Diary, She Wrote

Diary She Wrote, Liz Beardsell
Diary, She Wrote

“The millennial Bridget Jones. The new voice of a generation.” Grazia UK. A raw, relatable and binge-worthy storytelling podcast made from over 10,000 intimate diary entries. Listen to Liz Beardsell share vulnerable and unapologetically honest true stories about the complexities of sex, modern dating and relationships. The podcast is made up of 3 series in total and listeners are encouraged to start listening from the beginning, from Series 1, Episode 1 - Dexter Turner where the story begins. Winner of "Moment of Touching Honesty" at the International Women's Podcast Awards 2021.

  1. 06/27/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 23 - That Drunk Girl Crying On The Train

    The last we heard from Dexter Turner was in November 2018 when I was in Paris for my 37th birthday, he rang and then looked into Eurostar tickets to see if he could afford to join me for a night. He didn’t, but of course that was never going to be the last time I heard from him... Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Dexter Turner - A guy who briefly entered and quickly exited my life on a number of occasions and unjustifiably has become one of those people who is hard to shake off and annoyingly someone I’m quite fond of. Beth - My best mate Rowan - One of my best mates who I met in my single years Grace - One of my best mates who I met in my single years Hayley, Nina, Ryan, Jade, Tori, Monty - London friends George - An amazing man who I dated for 3 months Maya - A girl I met in a Club in Nottingham, had what I thought was a one night stand, but it turned into something a little more complicated. Eric - A guy I dated Isaac - A London friend and the first man I fancied after ending an 11 year relationship Billie - A holiday fling Entertainment References: Barbican - Beatie Wolfe, From Red to Green - An Environmental Statement of our Times https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2019/event/from-green-to-red He’s Just Not That Into You https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He's_Just_Not_That_Into_You_(film) Friends With Benefits https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_with_Benefits_(film) Millennial Love Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/millennial-love/id1286791385 Constellations https://www.robertrowlandsmith.com/ Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    21 min
  2. 06/20/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 22 - Man, We Kicked Ass

    I didn’t experience your standard university life, from 2000 - 2003 I went to a tiny little art college in Epsom, called The Surrey Institute of Art & Design to study Fashion Promotion & Illustration. There were probably only about 1,500 students on campus, no halls of residence, only student houses, the cafeteria doubled up as the student union bar and the opening of a new Yates & Wetherspoons was as exciting as it got. There were 2 locations you could loosely call a club, and then there was the Odeon cinema. I found the first year very up and down. I am dramatically hating life one day and then loving it the next. For the most part I was jealous of my school friends living out the stereotypical student life in city centres like Leeds, Sheffield and Liverpool. I didn’t appreciate the new friendships I was building, as I was comparing 6-month friendships to ones that I had cultivated over 6 years and in my first year of uni I was obsessed with wanting to be friends with the group I deemed to be the popular & cool crowd. At school, everyone knew me, and I found it so difficult to suddenly be in a space where no one cared who I was. I don’t have any student stories or endless drinking or constant partying. But what I will share are my coming of age experiences over my 3 years at uni; moving away from home for the first time, making new friends, learning how to self motivate, recognising my potential and finding a career focussed job in the industry I had aspired to work in since religiously watching The Clothes Show on TV every Sunday night as a teenager. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Beth - My best mate Ashley, Ellie, Dawn, Sally, Harriet, Amber, Erica - Some of my oldest friends Dan - My ex boyfriend who I spent 11 years with from 2001 - 2012 Locations: The Surrey Institute of Art & Design - Now called https://www.uca.ac.uk/life-at-uca/locations/epsom/ Odeon Epsom https://www.odeon.co.uk/cinemas/epsom/ Wetherspoons Cheadle Hulme https://www.greatukpubs.co.uk/kings-tap-cheadle-hulme?utm_source=google&utm_medium=local_seo_gmb&utm_content=website Topshop Oxford Circus https://www.businessoffashion.com/news/retail/topshops-flagship-oxford-street-store-up-for-sale Entertainment References: The Clothes Show https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Clothes_Show Harry Potter 2001 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_Stone_(film) Graduate Fashion Week https://www.graduatefashionweek.com/ Helmet Newton Photo Machine https://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/168/1/topshops-newton-machine Topshop Unique LFW https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2006-ready-to-wear/topshop-unique Dazed and Confused https://www.dazeddigital.com/ Twenty Twenty Podcast https://messageheard.com/podcasts/twenty-twenty-pop-culture-podcast Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    29 min
  3. 06/13/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 21 - WTF

