filled with motivated and skilled staff. Lastly, the financial benefits of having fun at work should not be underestimated. Research shows that for every 1% increase in employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction increases by 3%, resulting in a remarkable 4% boost in sales. So, not only is having fun at work a recipe for a happier and more harmonious environment, but it's also financially rewarding. Join us as we explore the numerous advantages of infusing fun and enjoyment into your work life. Remember, if you're not having fun at work, you're not doing it right. So, go out there, enjoy yourself, your work, and each other. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in! Support this podcast at —

    1 min
  7. How to Enjoy Being Your Best


    How to Enjoy Being Your Best

    Welcome to another episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, alongside Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today, we're here to explore a fascinating topic - how to not just be your best but also enjoy the journey of self-improvement. Many of us have heard the advice to "be your best," but have we ever been given permission to relish the process? That's precisely what we'll discuss. We kick things off with a thought-provoking question: What nation boasts the greatest population, the lowest gross national product, and the highest crime rate? The answer: Procrastination. Our first point is all about defeating procrastination by adopting the habit of completing tasks. It's in finishing things that we find a sense of accomplishment. Second, we delve into the importance of savoring life itself. Discover what truly brings you pleasure and make an effort to include those activities in your daily routine. Create a joy list, a catalog of activities that bring you happiness. Next, we encourage you to have a little fun with stress and distress. Train yourself to find the humor in challenging situations, and you'll harness stress as a catalyst for success. Taking time to relax and do nothing is another crucial aspect of self-improvement. In today's fast-paced world, we often forget to slow down and recharge. We discuss the imbalance between the vast amount of information we consume and the time we allocate to process it. A call to meditation and introspection emerges as a solution. We emphasize that worrying is essentially meditating for negative outcomes, and it's time to shift our mental habits. Being your best doesn't mean striving for perfection. It means being willing to take risks, think outside the box, and adapt to new situations. We explore the value of defining problems thoroughly before seeking solutions and encourage you to ask, "Why can't I be committed to this?" to uncover the root of your challenges. Decisiveness is key - even not making a decision is a decision in itself. Embrace the inevitability of making mistakes, as progress often arises from them. And finally, we leave you with a profound message to appreciate the silence between words, offering wisdom from a hermit who knows the value of listening. Join us in this episode as we explore how to enjoy the journey of becoming your best self. Love you all, and thanks for tuning in! Support this podcast at —

    3 min
  8. Daily Mental Shower


    Daily Mental Shower

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Humor: Your 7th Sense." I'm Phil Sorentino, here with Susan Sorentino, the Original Humor Consultants, and today we're diving into the concept of your daily mental shower – a vital practice to cleanse and nourish your mind and spirit. Just like we cleanse and nourish our bodies every day, it's essential to do the same for our minds and spirits. We explore the idea of what Phil calls "spiritual puke." Just as physical puke provides relief, when we unload negativity and toxic thoughts, we feel better. However, it's crucial to recognize that our negativity can affect others too, just like a chain reaction of puking. Zig Ziglar's phrase "stinking thinking" perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon. To combat this, we introduce a self-improvement process, represented by the acronym S-I-P. "S" stands for sales, emphasizing that we are all salespeople in some form, as we communicate to produce mutually beneficial outcomes. "I" stands for inspiration, encouraging listeners to find sources of inspiration in their lives. Phil shares how his children inspire him, challenging the notion of pride. Instead of pride, we can say we're inspired by our loved ones. Finally, "P" stands for your product or profession. Continuous learning is essential in today's rapidly changing world, and staying a student of your industry is key to success. So, join us as we discuss the importance of your daily mental shower, including improving communication, finding inspiration, and deepening your knowledge of your product or profession. It's a recipe for a better day and a brighter outlook. Stay tuned, have some fun, and let's cleanse and nourish our minds together! Support this podcast at —

    3 min


Create Total Life Enjoyment

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