LEO Round Table

Chip DeBlock
LEO Round Table

LEO Round Table is a nationally syndicated law enforcement talk show discussing today's news and issues from a law enforcement perspective. Their panelists are among a Who's Who of law enforcement professionals and attorneys from around the country. Five (5) podcast segments are produced every week Tue - Sat. For more information please go to LEOROUNDTABLE.COM.

  1. Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Put On Blast By Republicans In Congress - LEO Round Table S10E47

    7H AGO

    Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Put On Blast By Republicans In Congress - LEO Round Table S10E47

    06:21 President Trump addresses joint session of congress 11:08 Mayors of sanctuary cities put on blast by Republicans in Congress 17:54 Officers disciplined for using box cutter on a dead homeless man 26:24 PIT manuevers takedown highway suspects fleeing 33:54 Armed man fatally shot by officers during pursuit 41:49 Cops convicted for death of man reinstated LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 47 (2,394) filmed on 03/05/2024 1. President Trump addresses joint session of congress 2. https://apnews.com/article/congress-sanctuary-cities-trump-immigration-border-49766af8d0bad4be8b4e46d0ffa0ab02 3. https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/northern-utah/salt-lake-city-police-officers-disciplined-for-inappropriately-handling-dead-body-of-homeless-man 4. https://rumble.com/v6q4fc2-atlanta-ace-unit-arrest-5-people-after-they-use-the-pit-maneuver-to-end-a-p.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 5. https://rumble.com/v6pvsmk-elk-grove-pd-released-bodycam-of-police-shooting-killing-driver-who-shot-at.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 6. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/crime/dc-police-reinstate-officers-convicted-in-police-chase-that-killed-karon-hylton-brown-terence-sutton-andrew-zabavsky/65-0e74349e-21e5-4187-afc9-c87e91fefc02 Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Danny King (retired officer and use of force instructor) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    47 min
  2. Officer Had Milliseconds To Make A Very Important Decision On Video! LEO Round Table S10E46

    1D AGO

    Officer Had Milliseconds To Make A Very Important Decision On Video! LEO Round Table S10E46

    04:36 Governor commutes sentence of ex-cop convicted in fatal shooting 11:38 Cops justified in fatal shooting of unarmed suspect 20:19 Officer had milliseconds to make a very important decision 27:38 Man killed by family member's shotgun booby trap 30:02 Officer injured in shootout with armed man 36:43 Armed suspect shot in front of hospital 43:37 Navy reservist arrested for alleged bribery LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 46 (2,393) filmed on 03/04/2024 1. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/youngkin-commutes-sentence-of-ex-officer-who-killed-tysons-shoplifting-suspect/3856789/ 2. https://rumble.com/v6q2lzu-des-moines-police-officers-justified-in-fatally-shooting-of-unarmed-man-whe.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 3. https://rumble.com/v6q2kd0-douglas-county-sheriffs-office-releases-bodycam-video-of-jalin-seabron-fata.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 4. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/south-carolina-man-killed-family-members-shotgun-booby-trap-rcna194197 5. https://rumble.com/v6pvs7s-milwaukee-police-department-released-videos-of-a-fatal-shootout-that-injure.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 6. https://rumble.com/v6q2ite-reno-police-officers-fatally-shoots-armed-man-outside-a-hospital-after-a-hi.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 7. https://www.tampafp.com/navy-reservist-arrested-in-florida-for-allegedly-bribing-official-to-obtain-unauthorized-military-ids/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Bret Bartlett (retired police Captain) Randy Sutton (retired police Lieutenant) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    47 min
  3. Multiple Officers Surround Suspect’s Vehicle And Open Fire On Video! LEO Round Table S10E45

    2D AGO

    Multiple Officers Surround Suspect’s Vehicle And Open Fire On Video! LEO Round Table S10E45

    04:40 Study finds the bad effects of implicit biased training 13:14 Investigation ordered by President Trump into the cocaine found in Biden's White House 16:08 Cop shot and suspect fatally shot during foot chase 31:26 Multiple officers surround suspect’s vehicle and open fire on video 42:59 Kash Patel and Dan Bongino look into partnership with UFC LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 45 (2,392) filmed on 03/03/2024 1. https://www.lawofficer.com/study-the-failure-of-implicit-biased-training/ 2. https://www.lawofficer.com/trump-orders-investigation/ 3. https://rumble.com/v6pyc8k-police-release-bodycam-in-maricopa-shooting-that-left-1-suspect-dead-and-an.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 4. https://rumble.com/v6pvtz0-nassau-county-officer-fatally-shoots-suspect-through-his-windshield-after-a.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 5. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/patel-and-bongino-push-for-tougher-fbi-agents-with-ufc-training-liberals-lose-it-watch/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Jeff Niklaus (veteran & founder of Compliant Technologies) Jeff Wenninger (retired lieutenant and Founder & CEO of Law Enforcement Consultants, LLC) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    45 min
  4. Armed And Crazy Suspect Tries Taking Cruiser Before Getting Shot! LEO Round Table S10E44