    This story is taken from a 7 month period from November 2018 - May 2019 and it follows 3 overlapping dating encounters with; Miles, Clive & tall Neil, all with very different and unexpected outcomes. Sometimes you get what you want out of dating, sometimes you don’t and sometimes you end up with a total surprise. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Miles - A guy I dated Jack - An amazing man who I dated for 2 months Elliot Lite - A Parisian fling Clive - A guy I dated Reggie - A guy I dated George - An amazing man who I dated for 3 months Tall Neil - A guy I dated Dan - My ex boyfriend who I spent 11 years with from 2001 - 2012 Beth - My best mate Morgan, Ned, Michelle & Heather - A London friend Locations: Victoria Park https://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/leisure_and_culture/parks_and_open_spaces/victoria_park/victoria_park.aspx 100 Club https://www.the100club.co.uk/ The Victoria http://www.jaguarshoes.com/venues/the-victoria/ 3 Compasses https://www.3compasses.com/ The Spread Eagle https://www.thespreadeaglelondon.co.uk/ Star by Hackney Downs https://starbyhackneydowns.co.uk/ My Neighbours The Dumplings https://www.myneighboursthedumplings.com/ Pembury Tavern https://www.pemburytavern.co.uk/ The Good Egg https://www.thegoodegg.co/ Entertainment References: This Is England https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_England Christian Marclay - The Clock https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/exhibition/christian-marclay-clock Kate Tempest Running Upon The Wires https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/running-upon-the-wires-9781635570199/ Free Solo https://films.nationalgeographic.com/free-solo It’s Nice To Hear You Podcast https://www.itsnicetohearyou.com/ Cultural References: 5 languages of love; words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch https://www.5lovelanguages.com/ Arthur Aron Theory of the 36 questions https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0146167297234003 Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    27 min
  4. 06/06/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 20 - I'm Going To Corrupt You

    Unfortunately during my 8 years of dating I have been confronted with 4 different uncomfortable encounters, one was with Maya from Ep. 2 - The Hope and one was with James from Ep. 13 - I’ve Changed My Mind. On both of those occasions I was put in uncomfortable and non consensual situations. In this episode I look at 2 stories that draw attention to the safety of women and the instinctual decisions we need to make in the moment when it comes to heterosexual dating. At the time I was fresh into dating after a long term relationship with a very good man, so perhaps I was quite naive, always thinking I could bring out the best in someone and maybe a little bit vulnerable seeking and enjoying attention and quickly getting consumed in the moment. Fortunately neither of these stories were damaging, but I hope by sharing my experiences it will help others to recognise signs of discomfort, follow their instincts, create boundaries and have the confidence to leave difficult situations. Tinder launched in 2012, and in the summer of 2013 I remember a friend telling me about this new dating app, and how brilliant it was. I was still a bit of a snob about online dating but eventually I caved and soon got sucked into the world of modern dating. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Stephen Minder - My first Tinder experience Sam - A guy I dated Beth - My best mate Rowan - One of my best mates who I met in my single years Heather, Jessica, Adina, Stephanie and Melissa - London friends Frank - A Tinder match Isaac - A London friend and the first man I fancied after ending an 11 year relationship Locations: Broadway Market https://broadwaymarket.co.uk/ The Spurstowe Arms http://www.thespurstowearms.com/ The Cock https://www.facebook.com/CockTavernBrewPub/ Oslo http://oslohackney.com/ The Haggerston https://www.facebook.com/thehaggerston/ Pizza East http://www.pizzaeast.com/ Entertainment References: Tinder https://tinder.com Peaky Blinders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaky_Blinders_(TV_series) Candy Crush https://www.king.com/game/candycrush Ariel Too Big To Fail https://open.spotify.com/album/5vWp4E5iRzx8VEWmESUvl0 Refuge Charity: Refuge https://www.refuge.org.uk/ Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    22 min
  5. 06/06/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 19 - You're A Gold Nugget Welcomed To The Group

    Throughout your life, every now and then, you meet someone who goes on to change your life. You’ll have heard me talk a lot about Rowan throughout the podcast. I met Rowan in 2012 and over the course of time she changed my life for the better and I am incredibly grateful. We worked together for a few years where our friendship began to form, but it was only when she moved on to a new job that we really started to bond and she invited me into her world and to meet her friends and I was welcomed by an amazing group of people who went on to help shape my next chapter; they make me laugh, they inspire me and I learn so much from them and I am always in a very happy place when I’m with them. Between 2015 - 2019 we would always rent a house in the country to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Each year it was never the exact same group of friends, as some would have work or have family commitments or might be celebrating elsewhere, but that meant we could then invite others which allowed us to continue to expand the friendship circle. I’ve picked out 2 of our New Year celebrations, and with it being New Year there are quite a few drug references in this episode, but for me this is a story about the love of friendship, creating shared memories and the joy of merging friends. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Rowan - One of my best mates who I met in my single years Flossie, Jay, Cara, Walt, Anne, Ryan, Nina, Morgan, Adam, Chloe, Morgan, Tim, Dave, Mary - London friends Locations: Lumiere - now closed down http://lumierelondon.blogspot.com/ Tywyn Wales https://www.visitmidwales.co.uk/Tywyn-Tywyn/details/?dms=3&venue=1023165 Kings Lynn https://www.visitwestnorfolk.com/places/kings-lynn/ Entertainment References: Frozen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_(2013_film) 12 Years a Slave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_Years_a_Slave_(film) Elf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf_(film) Zootopia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zootopia The Mannequin Challenge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequin_Challenge Ecstasy: The Battle of Rave https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/p08qw04h Beats https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beats_(2019_British_film) Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    22 min
  6. 06/06/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 18 - Thank F*ck I'm Not A Handmaid

    In the 8 years I’ve been single I’ve had; many late night snogs, countless first dates, a few one night stands and occasionally just some really intense interactions. This episode is similar to the festival episode from series 2, rather than one overarching story, I’ve picked out a series of 8 short stories that involve a fleeting connection between me and one other person and somehow all made an impact in one way or another. I’ll share them in chronological order starting in 1994 with my first kiss. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Tim - My first kiss Matt - My first date Johnny - A one night stand Julian - A guy I dated Ian - A first date Graham - A first date Jimmy - My carpenter Harry - A first date Locations: Stockport Cinema http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/25390 Visions Video Bar - Now closed down https://www.facebook.com/visionsvideodalston/ Clapton Hart https://claptonhart.com/ Hunter S http://www.thehunter-s-pub.co.uk/ Duke of Wellington https://www.frontierpubs.co.uk/your-local/duke-of-wellington-dalston-pub/ Lambeth Country Show https://lambethcountryshow.co.uk/ Entertainment References: Oasis - Definitely Maybe https://open.spotify.com/album/3LzKUdUTdJb6P7xGN6SotC Blue - Parklife https://open.spotify.com/album/0YS25Dr3hMtMFlVTfuvzl4 Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_Forget_Your_Toothbrush Matilda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_(1996_film) The Handmaid’s Tale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Handmaid's_Tale_(TV_series) Get Birding Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/get-birding/id1551111133 Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    25 min
  7. 06/06/2021

    Series 3, Ep. 17 - Legs and Vaginas

    In this episode I share another modern dating story, looking at the excitement of meeting someone new, the confusion that comes with those first few dates; breaking down messages, interpreting gestures and trying to remember that we all communicate in very different ways. Follow: https://www.instagram.com/diaryshewrote/ Key Characters: Reggie - A guy I dated Paige, Chloe, John, Flossie, Faith, Cara - London friends Grace - One of my best mates who I met in my single year Beth - My best mate Paula - My therapist Jack - An amazing man who I dated for 2 months Rowan - One of my best mates who I met in my single years George - An amazing man who I dated for 3 months Locations: Springfield Park https://hackney.gov.uk/springfield-park Princess of Wales https://www.princessofwalesclapton.co.uk/ Cafe Miami - Now closed down https://www.facebook.com/cafemiamilondon/ Westbourne Pub https://www.thewestbourne.com/ Giant Steps http://www.giant--steps.com/ Jim’s Cafe https://jimscafe.co.uk/ The Elderfield https://www.theelderfield.co.uk/ Chatsworth Road http://www.chatsworthroade5.co.uk/ Entertainment References: Childish Gambino - This is America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY Christo Barrel Exhibition https://www.serpentinegalleries.org/whats-on/christo-and-jeanne-claude-barrels-and-mastaba-1958-2018/ Informer - Snow https://open.spotify.com/track/2LjiPAQOVazT8sRyXL3XRs The Sun and Her Flowers - Rupi Kaur https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35606560-the-sun-and-her-flowers LOVE https://www.netflix.com/title/80026506 In Good Company Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/in-good-company/id1294215581 Diary, She Wrote was produced by Liz Beardsell in partnership with Bird Lime Media with original music by Ethan Illingworth and artwork by Robbie Porter.

    29 min
out of 5
9 Ratings


“The millennial Bridget Jones. The new voice of a generation.” Grazia UK. A raw, relatable and binge-worthy storytelling podcast made from over 10,000 intimate diary entries. Listen to Liz Beardsell share vulnerable and unapologetically honest true stories about the complexities of sex, modern dating and relationships. The podcast is made up of 3 series in total and listeners are encouraged to start listening from the beginning, from Series 1, Episode 1 - Dexter Turner where the story begins. Winner of "Moment of Touching Honesty" at the International Women's Podcast Awards 2021.

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