    5D AGO

    Armed And Crazy Suspect Tries Taking Cruiser Before Getting Shot! LEO Round Table S10E44

    06:27 First phase of Epstein files released to journalists 14:02 Court case about how words can affect searches 23:07 DOJ removes cases alleging discriminatory police and firefighter hiring 27:21 Armed and crazy suspect tries taking cruiser before getting shot 42:03 Cops shoot man who tried running them over on video LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 44 (2,391) filmed on 02/28/2024 1. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/epstein-files-phase-one-released-to-independent-journalists-alina-habba-weighs-in-watch/ https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/non-disclosure-friday-february-28 2. https://www.police1.com/legal/words-matter-carefully-describe-the-place-to-be-searched 3. https://apnews.com/article/justice-department-police-firefighters-hiring-dei-cd39b931fdfa1fec74a25861755d8a51 4. https://rumble.com/v6pftyf-metro-police-fatally-shoots-man-after-he-crashes-into-cruiser-attempts-to-c.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 5. https://rumble.com/v6pts6u-body-camera-video-shows-man-drive-car-toward-jacksonville-officer-before-be.html?e9s=src_v1_upp Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Jeff Wenninger (retired lieutenant and Founder & CEO of Law Enforcement Consultants, LLC) Anthony Bandiero (retired sergeant and Senior Legal Instructor for Blue to Gold LE Training) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    48 min
  5. Bombshell Investigation Underway Of Comey’s Illegal Investigation Into Trump - LEO Round Table S10E43

    6D AGO

    Bombshell Investigation Underway Of Comey’s Illegal Investigation Into Trump - LEO Round Table S10E43

    07:01 Bombshell investigation underway of Comey’s illegal investigation into Trump 17:52 Trump rips security clearences from DC law firm tied to Jack Smith 23:22 AP News loses fight to regain press pool access 29:58 DOJ and its negative effects on communities for decades 37:38 Higher payments to come from social security for many public service workers and first responders 38:49 Suspect runs over officer and woman with car 41:15 Naked man assaults TSA officers in wild meltdown LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 43 (2,390) filmed on 02/26/2024 1. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/fbi-opens-investigation-into-james-comeys-honeypot-operations-spying-on-trump/ 2. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/trump-drops-the-hammer-strips-security-clearances-from-dc-law-firm-tied-to-jack-smith/ 3. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/legacy-media-loses-exclusive-access-trump-white-house-takes-control-watch/ 4. https://www.lawofficer.com/the-anatomy-of-a-scandal/ 5. https://www.police1.com/retirement-planning-resources/ssa-higher-payments-on-the-way-for-millions-of-former-public-workers 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbJhoU3QAXE&t=109s https://www.police1.com/officer-safety/video-driver-repeatedly-runs-over-fla-officer-pedestrian 7. https://www.tampafp.com/south-carolina-man-strips-naked-assaults-tsa-officers-in-indiana-airport-meltdown/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Dr. Travis Yates (retired major) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    45 min
  6. Shocking News As Whistleblower Testifies Destruction Of Evidence At The FBI! LEO Round Table S10E42

    FEB 27

    Shocking News As Whistleblower Testifies Destruction Of Evidence At The FBI! LEO Round Table S10E42

    05:42 Shocking news as whistleblower testifies destruction of evidence at the FBI 11:38 Kristi Noem reports that she has found some leakers at the DHS 24:27 Federal judge rules against the Associated Press 26:13 Trump shuts down the National Law Enforcement Accountability Database 34:30 Suspect who stabbed worker in the face fatally shot by cops 41:22 Administrator fired for debacle over Trump flag LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 42 (2,389) filmed on 02/26/2024 1. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/fbi-whistleblower-claims-the-agency-is-destroying-evidence-director-kash-patel-notified/ 2. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/kristi-noem-i-have-found-some-leakers-there-will-be-consequences-watch/ 3. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/karoline-leavitt-lets-the-associated-press-have-it-after-federal-judge-rules-against-them-watch/ 4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/feb/22/trump-administration-shuts-down-national-police-misconduct-database 5. https://rumble.com/v6p15n9-lapd-officers-fatally-shoots-suspect-after-he-stabbed-a-worker-in-the-face.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 6. https://www.telegram.com/story/news/local/2025/02/24/trump-flag-dispute-west-boylston-firing/79465135007/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Chuck Springer (retired lieutenant) Dr. Jeff Schwartz (Professor) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    45 min
  7. Stunning Drone Footage Shows Moments Suspect Goes Down By K-9! LEO Round Table S10E41

    FEB 26

    Stunning Drone Footage Shows Moments Suspect Goes Down By K-9! LEO Round Table S10E41

    09:48 Stunning drone footage shows moments suspect goes down by K-9 17:09 Jury recommends abolishing police department for reasons of corruption 25:58 Suspect with knife rushes at officer before being fatally shot 35:18 Cruiser crashes into car during call for backup 43:51 Man tied up with shoelaces after freaking out on plane LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 41 (2,388) filmed on 02/25/2024 1. https://rumble.com/v6n5k4l-sacramento-county-sheriffs-release-bodycam-drone-footage-of-a-suspect-being.html 2. https://apnews.com/article/hanceville-alabama-police-department-066c954c177f33feb96060df368eb093 3. https://rumble.com/v6ngstr-bellevue-police-fatally-shoots-67-year-old-man-armed-with-a-knife.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 4. https://rumble.com/v6nn246-akron-police-officer-crashes-into-driver-when-responding-to-a-backup-call.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 5. https://www.formerlawman.com/2025/02/flight-freakout-man-punches-seat-kicks-window-passengers-tie-him-up-with-shoelaces/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Bob Kroll (retired police Lieutenant) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    47 min
  8. Breaking News Unfolds As Dan Bongino Is Tapped To Become Deputy FBI Director! LEO Round Table S10E40

    FEB 25

    Breaking News Unfolds As Dan Bongino Is Tapped To Become Deputy FBI Director! LEO Round Table S10E40

    05:23 Breaking news unfolds as Dan Bongino is tapped to become FBI director 09:41 Border Czar Homan goes after the Boston Police Commissioner 23:07 Ex-cop convicted of homicide in fatal shooting of Christian Glass 31:47 Suspect fatally shot after engaging in a shootout with officers LEO Round Table (law enforcement talk show) Season 10, Episode 40 (2,387) filmed on 02/24/2024 1. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/blowback-monday-february-24-2025 2. https://www.rvmnews.com/2025/02/tom-homan-isnt-playing-im-coming-to-boston-and-im-bringing-hell-with-me-watch/ 3. https://apnews.com/article/police-shooting-christian-glass-colorado-4b7204f98a8acd3626c3d7768576f20d 4. https://rumble.com/v6o816o-akron-police-fatally-shoots-armed-man-in-shootout-following-a-traffic-stop.html?e9s=src_v1_upp/ Show Panelists and Personalities: Chip DeBlock (Host and retired police detective) Jeff Wenninger (retired lieutenant and Founder & CEO of Law Enforcement Consultants, LLC) Dan De La Cruz (President of Compliant Technologies) Related Events, Organizations and Books: Retired DEA Agent Robert Mazur's works: Interview of Bryan Cranston about him playing Agent Robert Mazur in THE INFILTRATOR film https://vimeo.com/channels/1021727 Trailer for the new book, THE BETRAYAL https://www.robertmazur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The-Betrayal-trailer-reMix2.mp4 Everything on Robert Mazur https://www.robertmazur.com/ The Wounded Blue - Lt. Randy Sutton's charity https://thewoundedblue.org/ Rescuing 911: The Fight For America's Safety - by Lt. Randy Sutton (Pre-Order) https://rescuing911.org/ Books by panelist and retired Lt. Randy Sutton: https://www.amazon.com/Randy-Sutton/e/B001IR1MQU%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share They're Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd - by Liz Collin (Lt. Bob Kroll's wife) https://thelieexposed.com/ Lt. Col. Dave Grossman - Books, Newsletter, Presentations, Shop, Sheepdogs https://grossmanontruth.com/ Sheriff David Clarke - Videos, Commentary, Podcast, Shop, Newsletter https://americassheriff.com/ Content Partners: Red Voice Media - Real News, Real Reporting https://www.redvoicemedia.com/shows/leo/ ThisIsButter - One of the BEST law enforcement video channels https://rumble.com/user/ThisIsButter The Free Press - LEO Round Table is in their Cops and Crimes section 5 days a week https://www.tampafp.com/ https://www.tampafp.com/category/cops-and-crime/ Video Show Schedule On All Outlets: http://leoroundtable.com/home/syndication/ Syndicated Radio Schedule: http://leoroundtable.com/radio/syndicated-radio-stations/ Sponsors: Galls - Proud to serve America's public safety professionals https://www.galls.com/leo Compliant Technologies - Cutting-edge non-lethal tools to empower and protect those who serve https://www.complianttechnologies.net/ Blue To Gold - training that is relevant and relatable to every street officer https://bluetogold.com/ The International Firearm Specialist Academy - The New Standard for Firearm Knowledge https://www.gunlearn.com/ MyMedicare.live - save money in Medicare insurance options from the experts http://www.mymedicare.live/

    46 min
out of 5
10 Ratings


LEO Round Table is a nationally syndicated law enforcement talk show discussing today's news and issues from a law enforcement perspective. Their panelists are among a Who's Who of law enforcement professionals and attorneys from around the country. Five (5) podcast segments are produced every week Tue - Sat. For more information please go to LEOROUNDTABLE.COM.

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